Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 259: 259, must be ruthless (make up)

   Chapter 259 259, must be ruthless (replenishment)

   In an instant, the screams of two people echoed throughout the yard.

   In the end, the monkey's brain was flexible, and it was clawing hard at the wall.

   Seeing this, Huang Ergou also reacted and climbed up the wall with all his strength. He wouldn't even care about stealing something, he just wanted to leave this ghost place immediately.

   This yard is so weird!

   "Er Gouzi, help me~ You can't leave me alone!"

  The monkey was so small and thin that he couldn't climb up the wall at once, so he could only grab Huang Ergou's feet and let him pull him.

   Huang Ergou wanted to jump out immediately, but his right foot was grabbed, so he had to hold back the pain and helplessly pulled the monkey.

   lying on the top of the wall, no need to sit or stand, finally let the two take a breath, after being able to breathe, their mental state could not help but relax a lot.

  Huang Ergou couldn't help but yelled, "What the hell!"

   "Er Gouzi, did you just see what was poking us?" The monkey swallowed hard, feeling panic in his heart.

  Huang Ergou took a sip of water, "If I see it clearly, do I still need to run?"

   When was Huang Ergou so cowardly?

   If he had found out someone was making trouble, his fist would have been beaten up long ago.

   But on the current issue, he didn't notice anything unusual at all.

  Although the scene just now was a little flustered, and the heels and buttocks were painful, but it wasn't that he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, he glanced a few times.

  Besides some flowers and plants that were trampled on the ground under the courtyard wall, there were a few crooked cacti. Other than that, there were no strange sharp objects.

   Their faces were stuck on the cactus, no doubt, but what tugged at their feet?

   Also, what pierced their feet and buttocks?

   That thing was obviously sharp and hard, it definitely couldn't be those cacti, but they did clearly feel that thing.

   Anyway, it's a little weird!

   "Could it be that there is something buried in the ground?" The monkey guessed with a dark face.

   "I know, I know, why don't you go down again?"

   Huang Ergou said angrily, but the words in his mouth suddenly stopped, and a horrified expression suddenly appeared on his face.

   "What's wrong?" the monkey asked tentatively.

   Huang Ergou wanted to cry, "You, did you feel something crawling on our feet?"

   He now seriously suspects that there is something dirty in this yard, the kind that can't see a shadow.


  The monkey didn't know why, but he was still scared by Huang Ergou's words and shrank his neck, and always felt a chill on his back.

   "What do you mean..?"


  Monkey suddenly gasped, his eyes full of horror, and he blinked desperately at Huang Ergou.

   He felt it!

   Something was really crawling on their feet.

  The two looked at each other silently, too scared to speak, lying on the wall shivering!

  Suddenly, they felt a sudden tightening of the ankles, as if a rope was tightly restraining their feet.


   This moment made the two of them burst out with a strong desire to survive, and they jumped out of the courtyard wall regardless of whether it was three or seven or twenty-one.

   But because of the posture of the two, it was obvious that they could not make a wall jumping action, so there were two muffled 'bang' sounds, the two fell on a big horse, and their faces rubbed directly on the ground, and then rubbed again!

   The small thorn that had not been pulled out on the face, poked further into the flesh.

   However, now the two of them completely ignore the pain in their bodies and just want to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible.

   So the two of them supported each other and fled in a twisted manner.


   Qin Tianru has roughly finished listening to what the flowers have told them. Although the accuracy cannot reach 100%, he has mastered the main core content.

   Listening to the conversation between the two is obviously intentional.

   Zhou Qiang's shadow appeared in her mind immediately.

   It seems that Zhou Qiang is worried about what happened yesterday morning. He is not convinced and wants to find someone to deal with their family?

  The first thing is to find someone to come to their house to steal things, then what?

   Qin Tianru squatted down and gently stroked the flowers and cacti that had been trampled down. With a wave of hands, the flowers and plants that were lying crooked instantly stood up and regained their original swaying posture and expression.

   Sure enough, she was too kind.

   Yesterday morning, she should have let him cut off his sons and grandsons, so as not to let him jump in front of her.

   It seems that yesterday's electric shock did not frighten him, but aroused his fighting spirit.

  Since that's the case, then this time she has to be ruthless so that he can't turn over again!

   Then how can she get their news?

   The so-called know yourself and know the enemy and win a hundred battles. Only by knowing their plan can you be hit with one blow!

   What should I do?

   Qin Tianru fell into deep thought, and suddenly, her eyes lit up, she had a solution!

   She put both hands on the ground, used her own powers to inject it into the soil on the ground, and began to slowly extend her perception around.

Wherever the    ability goes, all the plants are cheered up and swaying cheerfully!

  Qin Tianru controlled the supernatural power and let it surround the entire production team little by little. As long as the supernatural power was injected, all the plants could be used by her.

   She doesn't need to touch it herself, she can also perceive the conscious response of all plants through perception.

  Although plants give her a strong or weak consciousness due to their own spiritual problems, there is also some information feedback.

   She wanted to pinpoint Zhou Qiang, and the best way was to keep track of all the bells and whistles in the village, let all the plants become her spies, and monitor everything in the village.

   In order to strengthen the spirituality of the plants in the village, Qin Tianru quickly passed the supernatural powers three times in the soil of the entire village to ensure that he could master every corner of the village.

   "Huanhuan, where are you squatting?"

   After Shen Yuerong placed the goat, she turned her head and found Huanhuan in front of the flowerbed, as if she had been squatting for a long time.

   Qin Tianru quickly stopped and stood up with a smile.

   "Nothing~ I just saw that some new shoots appeared in the soil of the flowerbed, so I was curious to see what kind of seedlings they were."

   "Oh, don't squat for too long, be careful your feet are numb."

   Shen Yuerong nodded, and after exhorting, turned around and went to the kitchen to get busy.

   Seeing his mother-in-law walk away, Qin Tianru touched the ground again and used his senses to give instructions to all the plants along the way in the countryside.

   She wants to lock Zhou Qiang!

   She wanted to know what he was doing and who he was hanging out with as soon as possible, and the most important thing was to find out what the **** he was up to.

   The main reason is that Zhou Qiang is within the scope of the production team, so she can rely on the plants to grasp the first information.

   At this time, outside the Qi's small courtyard, if someone carefully observes, they will find that the flowers, plants and trees along the road are all tilting their heads in one direction and swaying.

   Make up two thousand words, I still owe everyone a reward, and I will make up tomorrow o(╥﹏╥)o

   After the new book is on the shelves, you can vote for the monthly vote. After chasing the update, don't forget to vote!

   In the past few days, I suddenly found that the bubbling little cutie is a lot less.

   Are you not chasing the post?



   (end of this chapter)

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