Mage Network

Chapter 1143

At the end of World War I, the Yuan Clan members lamented. Millions of elite fighters, although most of them are the reinforcements of various alliances, but this family is also greatly hurt by Essence Qi. The cost of resurrection is only one aspect, the more important one: equipment! Millions of elites, everyone is well-equipped, and additional equipment has been added to ensure victory.

After the first battle, no one survived, and all the equipment and equipment were lost.

No one can afford this loss.

In their calculations, this battle was supposed to win. Just look at the prestige or kill it on the spot. No one ever thought that it would fail.

The world.

Winning is what it should be by rights.

The news was passed back, and the Yuan clan naturally tried to conceal this defeat. But I don’t know why, the news of the defeat is still passed out. For a time, the whole dust was gone. The ‘cashing’ of the Yuan clan, and the millions of elite ‘death’, are not the focus. Two key points: First, the Yuan clan lost a lot of equipment, and the ethnic group will be weak for some time. Second, Tang Shidao did not do it.

He didn’t do it, he won.

This is simply not reasonable.

At this moment, in addition to some clan want to fight the idea of ​​the Yuan clan, more and more are discussing this battle.

Unfortunately, no one can tell why.

Three or five days later.

Outside the world, the original jurisdiction, once the elders once again convened representatives of major forces. Speaking of summoning, in fact, when Tang Shidao enters the secret bridge of the world, these spirits do not leave, ready to receive the news of the dust.

“The Emperor is unrelenting.” The original ancestors first expressed their opinions.

“I think there is a problem. The Emperor is not an impulsive person. He must have any more important plans.” The elders think they know Tang Shidao better.

“Well, I also have this feeling. But, I don’t think I have any intentions.” One @长人 stands for the position of the original race.

“How did he do it?” Dagan Luo is more concerned about this issue.

“It is not difficult to have a creational body. Although I don’t know the role of the creation of the gods, the emperor said ‘technique’ and ‘energy’. The former, the creation of the gods is not lacking in skills. The latter, we all know that the emperor owns Great Perfection of Infinite Magic. Restricting Mana is to send death to the Emperor, unless it is far better than him, otherwise equal or lower level, just infinite magic will hang everything.” One @长者分析道.

“What about ancient instruments?” Dagan Luo asked the key points.

“Hey…” One @小者微愕, no response.

“Can copy.” The original ancestors took over the words and said: “It is impossible to create them permanently, but temporary copying is probably not difficult.”

“The ancient instruments can not be copied.” Dagan Luo insisted.

“Yes. The focus of ancient instruments is the ’embryo’, a special thing born from the void. Therefore, the creation of the cloud map can not explain the existence of ’embryo’. But, don’t forget one thing, those ancient methods Imitations are imitations. Even if they have exactly the same forformable power, imitation stands for one thing: it has an artificial manufacturing process. It is not unique and unique.

Everyone listened at a glance and immediately understood.

People can copy.

Creation cloud maps can naturally be replicated.

There is only one item in the world, and the creation of the cloud map may not be able to be interpreted and copied. However, there are several or dozens of identical items in the world, and the creation of the cloud map can not be blamed. In theory, all the creatures of all races have ‘recorded knowledge’ and ‘creative technology’ creation maps, because it is the sum of all known.

After the death of a scholar or a craftsman, knowledge may not all be captured, and may be only a part.


When no mathematicians and craftsmen die, or if someone dies repeatedly and countless times, the creation cloud that captures and records everything must accumulate and accumulate more and more.

It can be said.

Except for something that can’t be interpreted at all, the knowledge and technology that people can learn, can circulate, and share can be owned by Genesis. Its intake is not limited to death, and people who are alive can also ‘sacrifice feedback’. Therefore, the imitation of the creation of the gods can also be copied, which is completely reasonable.

“Yuan’s loss is so big, they must want to recover it?” One @老者 does not understand the dust, but knows the importance of equipment.

“Yeah.” The original ancestral turtle lightly nodded.

“Can you get back in the secret bridge of the world?” Dagan Luo asked.

“It is possible that there are some inexplicable things in the secret bridge of the world, including the equipment of the instrument. These equipments may be lost by someone, or may be produced by the sea of ​​the secret bridge. Even you may have encountered you. Lost things. The Yuan clan wants to make up, they must send people again. If they don’t do it, other clan may also send people to enter this treasure.” The original ancestors explained.

“The secret bridge of the world is very large? There are no clues to other clan, should you fight for Yuanshi?” Dagan Luo said strangely.

“No, it has nothing to do with clues.” The original ancestral turtle smiled.

“What do you mean?”

“The secret bridge of the World has no size. Its space may be infinitely small or infinitely small. Let’s just say, walking on the secret bridge of the world, what you think about it, what can happen often. But not necessarily the dream comes true. It may also be a broken dream. You think about safety, you may be in danger. You want to take risks, you may always be safe. It is the same as yours, or vice versa, or something similar will appear.” The original ancestral turtle explained.

“If other clan thinks about ‘finding the scattered equipment’, they can really find it?”

“Yes. It may be easy to find, or it may never be found. However, what happened must be related to their thoughts, and nothing happens. If you enter the World Secret Bridge, you will encounter strange people, or strange. There must be a reason for this, and it will definitely not appear for no reason.” The original ancestors explained that it was necessary to find these things.


The “sniper” of Tang Shidao will not stop, and the next revenge will only be stronger.

“Do we send someone to support?”

“No, there is no movement in Pengpeng. He certainly does not need help. To be honest, I feel that we are sending people to help. It is an act that is inconvenient. He must have any plans, but we can’t guess. Rest assured, something really happened. It’s not difficult to transfer his ‘file’ to the Mage Network and resurrect it.


The representatives of the major forces did not listen.

The Yuan clan is weak and their means can be more. On the other hand, the more people attract the firepower, the smoother the secret operations of everyone. Nothing else is said, the war is suspended, and the big phoenix and the big IX have started to act, and they are doing something that everyone knows.

The secret bridge of the world.

Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai traveled with Tang Shidao, and they really saw what a ‘good-looking’ craftsman looked like.


With the creation of the gods, all knowledge can be learned at a glance.

However, Mr. Tang’s research is not only to learn, but he also wants to introduce new ideas on the basis of the original, and to study similar or higher-level technologies. One life, two, three, three things, there is no end to learning in Mr. Tang’s heart, there are always unknown things waiting to be discovered.

“… So, do you think that the Yuan clan will come to find those lost equipment?” Tang Shidao also had conversations during his studies.

Tie Yunzhai is not familiar with this, but Luo Wei is very familiar.

He has been mixing here for too long.

“Yes, Mr. Tang. Not only the Yuan clan, but other clan will come. The instrumental equipment is too important. It is a replica of ancient instruments. They have the same forformable power, but they have no similar effect. These things can be passed down. The protection of the fighting power, every big clan needs them. Yuan’s loss of treasure, all the people, this is inevitable.” Luo Zhen really reminded.

“Since I come in, I will kill me, right?” Tang Shidao smiled.

“Well… I definitely have this meaning.” Luo Wei can only nod.

“Thank you, I know what to do.” Tang Shidao further understands the rules of the secret bridge of the world, but the heart is calm.

Only one sentence.

What happened is necessarily related to the idea.

This sentence alone is enough.

Ten days later.

The effect of limiting Mana disappears completely and everything returns to normal. At this time, Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai also smelled the smell of the whistle. This change must be artificial and must be the one who killed Mr. Tang.

Two more days.

Thousands of cloud bridges have once again gathered.

Hundreds of powerful teams dominated by Faring first appeared. Then, tens of thousands of weaker and smaller teams have appeared in the same place. In theory, it is impossible for the Treasure Hunting Group and the Sniper Group to appear at the same time because everyone’s goals are different. The goal of the Treasure Hunt is to lose the instrument. The target of the sniper group is Tang Shidao. It doesn’t matter.

In the last battle report, Tang Shidao summon phantom left the battlefield.

A half-day battle.

Tang Shidao didn’t know where he was going, and he was not lost in the instrument. Therefore, the two group goals cannot be consistent. According to the extent of the scattered instruments, it is impossible for tens of thousands of treasure hunt groups to gather together. It should be divided into countless teams to blame.

this moment.

Seeing the sniper group and the treasure hunt group gathered together, they could not help but raise a chill in their hearts.

The impossible thing happened.

There is only one reason.

Tang Shidao smiles, reaches out, and the space twists and shadows next to Yunqiao… After the death of millions of elite fighters, the instruments that everyone lost. These things are stacked together and there is no omission, all in the hands of Tang Shidao.

“Large space technology, greedy space. One does not leak, all in my place, there is not much damage.” Tang Shidao indifferently said.

Everyone on the opposite side shook.

on purpose?


“How do you know that we will come?” The leader of the Yuanshi sniper regiment is the Yuan dynasty, the singer of the nickname ‘Vientiane Screen’.

“Isn’t the last secret bridge brought you here?”

“Lessly nonsense. Yes, it is the road guided by the secret bridge of the world, but it is obvious that you know that we will come over. Tieyunzhai has been by your side, and this ‘old man’ is probably not aware of outside affairs. They even Remind you that you can’t know the number of us. We all have one place, which is problematic in itself. Even if we have a wish, we can’t have it at the same time.” Yuan Screen is a proper second echelon. The big clan of a large clan is old and undoubtedly strange.

“There is my helper outside.”

“It’s even more nonsense. Do you think we haven’t monitored you? It hasn’t stopped. You have met with someone, and you have spoken, we are all clear. In addition to the dead Wei Luo, the person you are most familiar with is Tieyun. Zhai and Yang Mo are two. They are following you, one is monitored by us, it is impossible to provide information. Moreover, your next clansman is also coward, it is impossible to communicate.” Yuan Screen a pair of ‘winner’ attitude, like Questioning the imprisoned prisoner.

Tang Shidao smiled.

No one believes in telling the truth, who can blame.

There are really helpers in the outside world… The millions of elite warriors in the life network, except for a few people such as the Lantern Festival and the defending champion, have not been modified, and 99.9% have become a member of the life network, controlled by the small Wisdom Tree. Your secret operation is similar to reading the manual in my opinion.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao does not intend to forgive

With a wave of hand, the sea of ​​clouds turns into a sea of ​​fire clouds. Countless red lotus blooms, turning the entire space into a red lotus world in an instant.

The face of the Yuan dynasty is mad… The weakness of oneself is fire.


I know that I have not shot the other party.

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