Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 273: 273, documents

   Chapter 273 273, Documents

   Seeing that Li Zhaodi was taken away, the villagers also felt that she deserved it. Who made her a big mouth?

   Among these people, many of them have been told right and wrong by her and spread some indiscriminate words, so many people dislike her in their hearts, and even if they see her being arrested, everyone will not feel injustice for her.

   "Okay, let's all leave!"

   After walking down like this today, Qi Zhongkang also felt tired. Those people really had nothing to do.

  Fortunately, in the end, everyone was safe and sound, and there was no problem, otherwise there would be a grind.

   Seeing that there is nothing wrong, the onlookers have also returned home.

After everyone left, Qi Zhongkang said to his cousin's family, "I only found out about this when they arrived in the village, and I don't know what the situation is with the other battalions. I have to go to the commune to find out the situation.

   Your house has been turned over like this, so you have to clean it up again. I will call Hongying and the others to come and help. "

   "Thank you, cousin, for letting Chunni come to inform us in advance about this matter, otherwise our family will be in trouble today."

  Qin Tianru went up to express his gratitude, even though their family has an honorary certificate issued by the provincial capital, if they caught the situation in their house, there would still be problems.

   "You're welcome, we're all a family." Qi Zhongkang waved his hands in disapproval.

  Shen Yuerong: "Uncle, we just need to clean up by ourselves, don't call sister-in-law and the others to come here."

   "Yes, we have a lot of people, so we can take care of ourselves." Qi Yuanhua agreed.

   "Well, I'll go to the commune first, and I'll tell you about the situation later." Qi Zhongkang thought that it would be easier for them to take care of some things themselves.

   As for where those things in his cousin's house were hidden, he didn't ask too much, after all, each family had their own privacy and secrets.

   Even close relatives should know how to keep an appropriate distance.

   As long as what they're hiding doesn't get discovered.

   "Uncle Tang, wait a minute." Qi Han shouted.

   Qi Zhongkang stopped his feet and looked at Qi Han with a puzzled expression.

   Qi Han said directly, "I just came back from the county town. No one should know the situation in the city better than me. I wanted to ask you to talk about this with my uncle."

   Qi Zhongkang looked solemn, motioned to everyone, and walked straight into the main room.

   Qi Yuanhua immediately closed the courtyard door, so the family followed into the main room.

After everyone was seated, Qi Han opened his mouth and said, "The county has not been calm these days, and the shops are almost closed. There are inspection teams.

Generally, the merchants who do business have nothing to do, but if their ancestors are rich and rich, they are easy to be targeted. I think the next period may not be too calm. If it is not necessary, everyone should not go to the county. Hanging around the town. "

   Hearing the words, everyone was silent for a while. They didn't expect the situation outside to be so serious. Although Qi Han's expression was very simple, it was not difficult for them to hear some deep meaning in his words.

   The actual situation may be far more severe than they imagined.

   "Okay, I see. I will have a meeting tomorrow morning and tell everyone, then you should clean up first. I'll go and see what's going on at the commune."

   Qi Zhongkang's expression was unspeakable, and he left the Qi's small courtyard with a heavy heart.

   Here, the small courtyard has completely returned to peace.

   Until then, everyone cared about Qi Han's return.

   Shen Yuerong asked: "Boss, why are you back today?"

  According to the time calculated before, the eldest son should come back in two days, but I saw him back today.

   Could it be that something happened on the transport team?

   Qi Yuanhua also looked concerned, "Could it be that your convoy was also affected?"

   Qi Han smiled, "No, these are two completely unrelated systems. I learn fast, and I can get started in two or three days, so I don't have to study for five days."

   said, Qi Han took out a green-shell certificate from his luggage.

   "Well, this is my driver's license, I can officially drive out of the mission."

  Qi Jun was quick-witted, and immediately picked up the documents on the table and looked back and forth.

   "This is the driver's license."

   I feel so awesome, I envy him. When he is an adult, he will also have to take a driver's license.

   "Show me." Qi Qing snatched it over and watched it in her own hands, very novel.

   Shen Yuerong looked anxious, she also wanted to see it, "Okay, let's put it on the table and let's watch it together, what are you robbing!"

   Qin Tianru's attention was not on the documents, but on another issue.

   "Brother Han, did the transport team inform you when to leave?"

Qi Han stared at his daughter-in-law, "Five days later! After studying and getting the certificate, I will first arrange a few days for everyone to go home for rectification, usually three days, but the leader saw that I lived far away, so this time he arranged for me five days. time."

   "Where are you going on this mission? How many days are you going to go?" Qin Tianru continued to ask.

  Qi Han: "It will take about ten days to go to Yun Province. This time I will be going to five vehicles to transport a batch of supplies, and then replace a batch of supplies that we need in Shu province."

   Hearing the conversation between the couple, the other people stopped scrambling to see the documents, and they all looked sideways and listened.

   "Then you have a good rest at home for the past five days, keep your spirits up, and then go to work."

  's mother was worried. When Shen Yuerong heard that her son was going out for more than ten days, the most worrying thing in her heart was his body, and she was afraid that he would not be able to eat well outside.

  After all, after driving a long-distance car, you are on the road in the wilderness for a long time. What hot food can you expect to eat?

   "Then why don't you kill that goat and make soup for you."

"It's okay, mother, let's keep the goats. Xiaojun and Xiaoqing are now growing their bodies. You and Dad's bodies also need to supplement high calcium protein daily. If you want to supplement other nutrients, let's go up the mountain and look for it. ."

  Qin Tianru thinks that it is not that there is no meat to eat, and there is no need to stare at goats. It is not easy to raise a goat now, so it is better to keep drinking goat milk for a long time.

  Qi Qing seemed to react and exclaimed, "Oh, fortunately, our goats have been brought to the backyard to raise them, and the group of people haven't gone to the backyard just now."

   "Fortunately I didn't go." Qi Jun was thankful for a while.

   Qin Tianru smiled nonchalantly, "Even if they saw it, they might not be able to take it away. Didn't they return the two old bacon to us."

   Qi Qing's eyes suddenly stared, "Sister-in-law is still amazing!"

  Qi Yuanhua asked curiously, "Huanhuan, since those people will be concerned about our family's certificate, why didn't they show it in the first place?"

   "That's right, then we don't have to be in such a hurry."

   (end of this chapter)

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