Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 254: 254, practice ability

   Chapter 254 254, Practice Powers

   After announcing his official business, Qi Zhongkang then began to arrange the work of planting potatoes.

  The main food is not to be counted on, so we can only rely on other grains of beans and grains. Fortunately, their brigade planted potatoes last year, and the harvest was not bad, so they reserved some beans.

  Although there are not many of them, they are very useful in times of famine. In short, even the smallest flies are meat.

  Daqi's family has settled in the production brigade, so naturally the task of going to work cannot be avoided.

   Fortunately, there is no mandatory requirement for everyone in a family to work. Anyway, it is a work-point system, and it is calculated on a per-capita basis. As many people work, there are as many work points as possible.

   Those who do not work will naturally have no work points. When the grain is distributed, the share will be calculated and distributed according to the total points for the year.

   So, Qi Yuanhua and Qi Jun and their sons were arranged on the Qi family's side. After all, they are men, so it's not good for women to go out to work. They should stay at home.

   Anyway, their family is not short of food, and they don’t need to work hard to get full work points, they just need to behave appropriately.

   Actually, Qi Desheng and Qi Zhongkang wanted to arrange a lighter job for Qi Yuanhua and his son, but they had just returned to the village, and they were not very familiar with the relationship with the villagers.

   If the door is opened for them at this time, it will not help their family get along with the team members.

   Therefore, Qi Zhongkang decided to hold off for a while, and then make arrangements after they gradually got to know each other in the village.

   After the explanation was over, the crowd gradually dispersed.

  The Qi family also returned to the small courtyard. Qin Tianru didn't say anything about Zhou Qiang's matter and was ready to deal with it himself.

   At this time, her brother Han was still on his way to the county seat, so it was inconvenient for her to talk to him on the phone.

  Before going out, the couple made an appointment with each other, and Qi Han called Huanhuan every day for voice calls, because the environmental factors on his side were unstable, and it was not so convenient to answer them.

  Secondly, Qin Tianru didn't want to affect her brother Han's study outside because of his voice calls, and this phone watch should not be exposed to outsiders.

   Compared with Qi Han, Qin Tianru who stayed at home is much more convenient, and everyone in the family knows the existence of telephone watches, so whenever Qi Han calls, Huanhuan is very convenient to answer.

   However, Qin Tianru didn't plan to tell Qi Han for the time being. After all, she can handle this by herself, and her brother Han has only been out for a day. She hopes that brother Han can study with peace of mind when he goes out, and doesn't want him to worry too much.

   Although she usually has a soft temperament, it does not mean that she has no temper.

   That's right, she likes to lie down with salted fish, and someone arranges everything for her, but she still has an independent side in her bones, and she is not the kind of woman who depends on men for everything.

  So, she has her own ideas about Zhou Qiang.


   After lunch and a short rest, it’s time to go out to work.

   The Qi family was not arranged to go to work a few days ago because there was not a lot of farm work in the field. In addition, the Qi family had just returned to the village, so they needed some time to clean up.

   But now we are going to start planting beans. Weeding, loosening soil, and reclamation all require some manpower. The most important thing is that Qi Zhongkang doesn’t want the team members to be too idle.

  If they have nothing to do all day and let them stay at home every day, it is easy to lead to some troublesome things.

   Let everyone participate in farming properly, which can also divert attention.

   At two o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Yuanhua went out with Qi Jun carrying farm implements, while Shen Yuerong and her daughter were curious and wanted to go to the field to see the scene of sowing.

   And they can also help with hoeing and weeding. If there are wild vegetables in the surrounding fields, they can also pick some and go home.

  After Qin Tianru expressed that he did not want to go out, Shen Yuerong and her daughter went out with a vegetable basket.

   Both mother and daughter know Huanhuan's temperament, they don't like to join in the fun, and they like to stay at home, so they didn't force her to go out.

   As a result, Qin Tianru was left alone in the entire Qi family courtyard.

   After closing the courtyard door, Qin Tianru took out dozens of small bags directly from the storage space.

   She squatted under the courtyard wall, looking at the bags of seeds on the ground.

   Originally, she collected a lot of seeds, flowers, melons, fruits, herbs, etc. in her storage space. As long as it is interesting, beautiful and delicious, she likes to collect it.

   Before, in the batch of supplies that her parents bought for her, she collected hundreds of various plant seeds for her.

   The dozens of bags placed on the ground in front of you are almost all filled with thorny vine-like seeds.

   After the last time when plants besieged Ye Roezi, she was greatly inspired.

   She should explore the usefulness of plants. It is not enough to perceive their consciousness and emotions. She should learn to maximize their own value.

  Although she can use the weapons in the storage space, what if it is not suitable to take them out of the storage space at certain times?

   When she always feels inconvenient to use the storage space, the best way is to strengthen her attack and defense ability!

  So, she thought of her own power.

   Her eldest sister can use her supernatural powers to call on spirit beasts to relieve her troubles, so she can also use all things on the earth for her own use.

   Originally, she wasn't so eager, but after Zhou Qiang's incident this morning, she suddenly realized that she had no ability to protect herself, let alone aggressiveness.

   She didn't like sports since she was a child, and she didn't like the scenes of fighting. When she watched her eldest sister learn fighting taekwondo, she just felt tired and panicked and suffered too much.

   Speaking of which, she is too salty!

   It seems that she is more patient and persistent only when it comes to cooking and planting flowers, and other things are not easy to arouse her interest.

  So, she was so lazy all the way to adulthood.

   But now the living environment is different, security issues cannot be compared with later generations, and more often we can only rely on ourselves.

  Since he has no force value, he has to find a way to add weight to himself.

   Therefore, she wanted to practice more to see how to control plants more effectively and make them weapons in her hands.

   Qin Tianru chose a type of seed and held it in his hand, accelerated the input of abilities, and quickly made the thorny vine in his hand grow.

   "Tangling around that stool."

  Huanhuan activates the power and activates the password at the same time. She has to master the ability to drive plants proficiently.

   "Throw it out~"




  Qin Tianru practiced the interaction with plants over and over again, and mastered the strength of plants.

   She was trying to see if she could shrink the plant, hide it on her body, and immediately extend it out when she needed it to lock in the target!

   If there is any danger, and she has to wait for her to input powers to stimulate the growth of animals and plants, and then use her senses to issue commands, then she is probably dead long ago.

   (end of this chapter)

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