Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 253: 253 The big secret of the Qi family?

   Chapter 253 253, the big secret of the Qi family?

   Hearing what the younger son said, Li Zhaodi rolled her eyes at him.

   "What do you think? Which of your eyes can tell that she is the daughter of the Qi family, do you think she looks like Qi Yuanhua?"

   Zhou Qiang took a look, "It's not the daughter of the Qi family, I see that she is not very old, and she looks like a mother and daughter with the aunt next to her."

  Li Zhaodi sneered, her tone full of ridicule.

   "That woman's surname is Qin. I don't remember her name, but I heard people around her call her Huanhuan. She is not the daughter of the Qi family, but the eldest daughter-in-law of the Qi Yuanhua family.

   I heard that the Qin family is rich and a big family in other provinces. Haven't you seen it? Some time ago, the Qin family gave off a wedding ceremony. I heard that they gave the Qi family several ox carts.

I don't know what kind of **** luck the Qi family has gone through, and they can still have such a good marriage. I see, the eldest son of the Qi family is a little white face who eats soft rice. If the Qin family is gone , how can they eat delicious and spicy food every day now. "

   Anyway, Li Zhaodi is not pleasing to the Qi family. People like them should be arrested and put in prison. There are so many people in the village who are still hungry, but they are full of fish and meat every day.

   This is simply capitalism!

   Hearing the old lady's words, Zhou Qiang's eyes froze when he looked at Qin Tianru.


   He plucked out his ears and confirmed, "Mother, you said that the woman in blue is the daughter-in-law of the Qi family? Is she married?"

  Li Zhaodi said angrily, "Yeah, maybe I'm joking with you, I'm not in that mood, why? It doesn't matter if someone is married or not."

   Suddenly, Li Zhaodi turned her eyes and looked at her younger son with a calm expression, "Don't tell me, do you like that daughter-in-law of the Qi family?"

   After finishing speaking, Li Zhaodi instantly realized that she was a little excited, and could not help but look around, seeing that everyone's attention was not on their mother and son, she was a little relieved.

   She lowered her voice and warned, "Qiangzi, my mother tells you, if you dare to mix with the Qi family, see if I can break your legs!

  I don't care how you mess around outside, but if you hang out with the little daughter-in-law of the Qi family, I don't agree. "

  Li Zhaodi's anger was full of anger, and he was even more annoyed that his younger son was not up to his standard. He knew that she would not deal with the Qi family, but he even took a fancy to the daughter-in-law of the Qi family.

No matter how bad her son is, he is still an unmarried young man, just the daughter-in-law surnamed Qin. At first glance, she is not a woman who is easy to raise. Looking at the tender meat, she knows that she can only eat and drink, but not work. people.

  If Qiangzi dares to lead such a woman in the door, she will definitely break his dog legs!

A woman like    is married, what is the use other than looking good? Instead, she had to be served.

  Humph, so she said, the Qi family is just looking at the wealth of other people's wife's family, so let's take advantage of others.

   It's a pity that those couples usually look like literate people, and they don't know how hypocritical they are.

  "." Zhou Qiang was stunned by what his mother said in front of him, and he didn't react at all to what she said later.

   That woman is already married?


   He believes in his own vision. Although he is not married yet, he can be regarded as reading countless women in terms of women.

  Whether it's a big yellow flower, a little daughter-in-law, or a little widow, he has all tasted it.

  Whether a woman has broken body, whether she has experience in that matter, he can see that the experience he has accumulated over the years is not in vain.

   On the way home this morning, just by looking at her back and the way she was walking, he immediately concluded that she was a big girl with no experience.

   Over the years, he hasn't made a mistake in looking at women.

   He believes in his own vision, his own judgment, and his own experience.

   "Mother, that woman is still a yellow-flowered girl."

   "What did you say?"

  Li Zhaodi stared at her little son in a stunned manner, with a look of disbelief.

   How is this possible?

   Zhou Qiang smiled lewdly, "Mother, your son is a man, and this man can't be wrong when he sees women."

  Li Zhaodi was dubious, but then he thought about the relationship between his youngest son and those women outside, and felt a little more credible.

   She couldn't help looking in the direction where the Daqi family was standing, and seeing the Qi family's daughter-in-law holding Shen Yuerong's arms and talking affectionately, she really looked like the little daughter was coquettish with her mother.

   If you don't ask, just look at the behavior of the little daughter-in-law, it really doesn't look like she has been married and is a daughter-in-law.

   "Are you serious? Is the Qi family's daughter-in-law still innocent?"

   Zhou Qiang said with certainty, "I dare to guarantee."

   "This" Li Zhaodi was shocked.

   They have already had a banquet and worshipped, so they are a serious couple, how can they marry the daughter-in-law who entered the door, and they are still intact?

   What is this all about?

   How can there be a man in this world who doesn't want a woman, let alone sleeping in the same room every night, how can the eldest son of the Qi family really be indifferent?

   Besides, that daughter-in-law of the Qi family is not a virgin. She just looks at it and doesn't eat it. Which man can hold it back?

   Suddenly, a thought flashed in Li Zhaodi's mind, and her eyes widened!

   Incredible~ She felt like she had discovered a big secret.

   She couldn't help pulling her son closer, "Qianzi, do you think the eldest son of the Qi family can't do that?"

   Zhou Qiang groped his chin and thought of this possibility.

   Otherwise, he could not find a more reasonable reason.

   "I think so too. She's really blind to such a smart little daughter-in-law."

   After thinking about it, Zhou Qiang instantly felt that this was an opportunity given to him by God.

   He is a woman who has slept a lot, but he has never slept with a woman in the city.

   I wonder if they will be more open-minded than their little girls in the countryside?

  Since the man in the Qi family has no blessings to suffer, then you should take it for him.

   Immediately, Zhou Qiang looked at Qin Tianru with fiery eyes and a determination to win.

  Li Zhaodi sneered, "Tsk tsk, I really didn't see it, that kid from the Qi family is tall and strong, and it turned out to be an embroidered pillow, it's not useful!"

   Passing through the crowd, Li Zhaodi looked at the Qi family with a look of contempt and ridicule on her face.

   This thing has been said, but it is really interesting.


   "Huanhuan, do you feel that Li Zhaodi's eyes are a little weird when he looks at us?"

   Shen Yuerong wasn't that sensitive at first, but she couldn't help the other party's stare at them being too obvious. She just happened to meet Li Zhaodi's eyes inadvertently.

   Then, she noticed that Li Zhaodi was looking at them intentionally or unintentionally, and her eyes and expressions seemed to be watching a joke.

   In short, it made her very uncomfortable.

   Before Shen Yuerong noticed it, Qin Tianru actually felt it. For people with supernatural powers, the perception of facial features will also be different from ordinary people.

  When she saw Li Zhaodi, she also noticed Zhou Qiang instantly.

  Looking at their mother and son's snarky eyes, they knew that they must have no good intentions.

   It seems that this Zhou Qiang has to fight with himself.

   Well, let's play with him!

   Qi Han smiled: I heard that I can't do it?

   Huanhuan: Brother Han, I will help you clean him up!

   PS: We Huanhuan is a cute soft girl. Although she has no force, she has attack power~



   (end of this chapter)

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