Mage Network

Chapter 1147

Entering the secret bridge of the world, Tang Shidao has been learning.

Part of learning is life weaving, and most of it is spiritual knowledge. Over time, Tang Shidao discovered that the secret bridge of the world is not ‘providing’ knowledge, in essence, it is just ‘reflecting’ knowledge. Cloud Bridge and Cloud Wall display, it must be something that you know, something you can understand, something you can learn.

Like the giant dragon that I feared before Tie Yunzhai, things that are irrelevant will not appear for no reason.

strictly speaking.

The Uterus Bridge is more like a laboratory, it may help you to realize the various ideas in your heart. The premise is that you have the same foundation yourself. However, if you only have a foundation, your brain has no idea, and you can’t do it in a mixed state. In addition, a pharmacist wants to look at the tool refiner’s craft, and the result is also showing the fur.

It must be relevant and really learn from the heart.

For example, my own learning, the spirit of the instrument has a lot of knowledge and I don’t understand it.

At this moment.

The secret bridge of the world will produce some inexplicable ideas.

Next, read it carefully and clarify what is ‘useful’ or ‘useless’. There is a revelation in the brain, and new knowledge points will appear. To put it simply, I have a level of 7 and the secret bridge is not provided with 8, but various materials such as 7.3 and 7.6. You need to choose and understand one of them before you can upgrade to 8.

If you are only 1 level, there will never be more than 3 knowledge points.

It can be said.

The secret bridge of the world only stimulates your brain and gives you a lifelong idea. What you don’t have, no matter how exciting it will happen. This is also why, Tie Yunzhai and Luo Wei do not understand at all, because their spiritual knowledge is much worse than Tang Shidao. Pupils enter the classroom of university professors and can understand and blame.


The secret bridge of the world is not a classroom. Most of the spiritual knowledge displayed by Yunqiao and Cloud Wall is useless. If you step on this road, it is a step backwards.


There is no war in recent days, and Tang Shidao is also working hard.


One day, nowhere else, the whole world of clouds and seas seems to be still.

There is no more movement.

the first time.

There is something different in the secret bridge of the world: the river.

Originally, Tang Shidao thought that he had encountered an export. Unexpectedly, there is something that I have never heard before. Recently, Luo Wei said a lot of things, but there is definitely no river in the secret bridge. You may encounter a very large implement, such as a planet. However, this cloud sea has absolutely no natural objects other than ‘artificial objects’.

The cloud of the sea is the only one.


Only man-made and remnants.

The emergence of the river.

Come from the cloud and go from the cloud. Nothing was seen above, there was no soil underneath, and there was no fish and shrimp in the middle of the water.

Just a river.

Cross in the air.

At this time, Tang Shidao has a feeling that this still world is going to be ‘moving’. Moreover, the river will disappear immediately, everything will be restored and erased, just like never before. In this moment is the real feeling, the next moment is the illusion.

“Two good, do we know?” At this time, Tang Shidao was still.

If you want to know the world of rest, then you can stand still.

Incorporate it.

It is possible to explore it.

However, the general method is impossible to explore, and stillness is no good. Therefore, Tang Shidao uses another method: as a ‘bystander’!

All still.

The shadow of a bystander appears, at this moment, the world is different.

The river is still a river.


There is a wooden boat on it.

There are only two silhouettes on the wooden boat… two wood people. It is not a tree, but a man of wood. A face with an old Grandfather, a face with an old lady. In addition, there is an osprey, a fish basket and a basket of fish on board.

The osprey is a wood osprey, artificially created.

The fish basket is a wooden fish basket, artificially created.

Fish is also a wood fish, artificial creation.

At this moment.

The wood of the old Grandfather’s face is fishing, and the wood of the old lady’s face is drying the fish. Except that they are not creatures, the picture looks so harmonious.

Tang Shidao does not feel weird.

There is a living mode of life, and why wood cannot be a living mode of wood.


Move closer.

at this time.

“The young man is not an ordinary person, but he can walk to our boat.” Fishing old Grandfather picked up the wood fishing rod, and the wood fishing line really caught a fish. As it should be by rights, this ‘fish’ is also a wood fish.

“Don’t ask who the two are? Why stop the road?” Tang Shidao has realized what, but still need to ask questions.

“hehe, we didn’t stop you, boy, we just passed. Introduce yourself, my name is Mu Zugong.” Fishing old Grandfather said.

“My name is Mu Zupo.” The old fisherman also took a sentence.

“Two good, my name is Tang Shidao.” Tang Shidao gestured slightly, not because of anything else, but respected the elders. For a long time, the original ancestral turtles have been the ‘oldest’ characters they have seen. Today, Tang Shidao can’t be sure that the two are older or the older turtles are older.


Seeing them two wood people, Tang Shidao instantly thought of scarecrow.

“What do you want to ask?” Muzugong looked kindly, as if he had no hostility to any creature. However, its ability to resist even Tang Shidao can not see through.

In a word, point to the point.


“Mr. Mu Zugong, how long have you been living here?” Tang Shidao did not follow the usual routine and talked about everyday life.

“Hey, is Tang Xiaoge interested in this topic?”

“Yes, it is not. There is a secret here in the secret bridge of the World. I don’t want to rely on others to solve it. I prefer to find it myself. The existence of the two is very special, I am more interested. The normal method, I can’t see it. Two. This state is the eternal life of the ancestors beyond the Great Perfection: bystanders. It is only used to see two. Similarly, the two can see the bystanders, naturally not ordinary.” Tang Shidao confessed to the people in front of them No need to be nonsense.

“I am a god.” Muzugong is also very frank.

“Me too.” Muzupo added another sentence. Then quietly squid the fish, as if to let the ‘owner of the family’ talk.

“It turns out.” Tang Shidao listened to slightly surprised.

“Tang Xiao Ge, maybe everything is as you think, maybe everything is not as you think. There is no eternal norm in the world, and there is no absolute right or wrong. Since you are interested in us, old fogey will say one. In your understanding, both me and the old woman are guarding the bridge.” Muzugong is still a kind smile.

“Shouqiao people… guarding the secret bridge of the world?” Tang Shidao asked.

“This is for you to imagine. You think it is, don’t think it is not. If you think so, I deny that you don’t believe it.”

“Well. Since it is a defensive, then there must be an attack. Mr. Mu Zugong, what is the attack?”

“Evil spirit.” Muzugong did not hide.

“Is evil the evil I understand?”


“What are their prototypes?” Tang Shidao knew that Muzugong had no righteousness, but explained it according to his definition of righteousness.


“Oh… it turns out.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Tang Shidao was second surprised.

Evil spirit.

Evil spirit.

“How did they get born?” After thinking about it, Tang Shidao decided to ask a little more.

“Do you really want to know the answer?”


“Do you know how?”

“Investigate, research, analyze, confront, or use. I have no interest in saving the whole race. Everyone should control their own destiny. However, I am interested in unknown knowledge. Evil spirits are unknown knowledge.” Tang Shidao said calmly.

“It seems that we misunderstood, you have a higher goal.”

“Mr. Mu Zugong, do you think I want to invade the secret bridge of the world?” Tang Shidao said with a smile.

“No, you are not an evil spirit.”

“Dust on the earth?”

“We don’t care about their lives and deaths.” Muzugong said indifferently that he was still fishing.

“Well, let’s not talk about this… eh? These ‘fish’ will not be evil spirits?”

“…” Muzugong was silent for the first time.

After five breaths.

Muzugong said: “Do you think that the battle must be fists and magic is the battle?”

“Not necessarily.” Tang Shidao understood.

There are some battles going on.

However, I can’t see it myself.



The two gods who do these must have their meaning, just like scarecrow sat in front of the table and received Mage Xinding all day long. What they do has some meaning, but outsiders can’t understand it anyway.

“Is it again, how was the evil spirit born?” Tang Shidao asked again, this time a little more etiquette.

Have some advice.

Must be polite.

Tang Shidao never thought that asking someone can ask aloof and remote questions.

“They have a variety of ways of birth. Artificially made, the practice of automatic mutations, and special contact with the void. People, objects, the natural environment, everything can change them.” Muzugong this time Forgiveness

“The number of them?” Tang Shidao asked again.

“I don’t know. We have been guarding the bridge for countless years and never saw them cut off.”

“Their harm?” Tang Shidao changed the way.

“Tang Xiaoge, we are guardians, not evil spirits hunters. Do you understand this?”

“Well. Not all evil spirits are harmful?”

“I can’t explain to you the righteousness. Everyone has a good and evil view of everyone. Every race has a position of every race. Evil is the transformation of the spirit, and the spirit is a combination of energy and knowledge. Don Xiao Ge, you can Understand? In the concept of evil spirits, life race is not the same thing.” Muzugong talked and caught a fish.

At this time, Tang Shidao really understood.

What is the evil spirit like most?

The life race of the world without nothing.

In the void, life in the void world is death. Therefore, for the void life, the evil spirit is the ‘ghost’.

Ghosts must be harmful?

Not necessarily.

However, they are absolutely different from the race of life. There are patterns of existence, thinking and thinking, and lifestyles are different. Where is the evil of evil spirits? In primitive society, tigers are monsters that eat people. In modern society, tigers are just ornamentals in the zoo. The life race is strong, and the evil spirits are just tigers in the zoo. If the life race is weak, the evil spirits are eating monsters.

Why are evil spirits not turning to the world of nothingness?

Because they are not life.

There is a cycle of death in life, but evil spirits are changed by the spirits, and they do not have this cycle. Feeling, evil spirits are more like the intelligent robot of Interstellar Era. Once out of control, they are the most terrifying enemies.

The defense line of the void.

Those big fighters, their enemies are not only dusty, but also the world?

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