Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 224: 224, old bacon

   Chapter 224 224, old bacon

   So for the villagers living in the countryside, it is not easy to eat meat once.

   Although there is no fresh meat at home, there is old bacon!

   Among the ingredients brought by the eldest sister before, there are some sausages and bacon, which can be stored for a long time.

   Whenever you are craving for meat, you can take it out and make a meat dish.

   So, Qin Tianru made a stir-fried old bacon with garlic sprouts directly. This dish is simple to make and especially served with rice.

   In the end, she also made a very refreshing and oil-free vegetable soup, one meat, two vegetables, and one soup, and their family's dinner was done!

   "Brother Han, you bring these two dishes to your uncle's grandpa's house."

  Qin Tianru put a plate of braised morels and fried tea tree mushrooms on a plate each. This was what I had told my sister-in-law before, and she sent them to them after she was done.

  Qi Han had just cleaned the soil on his body, and after hearing his wife's order, he took two dishes without saying a word to dry his hands.

   Qi Han walked very fast, and within ten minutes of going back and forth, he came back with an empty plate, and the tableware was just placed in the main room.


  At around 6 o'clock in the evening, the Qi family sat down at the dinner table. During the whole process, everyone ate with great gusto, and everyone's praises echoed throughout the room.

  After dinner, everyone is used to sitting in the courtyard with a cup of Xiaoshi tea to pass the time.

  The sky in April is getting darker and darker later, and the small mountain village at 7 o'clock still has a little fish-white light.

  Shen Yuerong suddenly said, "It's been a few days since we sent the letter to the conductor, right?"

   "Well, according to the progress of the letter, the conductor of the train should receive the letter at this time. Don't worry, I might have to wait a few more days to see the reply."

  Qi Yuanhua was drinking tea slowly. He knew that his wife was very concerned about this matter, so he spoke with relief.

   "I don't know if the conductor can make arrangements after reading the letter."

   As soon as the marriage of the young couple was settled, Shen Yuerong felt a lot more relaxed, and now the only thing she worried about was the work of her eldest son.

   The old saying says that men want to start a family and start a business. Now that Ahan has already married Huanhuan, it is time to start a business.

  If A-Kan can implement the work, then their family in the village can be considered completely stable.

   "It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, Akan also has a college degree, so there are more than enough drivers to apply for the transportation bureau."

   Compared with Shen Yuerong's worries, Qi Yuanhua is very confident in his son. Secondly, it is not difficult to apply for a job now.

On the side of   , Qi Han silently counted the time, the 'storm' was coming in a week, he just hoped that before the incident broke out, the train conductor could give some strength to arrange the work as soon as possible.

  In the evening, there was a sound of insects in the fields, and the whole village seemed to fall into a quiet atmosphere in an instant.

   Qin Tianru obediently climbed into the bed after washing, and voluntarily rolled into the innermost part of the big bed, leaving more than half of the bed space.

   Qi Han returned to the room, and his eyes darkened after seeing the situation on the bed. He hung the towel on the wooden frame and walked straight towards the big bed.

   The candlelight in front of the bed flickered faintly, and a swaying figure was reflected on the wall.

  Qi Han lifted the quilt and lay on the bed. Seeing his back to his small body, he whispered, "Huanhuan."

   "What are you doing~"

   Qin Tianru's small face was half covered by the quilt, and his voice couldn't help but squeak.

   She didn't sleep well at this time, why did she suddenly cue her?

   (end of this chapter)

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