Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 270: 270, report!

   Chapter 270 270, report!

   After all, people are all sympathetic to the unfortunate sufferers. Only when their family suffers, will everyone be more inclined to their own family in their hearts, rather than sharing the same hatred with the inspectors.

  Sometimes the water is too clear and it may not be a good thing. The so-called muddy water can only fish.

   "Yes, your family's thinking is relatively correct, and you know how to make corrections in time."

  Wang Wei said high-sounding words, but in fact he was secretly proud of himself.

  Humph, forgive them, the country folks don't dare to oppose them.

   Qi Yuanhua took the initiative to hand over two pieces of bacon with a very sincere attitude.

  Wang Wei picked up two pieces of bacon and walked out of the stove, and he had seen the situation in the house, and there was nothing worthwhile.

   Anyway, this trip was not in vain, and it finally got something. Before checking the family, he even thought that this trip was a waste.

   Now, with a windfall, he feels a lot more at ease.

  The people standing in the courtyard and outside the door saw Wang Wei come out with two pieces of bacon, their eyes froze for a moment, and then they lowered their heads, not daring to look any more.

The Daqi family can find meat, which is not surprising to the people in the village. Their family is living a better life, and everyone knows it well. After all, they have such a powerful family, and the Daqi family's life will not be too long. Difference.

   Seeing that these people actually took away the bacon from the Qi family, the mood of the villagers was different for a while.

   There are those who see jokes and gloat at misfortune, some who feel pity and sympathy, and some who are worried and afraid

   Just when Wang Wei was about to take someone out of the Qi family courtyard, a sharp voice suddenly came out of the crowd.

   "Comrade, I want to report! This Qi family is a rich boss who came back from the provincial capital. Their family used to do big business in the provincial capital. They are rich and have a lot of money."

  The crowd instantly quieted down, and everyone looked at the speaker in surprise, obviously not expecting her to say that!

  Although there are people in the crowd who are jealous of the Qi family's good life, they have no intention of deliberately framing people. In essence, they are just some careful thoughts.

   But if you say it like this, isn't this pure heart harming people?

   The comrades from the inspection team just said that they need to clean up the bad wind of hedonism, which means that whoever gets this label will definitely end up badly.

   Therefore, even if some villagers are jealous, they know that some things cannot be said nonsense.

   Besides, apart from the pomp on the day of the wedding banquet, there is nothing wrong with the Daqi family in normal times. The Qi family and their sons also go to work with them.

   And in our daily life, I didn’t see them doing anything ostentatious or putting on airs. Their attitudes were very amiable, and there was nothing like the extravagance of landlords.

   "You are talking nonsense!"

  Shen Yuerong reacted immediately and scolded Li Zhaodi who was talking nonsense in the crowd.

  Li Zhaodi crossed his hips, looking like he was doing justice.

   "I'm not talking nonsense, this is something that the whole team knows, do you dare to say that you didn't stay in the provincial capital to do big business before? You dare to say that you are not a capitalist?

   It’s good that you don’t take it with you in the provincial capital. Instead, you go to live in our backcountry. I think, maybe you have done something in the provincial capital, and you have provoked someone! "

  Wang Wei, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, looked at the two parties in the confrontation with great interest, looking like he was watching a play.

   I really didn't expect it, and there is even a surprise.

  I thought it was these two old bacon today, but I never thought that this family was still a big fish.

  Tsk, I almost missed it.

   Thinking of this, Wang Wei smiled coldly. He thought he was a wise man, but now it seems that he is completely fooling himself.

   Very well, they dared to make fun of themselves, just now they are still short of a typical target.

   He wants to show these people, they are not easy to mess with.

  Wang Wei warned the team members next to him, who immediately passed through the crowd and ran towards the village.

  Qin Tianru has been keeping an eye on the two of them. Seeing them like this, he knows that he is going to call someone.

   It looks like we are going to hit the bar today.

"Is it illegal for our family to do a small business? Besides, it was all two months ago. The Victory Brigade is the hometown of our Qi family, so why can't we come back? Take a step back, if our family really did it What kind of crime is committed, and you can still stand here and listen to your mouth full of feces!"

  Shen Yuerong was not convinced and continued to slap Li Zhaodi, she was so angry that this Li Zhaodi was just a **** stick.

   Now it seems that today’s horror is not easy.

   A person who is greedy for two old bacon can expect them to be a person of good character?

   will definitely not give up.

   But in any case, their family cannot admit this crime.

  Wang Wei took a few steps forward and stood on the steps at the gate of the courtyard, looking down at Li Zhaodi.

   "Is everything you just said true?"

  Li Zhaodi nodded immediately, "Master, what I said is true, if you don't believe me, ask everyone?"

   was suddenly named by Li Zhaodi, and everyone around him retreated, keeping their heads down and silent.

   They don't dare to say such words casually.

   Although everyone is not the same ancestor, they are relatives living in the same village. In terms of closeness, of course, the Daqi family is closer.

   No matter what, the villagers must agree to the outside world.


   Seeing everyone pretending to be quails, Li Zhaodi was very angry and cursed.

   "What benefits did the Qi family give you? Let you help them like this. I think you want to benefit from the Qi family! There is no distinction between right and wrong."

This made the onlookers unhappy, "Li Zhaodi, who is right and wrong, what qualifications do you have to stand here and accuse the big guy? I have a son who likes to be pressed by men, I think your family is the one. Black and white."

   "Bah! They don't differentiate between black and white, they don't differentiate between men and women at all, and it's okay to not avoid meat and vegetables, but there is still the face to stand here and say that we don't move right or wrong, I bah!"

   "That's right, if it was me, I was too embarrassed to go out, why? Are you trying to help your perverted son to harm who?"

   "You bastard, go home! You're not ashamed, and we're ashamed."

   Originally, everyone didn’t intend to get involved, so it was enough to watch the fun in silence, but I didn’t expect to be scolded by Li Ying’s nose. How could everyone endure this?

   If other people made a few accusations, they would not be so angry, but the person who said them was Li Zhaodi.

   Just based on what Zhou Qiang had done before, it was enough to make the whole team despise.

  In their hearts, people like Li Zhaodi have no right to blame them at all.


  Li Zhaodi's face was flushed red when attacked by the crowd, she was angry and embarrassed, her hands were shaking, and she was speechless.

   Attention~! 271 screens a chapter.

   Look into the skirt, it will take two days to untie it o(╥﹏╥)o




   (end of this chapter)

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