Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 258: 258, sneak attack

   Chapter 258 258, sneak attack

  Shen Yuerong, who was waiting on the spot, was indeed unable to sit still, and she was uneasy when she had not seen the two coming back for a long time.

   If it wasn't for a goat to watch beside her, she would have gone looking for someone long ago.

   "How is it? Can you two do it? Would you like to put the peach tree down for a while."

   Seeing the two girls sweating profusely, Shen Yuerong felt distressed for a while, they were both pampered girls, and now they can fight fruit trees with their bare hands.

   "Okay, let's take a break first." Qin Tianru nodded in agreement.

   Actually, it wasn't too tiring for the two of them to lift the peach tree together. The main reason was that the road in the mountains was difficult to walk. While they had to take care of the peach tree in their hands, they also had to pay attention to the road under their feet, so the speed of walking was not very fast.

   Walking around like this is naturally a bit of a hassle.

   "Huanhuan, let's put this tree here first, and let your father and Xiaojun fight later, let's go back with the goat first."

  Shen Yuerong didn't want the two girls to be too tired. The way down the mountain is more difficult than going up the mountain. If you are not careful, it is easy to slip or step on the air. It is good that they can bring the goats down the mountain.

   If you add a peach tree, it will be a bit difficult.

   Qin Tianru thought about it and felt that her mother-in-law's words made sense. Although she was eager to plant a housekeeping tree for the family, she also had to consider the actual situation and their own abilities.

   "Okay, then let's lift it up to the halfway up the mountain and put it down."

   After resting for a few minutes, the three of them began to descend the same way.

   Shen Yuerong was in charge of leading the goat, and the vegetable basket with the rabbit was hung on the tree pole, while Qin Tianru and Qi Qing were still in charge of carrying the peach tree.

   Qin Tianru is not worried about the mother-in-law who is walking with the goat, after all, the cane tied around the neck of the goat has her supernatural blessing.

   No, this goat is completely obedient and looks like being led away.

   Walking to the halfway up the mountain, Qin Tianru placed the peach tree in a corner, and then the three of them went down the mountain easily.

Peach trees are not like wild vegetables and mushrooms. They want to pick them up when they see them. Therefore, Qin Tianru is not worried that someone will bring this peach tree home. .

  The people in the village are not very interested in the wild fruits in the mountains, because the taste is too sour, and it is okay to eat them once in a while.

   But for Qin Tianru, it was different!

   She has the ability to properly improve the genes of plants and make peaches grow bigger and better.

When    walked to the courtyard gate, Qin Tianru deliberately looked at the wall of the lower courtyard, and could vaguely see a few shallow footprints.

   Those two would find time. They had just walked away on the front foot, and they found the back foot.

   Could it be that he saw them going up the mountain and knew that there was no one at home, so he wanted to enter the yard to steal?

   If this is the case, does it mean that they have been monitoring their home?

   After entering the yard, Shen Yuerong and her daughter were busy, one placed the goat and the other took care of the rabbit.

   Qin Tianru didn't get involved and walked straight to the front of the flowerbed. The flowers swayed slightly and greeted Huanhuan one after another.

   In the eyes of other people, this picture is just the flowers swaying with the wind, and there is nothing unusual about it.

   Qin Tianru used his perception and began to communicate with the flowers about what happened at home before.


  The people who came to Qi's house today were Huang Ergou and Monkey, who were specially recruited by Zhou Qiang.

  After a night of discussions, they decided to monitor the Qi family for a period of time to thoroughly understand the whereabouts of everyone in their family, so as to find the best opportunity to start.

   As soon as they came to squat this morning, they saw the Qi family go out one after another. Two men, one big and one small, went out to work, and three women also went up the mountain with vegetable baskets.

  It is estimated that he will not be back for a while.

  So, the two people who were squatting not far away were moved. Since there was no one in the Qi family's house, why not start now?

  If this family is as rich as Zhou Qiang said, then the two of them will be divided directly.

   People who could have been mixed with Zhou Qiang were not good people with good character and loyalty. For them, their interests must come first.

   Without hesitating for too long, the two touched the courtyard wall of Qi's family.

  Some people's courtyard walls are even surrounded by wooden fences. The Qi's courtyard walls are considered good, but for taller people, they can climb the wall with a little effort.

   "How is it? Nobody?"

  The monkey is thinner and weaker, so Huang Ergou can only climb up the wall to inquire.

   "No one, not even a watchdog."

   Huang Ergou said proudly, and immediately helped the monkey climb the wall.

   However, what the two of them didn't know was that when they helped each other climb the wall, green leaves suddenly appeared in the flowerbed inside the courtyard wall, and the growth accelerated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Slowly, the green leaves turned into long vines, extending up slowly along the wall.

   "Come on, let's go in and see if there is anything good."

   After the monkey also climbed up the wall, Huang Ergou confidently made an offensive gesture towards the courtyard gate.

  As a result, when the two of them were about to jump into the courtyard, they suddenly felt something pulled on their ankles.

   Before the two of them could see clearly, they directly planted it into the flowerbed.


   There were two screams in the Qi family courtyard.

   "Made, what the hell?"

   "Hi~ my face, oh, it hurts~"

   The two fell into the wall of the inner courtyard with their faces facing the ground, and they had a close contact with the cactus directly.

   So the two of them got thorns all over their faces, and they didn't even dare to touch it because of the pain.

   The two of them stood up with pained faces, but they knelt down before they could stand still.



   followed by two more screams, but this time the sound seemed to be more painful than the previous screams.

   "What the **** is that!"

   "My foot board~ It hurts me to death."

   Just now, the two of them were about to stand up, but as soon as their feet touched the ground, they were suddenly pierced through the soles of their shoes by a sharp weapon.

   The soles of their feet were punctured, and the pain made them unable to stand, so they knelt down subconsciously.

   There was a piercing pain in the feet, so the two of them sat directly on the ground with one buttocks, trying to reach out to check the injured soles.

   "Ah oh yo~"


  Suddenly, the two of them screamed extremely violently, and stood up from the ground with a bounce. As a result, the soles of their feet were injured again, and their feet hurt again when they stepped on the ground.

   This time it really made the two of them uncomfortable. They couldn't stand on their feet, and they couldn't sit on their buttocks. They didn't know whether to stand or sit because of the pain.

   First, 6,000 daily updates, and then yesterday's patch.



   (end of this chapter)

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