Mage Network

Chapter 1142

Because of the dragon massacre, the Yuan’s clan had a stronger aversion to Tang Shidao.

Last time, tens of thousands of elite warriors slammed together.

This time, Yuan Zhen personally led the team, and the Yuan’s clan and Yuan’s allies sent reinforcements. The number, the last hundred times, millions of strong participation. The reason for the reinforcements was not the other, because the thing that killed Tang Shidao spread, the price of the soul stone suddenly flew, and the extent to which everyone was afraid.

At first, it was just a soul stone for a cosmic heart, with a little more fees.

Tang Shidao left.

This price immediately doubled.

When the killing plan spread, the price of Soulstone climbed tenfold.

It can be said.

Now the Soulstone is a price of one day, multiplied exponentially, even three times a day. Compared to the original one, there is no one sold for a few thousand. In this case, the major clan forced to change the plan… first take Tang Shidao and let him make a large number of soul stones. I really don’t want to give in, and then seal or kill.

Benefits, it directly changed the killing plan.

“But, torture is not killing. Emperor Tang Shidao, I will let you know the end of the game with us, I will tell you personally.” Yuan hate the channel.

He lost the last one, and his life has been overturned.

Even if he makes up, he will not be in the past. Directly facing the ‘enemy’, Yuan Zhen naturally hates peace.

at this time.

Millions of military personnel are on the side, and Lantern is also full of confidence. In the case of limiting the holy world, he believes that no one can be a couple. Even the strongest of the first echelon, under the control of ‘limited Mana’, it is difficult to fight thousands of people. Now, his leadership is not thousands, but millions. With such a huge amount, every Fireball can burn opponents.

Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai face very poorly.

They can’t help.

No, they are already difficult to protect themselves. Even if you are in the second echelon, you can only avoid it by facing this amount and try to live more time. In the end, no one can survive in this army. If you have the original strength that Failing dominates, it is possible to drop some people in seconds and the chance of escape is even greater. Restricted to the level of the Holy Land 1, it is impossible to be an enemy.

Yuan Zhen is full of hatred, and the defending is the same.

He was removed from the surname, Tang Shidao was the ‘culprit’… The defending would not think that he was wrong. In his mind, if the last time Tang Shidao died, it would be that Wei’s merits, and the end result is a lot of rewards.

Tang Shidao is not guilty of death, he is wrong.

The defending team brought tens of thousands of elite warriors, and the entire team of the older generation had the same strength. This time you must win and you will win.

At this moment.

There is no one who doubts their victory. They are only pondering two things: First, will Tang Shidao escape? Second, Tang Shidao will not surrender? In fact, most people have been guarding Tang Shidao’s escape and did not want this mission to fail. Whether it can be conquered, it is a matter of Lantern Festival. See if he has any means to see how hard Tang Shidao’s bones are.

“Roughly calculated, the combat power is only divided into three factors.” Tang Shidao suddenly calmed down.

“What are you talking about?” Yuan Lan asked with a cold eye.

“Force, skill, energy.” Tang Shidao ignored it and still talked lightly.

“Are you crazy?” Yuan Zhen frowned.

“Force strength is formidable power protection, and craft is the guarantee of effect. Energy is the starting guarantee for the first two. In essence, the importance of the three is the same. However, some people think that having Force has everything, and the skill is not important. The energy is not important.” Tang Shidao said to himself, everyone did not understand.

“Do you have a problem with your mind? Force is of course the first. Want to surrender? I can give you a chance.” Yuan Zhen indicated that everyone was surrounded, and did not stop.

“You will be resurrected.”


“With the resurrection pool, you can all be resurrected, because I don’t intend to completely erase you. Telling these words to you is to bring you back with a sentence: you can’t help me more than 100 million times. I think that Force is the first, then I will correct your thoughts. I don’t use Force, just kill you with skill and energy.”

Yuan Zhen and others listened.

Looking at Tang Shidao, there is no difference between watching a fool. Millions of heroes are surrounded by one person, no fight against Force… Are you water in your head?

“And, I only say one sentence is enough.” Tang Shidao is still in ‘silly.’

Yuan Lan.

Also laughed.

Suddenly, Yuan Zhen gave a slight ceremony and reached out: Please start your performance.

Everyone smiled at first sight.

It turns out that Mr. Tang, who created the skill of “spirituality”, is just a savage idiot, and the key factors of the company’s combat power are not known.

Tang Shidao gently lifted the steps.

It seems to be moving forward, completely ignoring this encirclement.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao became a clouded body, and said a word: “The cloud is all things.”

after that.

The cloudized body recovered quickly, as if nothing had happened. On top of Yunqiao, Tang Shidao is slowly moving forward, and gently waving his hand to let Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai keep up. In the presence of millions of Mage, Tang Shidao is so ignorant.

Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai are also embarrassed.

How is this going?

What does it mean by this sentence?

Want to fight?

Still have to escape?

“Hey, you can’t think about it…” Yuan Zhen stepped forward and was trying to block the way. Suddenly, the situation changed.

I don’t know why, a cloud of clouds is floating.

Just one breath.

In front of the same ‘Yuan Yu’ stopped in front of Yuan Zhen, ready to start. When other Mages were surprised, they were in the same situation in front of them, and there was an identical ‘self’ to stop themselves. The defending champion turned to look at Yuan Zhen. He found that there were two Yuan Zhen, a surprised face and a calm face. There was no difference between the two.

Life induction.

Energy induction.

Instrument sense.

Including the feeling of familiarity inside, the two are exactly the same, there is no difference.

The defending champion looked at him again.

This ‘self’ is the same. Life, energy, and instrumentality are exactly the same. At this moment, the defending team even suspected that it was a fake, and the opposite was the real self. Defending knows phantoms and knows mirroring, but this ‘self’ is not like phantoms and mirrors.

“Hey, the trick of the monks.” The Yuan is different, one raises his hand, and the two vortex gathers together.

Being able to become an important training object for clan, Yuan Zhen is not a mediocrity.

Fire wind element.

His signature Force is also his unique achievement. It is impossible for his peers to have a dual element Force.

I am trying to intercept Tang Shidao.

at this time.

A pair of hands turned into a primordial claw, and the ‘Yuan Lan’ flashed on the foot of the elementary wind wheel, instantly tearing away the flesh and blood of the Lantern Festival. Such a cruel move is the hidden means of the Lantern Festival. Seeing this scene, look at the ‘self’ in front of you to sacrifice your best and the most secret Force, all Mage panic.

These counterfeit goods… are all true?

Are they exactly the same?

Do you know everything you know?

The hidden means also understand?

This is impossible.

Millions of people are different, Tang Shidao can’t replicate millions of different Mage. A completely consistent falsification, one is hard to get.

“Let’s go, two, they are dead.” Tang Shidao is still moving slowly.

The side of his body flashed.

The same moment.

Another stab cut cut the shadow, just like two identical assassins. Which distraction, which one is bad luck.

“You can’t think of running away.” Yuan Zhen waved his hand and the element was shot.


Hitting Tang Shidao only turned into a cloud of smoke, without causing a trace of damage.

That feeling…known artifacts, known magic, known abilities, all ‘known things’ can’t hurt Tang Shidao.

at this time.

Another element, Yan Mang, runs through the shoulders of Yuan Zhen and comes from another ‘Yuan Lan’ attack.

Exactly formidable power.


It is colder, more awkward, and more focused on stifling attacks.

“With ancient instruments, the creation of the gods is also impossible to defend against ancient instruments.” The defending giant, he is being battered and exhausted by another ‘defense’.

Yuan Zhen and other leaders took out the private goods.

But at the same time.

Another ‘Yuan Yu’ and ‘Other Leaders’ are also available, also owned.

These are not real ancient instruments.


They should be preceded by a ‘imitation’ word.

Because they have a copy, they can be doubled. At least within a certain time limit, they are temporarily two copies. At this time, Luo Wei and Tie Yunzhai understand that this is not the ability of the creation of the gods. This is the additional ability of Tang Shidao… He can ‘temporarily’ create everything that is known.

Not only people, but also objects.

Tang Shidao can be created as long as it belongs to the creation of the world’s known sum of everything.

This is the skill.

Creating millions of the same Mage brilliance at a time, and several times the rituals, the energy must be tens of millions of times.

Where does this energy come from?

Tang Shidao said that ‘technique’ is the skill of the creation of the gods.

What about energy?

In this case of limiting the Holy Land 1, Tang Shidao could only create one talent, and the incarnation of millions of ‘clouds and everything’ must have an energy source.

At this time, there are hundreds of French light flashes.

Without exception.

All of them turned into cloud smoke at Tang Shidao, and they could not cause a trace of harm. Even if there is a physical Mage rushing, the fists and claws are torn, the result is useless. Tang Shidao simply ignored it, and these blows could not cause harm. On the contrary, when they were slightly distracted, the same Force hit them and caused serious trauma.

Tang Shidao walked slowly.

That attitude is not that you have lost, it is more like… you are not qualified to play with me.

“After the resurrection, remember to say to your sect masters: No one in the same level of Force can win me. Next time I will die, I will send some people that I will kill. You want to do this level. I can’t afford to be interested.” Tang Shidao didn’t look back, only waved his hand, still watching the academic text of Yunqiao, and he was not in a hurry to leave.

In his eyes, these people are no different from the clouds and fog, there is no threat.

Half a day later.

The resurrection pool controlled by the Yuan clan, Yuan Zhen appeared in a gray face.

“and so……”

“In a word, are you all gone?”

“Yes. We…we are not at the same level at all, and we are not qualified to fight.”

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