Mage Network

Chapter 1148

After entering the dusty world, Oring never took the lead. Tang Shidao was strange, and now I understand.

She was not afraid of anything while Oling was still alive.


In the state of death, she did not want to show up in trouble. Not necessarily someone can find her, but she does not want to take risks. The main reason, if Oling is discovered, the trouble is himself. Oling didn’t want to trouble himself. Why is the Mage Network different? Because scarecrow has a code of practice for this staff member: don’t allow you to peek at everything in Plane.

Proactively request a tour unless Mage needs scarecrow help.


Scarecrow will not look into any of the Plane worlds, and even if it is weak to the extent of Zhou and Zigong, it will not peek.

Olympus wants to show up, she must first protect herself from being discovered by outsiders.

It is more likely to be on the dust.

She does not want to get into trouble.

This also indirectly proves one thing: Oring is far from the Force in life. If she is still alive, she definitely has no such scruples. It also proves another thing: the characters such as Mu Zugong and Muzupo are very powerful and powerful enough to make the ‘weakened version’ of the spirits scrupulous. Moreover, there are such people in the dust, such as the monsters who win the gatekeeper Shidu.

Shouqiao people.


Tang Shidao can imagine that Shidu also has a ‘Beyond Great Perfection’ Force, otherwise he is not qualified to be the caretaker of this door.

“…you said that the teacher is four? He is called the arbitrator.” Muzugong heard Tang Shidao’s question and answered it honestly.

In one sentence, Tang Shidao fully understands.

With this title, you can imagine what level of existence exists.

“I have one last thing weird.”

“You say, we are also ready to go.” Muzugong indifferently said. It’s just passing by, and I don’t know what to say.

“Do other people have seen you?”

“hehe, what do you think, Tang Xiaoge? Who can see us, who can’t see us, you probably have a few hearts? Here is the secret bridge of the world, it is possible to meet. We just have to say this, goodbye. “Mu Zugong nodded slightly, Tang Shidao did not stay too much, slowly drifting away.

At this time, the wooden boat picked up a light wave.

Slowly, disappeared in the clouds.

Tang Shidao wakes up.

Everything has gone away.

“Mr. Tang…”


“Are you in a daze?” Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei are secretly guarding, because Tang Shidao puts all the guards in a moment, as if he is trapped in some magic effect.

Tang Shidao is also frowning.

It seems that something happened just now, but I have no impression.

Everything is just an illusion?

Nothing changed here?

“Not good, please wait for me.” Tang Shidao closed his eyes.

“Good.” The two guarded the two from left to right, although they did not understand why.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao has entered a state of meditation, and consciousness has returned to his own little void. At this point, I have been thinking hard for a while and still can’t remember anything. Just a moment ago, it seemed like ‘everything is still’. However, it returned to normal in an instant. That is not the effect of the sea of ​​clouds, nor the effect of invasion by foreign enemies.


What happened when the moment was still?

Tang Shidao is not like Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai. Because of the relationship of the onlookers, I feel who I have seen. However, it is ‘blank’ because of some kind of Force. This is not forgotten, but this ‘experience’ does not exist. Equal or exceed the bystander’s Force? Forces that bystanders can’t guarantee? Force that happens clearly without leaving traces?

There are only two possibilities.


This Force is bigger than the bystander, so you can’t make sure you see it.


This Force is equal to the bystander, but the opponent’s Force level is much higher than himself. Therefore, bystanders can only protect themselves and cannot capture each other.

“Blank…” Tang Shidao muttered.


One reaches out.

In an instant, the whole world becomes a pure black color, and there is no longer a trace of something. No light, no things, no sound, everything is ink.

After three breaths.

Another pure white color flash appears.


The pure white color is just passing, not taking up, it is still a pure black world. However, this black world has left a set of shadows… a wooden boat, two wooden people, a wooden osprey, a wooden fish basket, and a basket of wood fish.

Seeing this scene, Tang Shidao remembered for a moment.

“This is the god of the gods? God can only decide whether it is right or wrong, in one sentence, and in the absence?” Tang Shidao recalled that his “bystander” Force can only protect himself and cannot defeat God. The oracle of the leader. If it weren’t for the colorless Forbidden Curse, I would probably only be suspicious, and I couldn’t figure out what happened.

Muzugong did not answer who saw them.

In fact, this is the answer.

There may be others who have seen them, but the god’s ‘veto’ can clear this meeting. Unless the other party has more special ability, no one knows the existence of Muzugong and Muzupo. Gods, they want you to know that you know, don’t want you to know that you definitely don’t know.

The three ears have hidden means, only scarecrow, and Oling and I have seen it.

What does scarecrow and Olympus know?

Own… use colorless.

The ancestors of the Yuanzu can not sense the wrong, but can not really capture the traces of the three ears. In the final analysis, I still have a ‘colorless’ relationship. In the face of colorlessness, everything is there and nothing, and both right and wrong are hidden.

at this time.

the other side.

“old fogey, will he remember?”

“Maybe, maybe not, it doesn’t matter. We don’t want or help anyone, they can see us, or we can remember us, it’s his own ability. If not, it doesn’t matter to us. Before we meet Rumors: None of this happened. No matter who he remembers, we didn’t help anyone. Well, old woman, we still have our work.”

“Well, let’s go.”

A simple conversation, maybe there, maybe not. I can hear the natural hearing, but I can’t hear it.

Tang Shidao wakes up from meditation.


“Oh, good.”

Tang Shidao didn’t have much to say, and Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei did not ask. In the eyes of Tang Shidao, Mu Zugong and Muzu did not want to open themselves, so Tang Shidao would not mention them. Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei believe that there should be a super strong attack on the attack. However, it is obvious that Mr. Tang resisted the attack and did not damage itself.

This may be a spiritual attack, or a curse, so there is not much movement.

Mr. Tang does not want to mention more, naturally do not ask more.

The three continued on.

On the other cloud bridge of the secret bridge of the world, a familiar silhouette is doubting and stopping.

“what happened?”

“It seems like something happened.”

“How can I not remember?”

“There’s none?”

“Do not.”

“There must be something.”

“Is it slow for me?”

“Yes, it must be like this, my speed is not fast enough. As long as my speed is fast enough, nothing can escape my perception. Work hard and continue to accelerate.”

For a moment, the familiar silhouette of self-talk disappeared.

The speed is a bit faster than before, and there are no traces of existence.

As if, nothing happened here.

Dust on earth.

Three months after the new intelligence team worked hard, finally, the new instructor of the Yuan clan, ‘Wei’, brought back the latest information of the Great Curse. Of course, this time the Yuan clan also spent a huge price, and all the major clan were exchanged for money and resources. Before, they used to shamelessly capture the world and torture the information.

However, those people are not afraid of death at all.

The threats are completely useless, and most of those people are the Force level of Falling 1 and they are completely ‘dead’.

Three times and four times failed.

Last resort.

You can only trust the new intelligence team that is taught.


Obviously, it is much more effective to spend money to collect and torture.

“Although the price is very big, it is still worth it. Wei’s captain, you did a good job, the next time you will enjoy it.” Yuan Zhen does not believe in characters other than Yuan, but he must have a gesture to the hero. He felt that Wei was a little weird, and there was nothing wrong with it. The body of the prototype, the Mana of the prototype, the soul of the prototype, and feeling weird should be just an illusion.

The other party entered the secret bridge of the world and resurrected.

It may be just resurrected, the strength is too weak, so there is a little weird feeling.

“Many thanks the elders. The monks are deeply sorry for the huge cost. But the time limit required by the clan is too short, we have to increase the bet.”

“Do not blame you.” Yuan Zhen waved, do not want to talk to non-Yuan’s descendants.

“There is still a suggestion for the monks.”

“Well, try to be as simple as possible.” Lantern has some troubles. To be honest, he doesn’t like to see the younger generations outside of Yuan’s being too good.

“Sell the information.” Wei is really a simple explanation.

“Hmm?” Yuanxiao frowned.

“The elders should not misunderstand. These other clans can also be inquired, but the time is slower. If we sell now, we may make a profit in reverse. A clan can only make a small sum of money.” Wei`s careful reminder.

“They won’t pay for it.” Yuanxiao sneered, thinking that you think too much as it should be by rights.

“We can add.”

“Intellectual fraud is absolutely impossible, and the credibility of our Yuan clan cannot be lost.” Yuan Zhen shouted softly.

“The information is not fake, we just add some materials. For example, the elders’ planning plan.”

“You want to sell this?” The eyes of Yuan Zhen and the elders are getting cold.

“Everyone is misunderstood. I mean, my own new plan, it has not been presented.”

“Is this not a lie?”

“Of course not. The plan is only a plan, and the plan has passed and failed. Even if it is passed, there is a difference between today’s implementation and next year’s implementation. I don’t have to make a fake, I did the plan, but I didn’t blame me for not passing it. Right, Dear elders? “Wei” is very similar to the young people who have found the head of the family. Everyone understands the efforts of this little guy.

Very obedient.

Very hard.

Only find the head.

“Okay, give it to you. You don’t have to make a big profit. You can compensate us for the intelligence fee.”

“Many thanks to the elders, the monks have to retreat first.”


The guards withdrew and the elders picked up the information again.

The headache feels rising again.

Great Curse.

The physique of the creation of the gods, the Great Perfection of infinite magic, the owner of ancient instruments and cosmic objects.

More important point.

“This guy has never lost in the battle…”

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