Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 274: 274, grim

   Chapter 274 274, grim

   Shen Yuerong was also a little puzzled about today's incident. She had forgotten about the honorary certificate when it happened suddenly.

   Qin Tianru smiled lightly and talked about his own thoughts.

   "Some things are too easy to leave a deep memory. Even if we hide the good things, the decoration of our home is better than other homes.

It is better to let them search generously rather than covertly. Only after the search has been done, will they be completely relieved. If we have taken out the certificate to stop them from the beginning, they will definitely be more unconvinced, and even more convinced. Think we have ghosts in our hearts.

   Only after they have searched, and then show the certificate of honor, will it show the innocence of our family, and it will also make them shameless. "

   Having said this, Qin Tianru chuckled lightly.

   "Originally, I also wanted to do this for the villagers to see, so that everyone would not speculate about our family's life, but I didn't expect Li Zhaodi to emerge, but instead it enhanced the contrast effect.

Originally, we couldn’t hide the fact that our family came back from the provincial capital. Sooner or later, some people would be suspicious. It would be appropriate for Li Zhaodi to take the opportunity to bring it up. Everyone has a mentality to try. their minds. "

"I see."

  Qi Yuanhua nodded suddenly, and he understood the meaning of it instantly after such an explanation.

   Let them rummage thoroughly, and then show the honorary certificate after all their thoughts are done. The effect of this is definitely much stronger than taking out the certificate at the beginning.

   "Sister-in-law, you are too smart."

   Qi Qing praised her with incomparable admiration, and her respect for her sister-in-law deepened. She deserves to be her fairy-like sister-in-law!

   Qi Han smiled and looked at his little daughter-in-law with admiration in his eyes, "Well, you did a good job."

   Being praised by his family, Qin Tianru pursed the corners of his mouth and showed a shy smile.


  After dinner, Qi Zhongkang and Qi Jiaxing came to Qi's small courtyard.

   Sister Qi Qing quickly took out the stool from the room and greeted them to take their seats.

   "How's it going?" Qi Yuanhua poured a cup of tea for the two of them. This set of tea sets was brought back from the provincial capital and kept for many years.

  Qi Zhongkang sighed, "I'm afraid this time is not peaceful. When I went to the commune in the afternoon, I met several leaders of the production brigade, and their brigade also underwent some inspections today."

   Qi Jiaxing added: "On a trip to the commune, I found out that the situation of our brigade is not bad."

   I don’t know if their team members are too good at hiding things, or they are really poor, and they didn’t let those people get anything. The only profitable cousin’s family was also stunned by the certificate of honor.

   "What do you mean? The other battalions are very violent?" Shen Yuerong asked, frowning.

Qi Jiaxing sighed regretfully, "I heard that a few wealthy households have suffered, and many things have not been saved. This thing is all right, and it will be gone if it is gone, but if someone is captured, it may not be possible to have everything. Come back at the end~"

   "Hey, the world is difficult, I can only endure it." Shen Yuerong was very emotional.

  "." Qi Han's juniors listened silently without saying a word, and they were powerless for this kind of thing.

   Qi Yuanhua turned to ask, "What did the commune say?"

   Mentioning this, Qi Zhongkang's face was full of sadness.

   "Listen to what the commune said, this time the policy is very strict, and the orders issued are also very tough. The commune also expressed their helplessness. Today's incident is completely a temporary attack, and they don't know about it.

   They sent people to inspect, and they could only cooperate as much as possible. Originally, the focus of this cleaning and inspection should be in the town, and I don’t know why the country was suddenly inspected.

  Listen to the commune, there may be a surprise attack from time to time in the following days, let each of our brigades prepare themselves and not do anything illegal. "

   "Hey, what's this called~" Qi Jiaxing was a little disappointed, always feeling that this good day would be disturbed.

  Qi Yuanhua rubbed the edge of the teacup, "As long as we do it ourselves, others can't make mistakes."

  “.” Everyone was silent.

   Although this is said, but the so-called 'If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse', if someone is really looking for trouble, how can they put a hat on you.

  Qi Han: "Uncle Tang, haven't you been free recently? Find a few people to pay more attention to the entrance of the village. If there is any movement, please notify everyone in time, so that everyone can be prepared."

   "Well, well, I'll arrange it tomorrow."

   Qi Zhongkang also had this idea. Although their village has no assets and the conditions of every household are not very good, they are afraid that something will happen suddenly and the team members will not be prepared.

  The father and son sat in the courtyard for a while, and after asking about the situation in the city, they said goodbye to the Qi family courtyard.


   The next day.

  Hantian Xiaoliu went up the mountain.

   Qin Tianru thought that her brother Han had been tired for a few days outside, and would be tired for half a month, so he wanted him to take a dip in the hot spring pool in the valley to nourish his body.

  The last time the two of them didn't take a serious bath in the hot spring, but after that, they still clearly felt the subtle changes in their bodies.

  There is a place where spiritual plants can grow, and this hot spring pool naturally has its own uniqueness.

   A short soak in the hot spring can expel the tiredness and fatigue of the body. If you take a bath frequently, it will nourish the body and remove impurities from the body.

   To put it bluntly, this hot spring is like a purifier, and soaking for a long time can make people’s body better and better.

   This time, both of them are familiar with the route, but it saves a lot of time compared to the last time.

   They went out around seven in the morning, and now they have entered the valley before ten.

   Qin Tianru and Qi Han sat side by side, and the young couple chatted casually.

   "Brother Han, let's find a time and bring my parents into the valley to soak in the hot springs."

  Although this valley is like a secret base, Huanhuan is not the kind of selfish person who likes to share all the beautiful things with her relatives and friends.

   She is actually a person who values ​​her relatives and friends very much, cares about her family and loves her family.

   She couldn't tell them directly about the storage space, but this valley is different, it exists in this world itself.

  Since there is this natural good condition, there is no reason for the couple to enjoy it.

   In particular, this hot spring pool is of great benefit to the human body. She hopes that her family can live a long, healthy and happy life.

   In fact, if the elders in the family are healthier, the younger ones will also benefit.

   "Okay, then bring them tomorrow, let's say we accidentally got lost and broke in today."

   (end of this chapter)

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