Mage Network

Chapter 1154

Everyone present knows: This is a pit.

However, some people in the place know that this person must lose… He is not Yang Mo, he is not a man of the world, he must be defeated by the heroes of the past.

There are countless people in history who have provoked the majesty of the people of the world.

As a result, no one has a good result.

Not before.

I can’t have it today.

No one can be embarrassed by the honor of the people of the world.


“kill him!”

“Up. Our old staff? Our elders? On, kill this madman, kill!”

“Don’t surrender, don’t let him leave alive!”


The anger is screaming, and everyone in the audience is angry. However, the patriarchs are silent. Not only they, but the members of the second and third echelons are also silent. The demise of the Cobalt Wolf proves one thing: this battle shadow also has the magical power that they can’t see through. In addition, the ability to Yang Yang can be arbitrarily upgraded, and the ability of the battle shadow needs to be further estimated.

In other words.

War Shadow is the level of Failing, the ultimate height of Failing.

In the face of such opponents, the old people did not dare to act rashly. You must know that the fighting arena will be dead, and even if you can be resurrected after death, the loss will be unbearable. Special Failing dominates this level, and the cost of resurrection at one death is prohibitively high. Serious, exhaustive work that has been exhausted for millions of years is not enough. Anyone who suffers this loss in vain can’t stand it.

The original member of the Yuan Dynasty clan is the old man, the Yuan curtain. He is now a hard worker, a hard worker like a mountain.

The old people believe that the Yuan dynasty also has its own hidden treasure.


He is not willing to take out the debt, preferring to spend a few hundred years of work and pay back the account. Why is it that the death of Hao Shiqiang will be left behind by the ‘hidden treasure’? The reason is that everyone needs to keep one hand, in the future. With that card, the clan will treat you as a person. If you turn your possession out, you really have no value.

The dusty world is too unfriendly to the losers, and can only find their own tricks.

just now.

The old people are silent, but they are actually afraid of their death and the reincarnation will become the ‘hard work’ of the Yuanshi.

There is no honor in the battle.

This is also one of the sorrows of the people of the world.

People shouted.

Strong and silent.

At this moment, the audience outside the audience slowly lowered their shouts and slowly became confused. In their minds, this is a very simple matter: playing, killing the enemy, honoring the return… Where to think more, just go straight.


No one is acting, no one is challenging?

A subordinate madman in the district, it is OK to die for him, why not move?

The sound is reduced.

Slowly, the whole scene is completely immersed in a kind of human silence. There is an inexplicable horror that slowly breaks away, an impression and a confidence are slowly breaking. The feeling is like: a group of people standing on the top of a high-rise building dancing, the high-rise building began to rupture, the ground also fell a little, the people on the roof gradually fell into this inexplicable uneasiness.

At this time, their common voice: no one?

The next generation of madmen, is it not?

What are those old people?

What about those elders?

Why are they not coming out?

Our patron saint, why don’t they shoot the enemy?


Yuan Hao and so on can also sense the atmosphere, but they don’t care. A group of people in the district, what emotions are irrelevant. In their view, as long as things are resolved, everything will eventually get better and people will still look up and worship them. For them, the solution will be solved, but their own safety must be guaranteed first.

At the same time, your own interests must be guaranteed first.

For the honor of living?


A fool is talented.

I heard from the intelligence that the emperor is eager to jump out as a shield for the next generation to live a better life. This foolish move, the wise man who passed away, can disdain to do it. If you have to sacrifice to solve the problem, then it is not your own initiative to sacrifice, it is a smart person to assign others to sacrifice.


Surprisingly, no one challenged after 166 consecutive games.

On this day, it passed quietly.

Tang Shidao is also a bit strange at this time. To be honest, the elders who live in the dust are not lacking in force. Even some of the big clan members have very strong force. However, they are too ‘cautious’. That feeling… They are not like the brave generals, they are more like the rich man of the golden jade house, and they are careful when they encounter a little risky thing.


They are not willing to go forward, there is always one kind: you go up, I can support you both mentally and materially.

They are very active in dealing with weak people.

They are very careful against the unknown.


Tang Shidao thought that Yuan Zhen sent people to ‘test’ is a test, and now I understand more than that. Yuanxiao and other elders need a data, accurate data, and then they can assess the strength level. Feeling bullied, they are very active and rushing to do it. But I feel that it is not good to play, they are careful and cautious, preferring not to do it or to make mistakes.

Say a little.

They need to know the opponent ‘good bully’, so bullying is positive, not bullying and waiting for others.

There have been countless people who have been challenged before.

Actually, that is their habitual behavior. The small Wisdom Tree controls the life network, and the intelligence capabilities of Wei et al. are top-notch. But still unpopular, in fact, in addition to not surnamed Yuan, does not meet the other’s habits is also an important reason.

The other side.

The dust is very large, but it is much smaller than the void.


The reason is the same.

In fact, it is not the dusty world, the natural environment is too small, but their exploration problems. There are some dangers of ‘unknown, unclear, undetermined’ and no one wants to explore. They don’t take risks, they only take the way of encroaching, and explore the dust on earth. Therefore, the dusty “small” is because there is no risk to explore, not because the dust is really small.

How does the void work?

See the unknown portal and jump in.

See the unidentified void crack and jump in.

See the undetermined energy vortex and jump in.

The status quo of the exploratory school of the void… four deaths, three injuries and two disappearances, and one person died. What did their efforts bring? Bring a huge void that even the spirits of the lords can’t figure out, an unimaginable, boundless world. It can be said that the ‘large’ of the void is that they are piled up with bones.

Tang Shidao before entering the Mage Network.

The hometown of the original world has not yet left the planet, and the natural environment has been explored.


The immortal dao era is on, right away, countless ‘death’ adventurers appear, go to the unknown planet, find a new living place for everyone. They are also the same, they will also be in danger. However, there are still countless advances to do this job.

They don’t take risks in the dust.

They are waiting for the dust to grow little by little, and the snail-like speed grows.

It can be said.

The secret world of the past is the only result of the efforts of the people of the world. Some of them are new homes that are really developed by the people. So far, Tang Shidao still remembers one thing: the first time I saw the feeling of the birth pool.

At that time.

Tang Shidao only saw a group of patriarchs who were desperately collecting resources and did not see a scholar. At that time, Tang Shidao’s first thought was to ‘copy’ it. If you can’t do it, then break into the birth pool and see what ‘inside’ or ‘opposite’ is.


The people of the world did not have this idea. In the record, they tried to copy, and after the failure, they went with the flow.

From that moment on, Tang Shidao decided not to learn from any living person.

Only seek knowledge of the relics of the past.

Three days later.

The long-awaited challenge has finally begun. At this time, the enthusiasm of the audience has been greatly reduced, in addition to the gambling is still, the pride is already half cold. The surface is very good, the major clan released the information of the challenge, and the major dealers also deliberately sent for the handicap.

“It turned out to be a eagle.”


“Is it?”

“He might win, but… um… or forget it.”

“Does the eagle win? It is one of the members of the ten-member list at the spirit level. It is also the top 100 of the spirits in the public list. No matter the strength or the Innate Skill, the eagle is the strongest under the ancestral spirit. One of the ten. It is the nickname of the gods, and the speed is the fastest in the ten-person list. In my opinion, it is not easy for Yang Mo to support the day. This 仗, the eagle must have secret weapons.”

“Are you the one that the dealer invited?”

“Oh… when, of course not. I mean… that, you just take it, I will talk.”

The information spread.

Everyone knows who the challenger is.

The level of Failing’s dominance, one of the members of the private list of ten people, the speeding nickname of the god wing. At the level of the spirit, the eagle also created a record of yum. Of course, there is an ancient instrument restraint speed, which eventually draws a tie to break the winning streak.

strictly speaking.

The Fighting Eagles did not lose, and the most was a draw.

Now confidently standing on the stage, there should have been countless cheers and cheers. However, there is no such treatment today.


“It didn’t stand up for the first time. So, I don’t want to fight the eagle. If the day is screaming, the eagle will challenge the first time, and I will be ruined. But for three days, I am confident that I have no confidence. No, you are free.”

“I don’t want to go, I don’t gamble in this game.”

“No gambling.”

The audience began to realize that the familiar situation happened again. In the past, when there were some geniuses, the major dealers would also disregard all the opening, use people’s enthusiasm to bet, and then earn everyone’s money. As for the outcome, the dealers don’t care. It doesn’t matter if they are really humiliated, they only make money with one heart.

Deliberately drinking the eagle eagle, probably still a pit.

at this time.

Some people have made up their minds, and the elders at the ancestral level don’t leave, they don’t bet.

Who is who is foolish.


The bet is over and the game is about to start.

For the first time, the eagle-headed half-beast race was strong, which also means that some of the hidden clan of the dusty world finally appeared. Humans, World of Warcraft, different beasts, spirits, magic machines, dust, earth, and other ethnic clan, there are also various giant representatives. Now, the Terran has a major event that can’t take it, and the other ethnic clan also enters.

Look at the excitement and save your face.

In short.

The dust has officially acted. At the very least, they put on a pair of attitudes that we will face up to this matter.


In the case of witnesses witnessed by all the audience, War Shadow and the Eagles ‘played’ for five days and five nights. In the end, with a speed of ten times faster ‘big gods’, kick the eagle into energy gray smoke.

The genius of the last ten in the list of ten people has a foot on the account.

It’s over.

The battle shadow complemented Yang Jian’s voice: “Under the ancestral spirit, I really don’t want to die. At this level, I play unhappy.”

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