Mage Network

Chapter 1176

“Thank you.”

“Well? What do you say, Lord Tang Feng? You said these wild murals? No, this is what I should do. You paid me a lot of rewards and helped me revitalize my family. I really should say thank you. Lord Tang Feng. If it weren’t for me, our family would always be a little bitter worker who was hungry.”

“No, there are other things. Although you don’t know, I have to say thank you.”


Don old man really does not know, can not know. Tang Shidao can’t tell him anything. It’s something he can’t understand, and it’s something he doesn’t know. Strictly speaking, Don old man did not provide help, he only provided a revelation.


Tang Shidao got a revelation from him.

It is… positioning.

There is no 0 in Mage’s World, and the lowest is 1. This 1 can be infinitely small, so small that you can’t detect it, so small that you can’t understand it. However, it must exist. Mages believes that there is no real meaning of ‘0’, only 1 that can’t be found, and one that is too small to be distinguished.

Mage has a definition of ‘No’ but does not believe in ‘No’.


Nothing World.

Creation cloud map.

They all have ‘blank’ places, for example, the void of Void. Another example is the materialless place of World. However, this is just a definition. Mage does not believe that there is no magic in place. They only believe that… this ‘magic’ is too small, so small that no Mage can be perceived, so small that Force can be used, so it is treated as ‘No’.

The most obvious example.

Great exhaustion.

It can slowly reduce the magic until the surroundings become ‘No’. However, idiots know that the exhaustion itself is a magic. Magic is composed of ‘method’ and ‘energy’. In other words, the big exhaustion itself is the magic energy. Ability to generate a magic-free environment because its effects force the environment to become like this.

In other words.

Mage’s greatest pursuit is the same as the biggest difficulty. It is: positioning!

A kind of flame, how high is the highest temperature? Or, what is the highest temperature currently?

It requires a definition.

A kind of freezing, what level of freezing is required to be considered the lowest?

It also requires a definition.

Great Perfection is the definition of + above the definition, Great Perfection’s ‘infinite’ refers to the ‘have someone reached’ positioning plus ‘you can pursue higher’ permissions. Or, you have this qualification to step into this infinitely extended path. Every kind of Great Perfection is an infinite hope, and each road is different.

There are also many types of positioning.

What does Tang old man define?


Insects, fish, birds, beasts, people, demons, dragons, spirits, Voids There are countless races, countless lives. Tang old man not only represents people, he also represents a position in life: ordinary ordinary, middle middle, average average. In the middle of good and bad, Tang old man can form a line independently. Although there is no such line in reality, it can be defined in sentiment.

Oling said: The real strong only needs ideas.

Don old man did not provide an idea.


He offered a one.

Tang Shidao did one thing based on this one: to expand the lifeline bridge bloodline to reach 50% realm. It is half the distance from 100% Great Perfection and one step away from 101% beyond Great Perfection. However, just because of this step, it gave birth to a skill.

Its name is: from the palm of the hand!

It owns Void bloodline and virtual bloodline, and has Void meta-embryo and imaginary meta-embryo. Tang Shidao ‘death’ can be replaced by a space regeneration, which can be done long ago. However, since the reincarnation of the reincarnation of different reincarnation, it is different from Nirvana, it is more…free.

More simply.

Tang Shidao can now ‘kill’ himself with single thought and then respawn in Nothing World. Feeling bored, you can still kill yourself with single thought and return to Void again. Whether it’s self-death or someone else kills, Tang Shidao can’t die as long as it’s still in Void or No World. Or, as long as it is one of life and death, Tang Shidao can choose one.

Not only can you choose, but you can change the answer.

Of course, this does not mean unrivaled beneath the heavens.

Since the palm of the hand.

It also has limitations.

First of all.

This reincarnation is limited to Void and Void World. As far as Tang Shidao knows, it also includes the outside world and the creation cloud, which is everything that is known to him. However, since this definition is owned by the palm of the hand, it means that there may be a certain environment of ‘non-Void non-virtual.’ If there is such a place, the reincarnation is invalid, and the other Forces are unchanged.


The self-reincarnation of the reincarnation is safe and has no loss. However, it is not necessary to be killed by a strong enemy.

For example, the Scarecrow.

If it is killed by it, even if it can be revived, it is not necessarily ‘100% reincarnation’, and some things may be lost. Of course, it’s not certain that Tang Shidao only thinks there is such a possibility. Since the reincarnation has this definition, it means having the possibility beyond the definition.


From the palm of the hand, I can’t live without Olympus.

It is called reincarnation, and it is not in control of reincarnation. In theory, it really should be like this… control your own cycle.

“The ninth skill of life weaving must be related to reincarnation.” Tang Shidao is very sure.

There are two possibilities for the death of Snake Mage.

the first.

It and 72 people tried to construct an independent cycle, but failed, all hanged.


It and the 72 people experimented with the effect of independent reincarnation, went to an unknown place, not both Void and Void World, and it was equal to… all hung up.

Judging from the results of their legacy, the first one is probably the biggest.

However, Second Type may not be without.

Olympus wants to win Void.

Snake Mage and others want to ‘disengage’ Void.

In a sense… well, they are all crazy! Thoroughly + no helpless madman! This kind of person, you let them come back, they will do this, they don’t know how to write the dead words.

The restriction has…the actual is equal to no.

As far as is known, Tang Shidao can’t think of any way to really kill himself, except for the ‘scarred’ type of the scarecrow.

These tentaively are bad.


It is also beneficial to have a reincarnation.

First: it can be used without magic. However, no magic resurrection is an ordinary person, start again… Starting from the Yuanzu Yuanling, this foundation is already there, and the identity of the pro-son cannot be erased.

Second: It can be used without a body. Because the virtual world itself is the energy World, the reincarnation of the virtual world does not require the body. Relatively, the things that are affected by the loss can not be recovered, which is one of the disadvantages mentioned above.

Third: ignore the time limit.

The lifeline bridge bloodline is a special bloodline. Therefore, the reincarnation of the palm does not stipulate that it will be revived immediately after death. When you think about when to resurrect, when will it be resurrected. Even tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, and trillions of years have passed, and it has no effect on the reincarnation. As long as Void and Void World are unchanged, Tang Shidao wants to return when he wants to return.

Fourth: ignore the race. Yes, the reincarnation does not stipulate that Tang Shidao must be born again. It is also possible to change to a giant dragon or a demon.

As long as it is within the scope of knowledge.

Don’t even need to understand.

From the palm of the hand, it seems to be the knowledge base of the creation of the cloud map, and it is necessary to change which one.

“Only 50%.” Tang Shidao checked his ability to reincarnate and also lamented the difficulty of raising this bloodline.

It is impossible to practice.

At least, there is currently no way to cultivate.

The lifeline bridge bloodline has a very bad requirement: it can’t be in Void or virtual world cultivation, only outside the two, or between the two. In short, the lifeline bridge bloodline can’t be in Void cultivation, nor can it be in the virtual world cultivation. Tang Shidao tried, not in the creation of the cloud map, the creation of the cloud map is not between the two, probably both are a little bit.

With the ‘positioning’ of Don old man, I found a place.


I found a balance between life and death, a swing point, and a loop point.


The role of Tang old man can’t be repeated. I don’t know what luck I need to get this next time. Moreover, even if the person is lucky, the help he can provide is not necessarily the lifeline bridge bloodline. It is very likely that other fated people are different perceptions.

This time.

In fact, Tang Shidao feels that the biggest gain is not the reincarnation.

Because of the Void bloodline and the virtual bloodline, it is hard to die, unless it is a scarecrow. On a general level, even if all the ancestral spirits are besieged, the six derivative capabilities of Mage Innate Skill ‘Reincarnation and Rebirth’ will guarantee resurrection. Reincarnation, the birth of the world, the strange world, the birth of the Yuan, the birth of the world, the weak world … they are enough to cope with all crises.

From the palm of the hand, it is just a greater guarantee.

Really positive harvest… the revelation of life weaving. It can be said that the original life weaving is only eight kinds of skills: Nirvana rebirth, living chimerism, wisdom revelation, soul painting, energy shaping, life evolution, element evolution, time and space evolution… now it is 8.5 degree.

The last one.

It must be related to some kind of reincarnation.

Snake Mage probably doesn’t have a lifeline bridge bloodline, so they will ‘hang all’. However, they found this direction from another road. However, the end result is not as they wish.

“A group of monsters.” Tang Shidao really lamented.

Without the same conditions, but finding the direction from another road, this wisdom and ability is really terrifying.

The power of Olympus is already known.

Self-generated magic.

Comes with a level modifier.

Snake Mage and 72 people, almost out of Void, create reincarnation.


Well, this product is still unclear, but it is certainly not simple.

Think about it now.

You can take advantage of the Force, and everyone will die from the battle, and he will be able to take a part of Force. Every time she is resurrected, she will be able to share another Force. This level is completely different from Olympus and Snake Mage. If they didn’t lose, there is a result, and Void and even World can’t restrain them. It’s just a bunch of unknown monsters that are added to ‘known’ and ‘already’.

Even if it fails.

Self-generated magic This kind of modifier, life weaves this kind of simulator, they also far beyond the knowledge of the creation of the cloud, has reached the unknown.

It’s strange to blame them for not going further.

Pursue the unknown beyond the unknown and directly kill yourself.

No wonder.

Olympus has never set foot on the earth. In her eyes, everyone here is the younger brother.

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