Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 271: 271, search

   Chapter 271 271, Search

Wang Wei on the side of    was surprised when he heard what the villagers said. There is such a thing in this broken country.

   But seeing the scene where the person who reported the report was attacked and scolded by the villagers, I cursed inwardly: Useless thing!

   "Okay! What's the quarrel! We'll investigate whether it's true or false."

   At this moment, the other inspection team members also rushed over and stood beside Wang Wei.

  Wang Wei saw that all the people had arrived, and his confidence suddenly increased. Then, he faced the Qi family in the courtyard with a serious face.

   "What do you say? I believe that there is no wind and no waves. Since someone said that, it must be something inappropriate for you. When I entered the village, I said that we accept all the people's reports.

   Now that the masses have reported the situation to us, we must act according to the rules, so now I ask you to cooperate with our inspection. "

  Wang Wei felt that since the village woman just said that, the family was somewhat suspicious. When he searched before, he took some face into account, so he was not too thorough in his search.

  Although they are using chicken feathers as arrows, things are not easy to do too much. If they rashly go to the villagers' homes without a name, it will definitely not be good to spread the word.

   But now it is different, someone has raised doubts, then they can have a fair reason.

   Frankly speaking, he himself is very suspicious of this family now. He always thinks that they are hiding something, but the place where it is hidden is very secret.

   "Comrade, you can't listen to someone's one-sided words." Qi Yuanhua said hurriedly.

Qi Zhongkang also followed suit, "Captain Wang, although my cousin's family is returning home from the provincial capital, they are all well-behaved people, and the reason why they go home and live is because their relatives have cheated their money, so they returned home. The country raises the body."

After a short pause, Qi Zhongkang glanced at Li Zhaodi and said calmly, "What she said can't be taken seriously, Li Zhaodi is notorious for being a big mouth in our brigade, and she didn't take advantage of my cousin's house before, so she felt resentful. It was said on purpose."

   "Yes, since Qi Yuanhua's family returned to the brigade, they didn't do anything bad." The scorer Zhou Hai followed closely.

  Wang Wei gave Qi Zhongkang and Zhou Hai a gloomy look, and his tone was very tough: "It's not up to you to decide whether they commit any fouls, everything can only be judged after our search.

   Besides, you also said that their family used to do business in the provincial capital. Nowadays, many rich people have made mistakes, so I have reason to suspect that their family is too! "

   "My cousin didn't give up his business and went back to his hometown to farm a few months ago, so he can't match up with today's businessmen."

   Qi Zhongkang suddenly felt that this person was simply unreasonable, and his attitude was obviously that he had nothing to do, and he was going to give it to his cousin's family out of nothing.

   Qin Tianru saw that father-in-law still wanted to argue, so he tugged at his sleeve.

   "Father, don't talk about it, since this comrade wants to search, let them search. Our family is innocent, but we can't let them ruin our reputation."

   "Huanhuan. Can.."

  Qi Yuanhua was a little hesitant to say anything. He knew exactly what was going on in their house, and he would definitely not be able to withstand a further search.

   He is so anxious now that his throat is almost smoking, but these people are simply messing around, and they will peel off every skin when they smell the smell of meat.

  Qin Tianru gave his father-in-law a reassuring look, motioning him not to speak, and turned her head to face Wang Wei, with a calm tone.

"Comrade, we can cooperate with your search, but what if nothing is found? Does our family deserve to be charged with trumped-up charges by someone else's words? Who should bear the loss of our family? "

  Wang Wei squinted, did not expect this woman to make a move to retreat, but she obviously looked down on him, did she really think she would be dissuaded by her words?

   On the contrary, the more she behaves like this, the more it shows that they are playing tricks.

   "Don't worry, we have always done things fairly. If there is really no evidence, we will definitely apologize for any loss to you."

   Qin Tianru said to the villagers, "Then please let the villagers be a witness."

"it is good."

   Someone in the crowd took the lead and responded, Qin Tianru knew an aunt who had a good relationship with Auntie.

   Qin Tianru smiled and made a please gesture to Wang Wei, "Then you can please."

  Wang Wei raised his voice towards the team members, "Search for me!"

   Qin Tianru pulled Shen Yuerong and Xiaoqing back to one side, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth, his expression was calm.

   A group of people rushed into each room immediately, rummaging around, and even threw a lot of things on the ground.

   Shen Yuerong saw someone rush into the couple's room, her heart jumped to her throat, and she couldn't help grabbing Huanhuan's hand nervously.


   Qin Tianru felt her mother-in-law's worry and patted it lightly, "Don't worry~"

  Wang Wei, who was originally waiting in the courtyard, couldn't help but hesitate when he saw Qin Tianru's calm face.

   Could it be that this family is really clean?

   No, he has to go and look for it himself, there must be some hidden secrets or something.

  Wang Wei couldn't wait any longer, so he rushed into the house and started rummaging for a while.

  The villagers surrounding the courtyard couldn't help but feel indignant for the Daqi family when they saw the behavior of those people.

   Being rummaged around by them, how can there be anything intact in the house?

  The time passed, and Qi Yuanhua and the others saw that the people who rushed into Huanhuan's room returned empty-handed, and their anxious hearts immediately calmed down.

   It seemed that Huanhuan was hiding very secretly, so they were relieved.

  Therefore, the five members of the Qi family stood in the yard with indifferent faces, as if it had nothing to do with them.

   After searching for half an hour, a group of team members still found nothing, and even some of them even dug the ground with a **** and shovel.

   It can be said that the whole house was pitted and messy by them.

  Qi Zhongkang couldn't bear it any longer, "Captain Wang, you've almost searched! This house has been turned into this by you guys. If there was anything, it would have been exposed long ago."

  Wang Wei's face is very dark, these words are very harsh, and he almost said that they should stop.

   "You can't question our work, we have our own measure!"

   "Good sense of proportion!"

  Suddenly, a thick and cold voice came from behind the crowd.

   Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and saw that the eldest son of the Qi family had returned, and everyone immediately gave way.

   (end of this chapter)

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