Mage Network

Chapter 1155

“The difference is too far, this is not the same level at all.”

“Yes, it’s easier than an adult to hit a baby.”

After the end of World War I, the audience did not respond much. As if, this result has already been expected. Not everyone has no confidence in the Fighting Eagle, but everyone is not a fool. A person who dares to openly pick up the dust on the earth, but also does not detain the spirits or the ancestral opponents, will never be easily knocked down. Being able to practice to this extent, the Emperor is not an idiot.

Without a bit of control, he dared to do so.

The elders have their scruples in their hearts. Everyone can understand why. What is uncomfortable is that the elders who claim to be invincible vertices are afraid to go to the battle, which makes people feel bad. In the hearts of the people of the world, no matter how strong or strange the opponent is, the heroes of the world should be bold and hard.

Tolerate the word, does not exist in the dictionary of the world.

Although everyone is not stupid.


When you need ‘莽’, you really need a group of people who are timid.

No, people’s confidence and pride are naturally gone.

It can be said.

The force of the Shangshi clan has never been disappointing. However, the ‘fashion style’ of the last generation clan is disappointing. Why are the ‘poor relatives’ in the secret world of the world able to take away some geniuses and enter the new world to open up wasteland and not stay in the dust to enjoy life? The reason is that they are disappointed. The height and ideal world of the patriarchs are not what they think.

The end of World War I.

A little discussion outside the field, and then once again to silence.

Empty field?

Still waiting?

The audience did not know what they wanted to do. In their opinion, the game is over. However, they are faintly expecting someone to stand up. Even if you lose, you must give the world a sigh of relief.

In the dust, the death is only the cost of resurrection, and death is just a loss of defeat.

Now go into battle.

Losing is just a ‘loss’ of money.

no one there?

No one wants to bear the loss and drums morale?

Or, is it another consultation, another round of discussion, and a resource trading and testing plan? In the dusty world, there is no one who is desperate to fight for the glory of the world without any brains.

“Since everyone is not free, then old fogey, I will have a good time.”

The light flashes.

The sound is faint.

At this time, one of the most memorable familiar silhouette displays the magic light screen and becomes a new challenger. At the same time, Yang Mo also immediately accepted the challenge. Do not ask anyone, do not ask the way, do not ask the time, do not ask for the requirements, do not ask the level, someone will accept the challenge immediately. This kind of move, people can not help but sigh again.

This is the person who has no brains, the person who is most eager to appear in his heart.

what a pity.

He is an ‘enemy’.

The challenge begins, confirms acceptance, enters the battlefield, and the game begins. This time the event is beyond everyone’s imagination. There is no negotiation or agreement at all. The two sides started directly. Even more strange, after the start of the game, both sides will generally preempt the spell or the ritual, and this time there is no, the two only quietly look forward to. As if, they don’t care about winning or losing at all.

“Introduction, the old man is called Changqing.” The image of the challenger is an old man who looks very ordinary.

In the dust, the old man is a neutral.

Nobody helps.

His reputation is not obvious, but his strength is not weak. The reputation is not high because he is the last of the first echelon, the ancestral level, the last one. In the battle pool competition, no matter which ancestral level tyrants challenge, he confessed to losing one automatically. Even if he is a new ancestral elder, he will not lose. Therefore, his reputation is not obvious.

The strength is not weak because… In addition to the ancestral spirits, no faculty master has won him.

As long as it is not the level of the ancestors

Whoever challenges are good.

Without exception, all of them were defeated in the hands of Chang Qing. If Shidu is the guardian of the throne of the first echelon, then Changqing is the guardian of the border of the ancestral spirit. At the non-ancestral level, no one can take the road of the elders. In the eyes of the last generation, 荀 Changqing is also a mark of meaning.

Above him, ancestral spirit.

Under him, Faring.

“I know you, old.” Yang Mo bowed his hand in a respectful manner.

“Well, old man wants to talk to this little friend.” 荀 Changqing is also slightly rude, not at all proud.

“Oh… um, you please.” Yang Mo once again handed his hand, and then no more words.

“So, can a friend talk about it?”

“You still have something to say.” At this time, the sound is ringing again, or the sound of Yang Mo, but everyone knows that ‘Zheng Lord’ is already the emperor.

“The old man only has one thing that doesn’t understand. Why do young friends want to target the world?”


“So why is this?” Changqing was strange, and it was strange that everyone was listening.

“You think that you can customize your own rules if you have high force. Right? Regardless of the next generation of good and evil enemies, what do you like about it, right?”

“in fact……”

“Mr. Evergreen, I am not interested in listening to your reasons. In my mind, for what justice, for what rules, for what ideals, these are irrelevant. I only care about how you do it. What you say in your mouth Set, do another set, the mouth is meaningless. Maybe you have your reasons, but it has nothing to do with me. Your daily way of doing things is that the strong is the king and the winner is the respect. So, I will Return this to you with this set.”

“Little friends, not all people in the world.” 荀 Changqing said with a bitter smile, the heart is a bit clear.

“I don’t care. Mr. Evergreen, you have never cared about our thoughts, so I don’t need to care about your thoughts. Win me, you are right. If you lose, then continue to challenge me until I win. So far, if power is right, then you must win, don’t lose.”

“If we can’t win?” Yan Changqing said something that the world did not like.

“In the low or no magic world, there are often some powerful races called barbarians.”

“Well, old man knows.”

“They are powerful and can even rob the four wild, no one can resist. But once they lose, they can’t leave anything. Because they have no culture, no technology, no civilization, they are with a group of powerful wild. Beast is almost the same.”

“and so?”

“In my eyes, you are also a group of barbarians.”

“Hey…” Changqing understood.

The other party is the enemy.

Moreover, he is the most dangerous enemy.

“Is everything we are worth keeping?” Chang Qingqing tried to ask again.

“What do you have?”

“…” 荀 Changqing stunned.

“Skills, technology, culture, civilization, you have nothing. You only have the most powerful force, and they are used as a weapon for you to plunder the Quartet. Earlier, I tried to learn here and tried to impart knowledge. However, Obviously, I have failed. Therefore, I feel that it makes no sense to talk to a group of barbarians. It is better to use a fist to talk about heights.”

“It turned out to be the case, the old man understood.” Chang Qing nodded slightly.

“That’s good, you have no problem now?”

“No, thank you for your explanation. The little friend is very frank, just like the rest of the world, the revenge is the same, only you are dead.”

“Yes. When you win, you don’t make sense. I don’t talk when I lose.”

“old man is fully understood. However, I am very embarrassed. As a living person, the old man must guard everything here, whether it is right or not.”

“Agree, I don’t care if you are right, only win or lose.”

“old man will go all out and do everything to kill you. Old man doesn’t hate you, just can’t stay with you.” 荀 Changqing indifferently said, the momentum also began to change.

“Understanding, I will not be merciful.”

Speak to this.

The two sides turned at the same time, as if it represented an irreparable break.

at this time.

The audience outside the audience had a confused feeling and seemed to realize that something unusual happened on the dust. However, everyone is still used to immersing this kind of last days, no one wants to change. Or, as vested interests, they want to maintain it all, whether it is right or not. The next generation is poor, and the people of the world are wealthy. Why change it and leave it as it is.

Is there anything wrong with this?

Dust on earth is the most beautiful natural environment. The next generation of people can’t change the environment again. Isn’t it good to stay as it is?

What fights for it is just the daydream of the weak, that’s all.

Yes, it must be like this.

The world will still win, just like the previous victory.

Long green.

Tang Shidao.

The two-person match will prove that the talented person in the world is qualified to have everything, and the next generation is only dreaming.

Passed the world.

Next life.

Both are always parallel lines, one high and one low parallel line.

Turn around.

Looking back.

At this moment, Yan Changqing also officially entered the state.

Similarly, a group of elders outside the field also got serious. Although Changqing is the last of the ancestors, this is the result of his never accepting the challenge. No one is stupid enough to think that a new ancestral spirit can win him. 荀 Changqing does not fight, just because he wants to guard this line. Switching to other people, maybe you will be dominated by the spirits, and lost the face of the ancestral spirit.

and so.

Really positive strength, 荀 Changqing is more terrifying than most of the ancestral spirits.

The game officially started.

at this time.

The shadow of Yang Mo’s side has no action.

the other side.

荀 Changqing himself does not move, but there are very amazing movements around. It seems like a special summon, one after another ‘the gods’ appear. From human to Warcraft, from Warcraft to Spirit, from Spirit to Element, from Element to Natural Wood. Ten of them couldn’t breathe, and they were empty. Only two people had numerous people on the surface of the star.

Even more terrifying is that these ‘spirits’ are extremely powerful, and each has the same strength as Failing.

It can be said.

There is only one thought in Changqing, and a world of gods is created around him.

That feeling…

The gods are coming.

Cangsheng is low.

At this moment, people remembered the old rumors: the real battle of the ancestral spirit, that is the battlefield of the gods.

Between the ancestors is more skillful.

That is the beginning and the end of an epic of God.

Ordinary audience, they can’t see this scene on the court. Because the ancestral spirits are strong, even if they start the war, they will not fight all the way. At most, there is a small amount of competitive school skills, and then a draw or a party retreats. They are not desperate for their opponents, nor are they full.

Today is different.

He has been working hard, and he must kill the uneasy person who is in danger.

A decision today.

That is when the gods are coming

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