Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 223: 223, eating meat is difficult

   Chapter 223 223, eating meat is difficult

  In the past, Qin Tianru didn't feel much about cooking by herself, but now she suddenly felt that it was a good thing to be able to cook.

   At least it will be conducive to the harmony and stability within the family, and it will also reduce the conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

   If one meal can’t solve it, then two meals!

   Besides, she can cook a lot of food, even if she doesn't repeat it for a month, it's fine.

   Immediately, the three women entered the kitchen in a hurry, preparing to cook a sumptuous dinner.

   Needless to say, Qi Qing took over the work of burning the fire, and Shen Yuerong was too embarrassed to be idle, and helped Huanhuan fight in the stove.

Qin Tian's cooking speed has always been relatively quick. Although she has a very Buddhist temperament and looks very soft, she is very efficient in doing things and does not like procrastinating and procrastinating. efficiency.

   Therefore, after finalizing the menu for dinner, she immediately made a big move.

   Her first dish was braised morels.

   This dish is not very technical and the cooking method is very simple.

   First, soak the morels, and cut the green peppers into pieces for later use. After the oil in the pot is hot, add the bean paste to fry until fragrant, then add the broth, green peppers, morels, and soy sauce and cook for a few minutes. .

   It happened that there was some bone broth left over from yesterday’s wedding banquet, so the morels will be more delicious. If there is no broth, you can only add some water.

   In fact, if you can put some ham in this dish, it will taste even better. She has ham in her storage space, but it is not suitable to take it out now, so she can only discard this ingredient.

   The second dish, Qin Tianru made vegetarian fried tea tree mushrooms.

   There are many ways to make tea tree mushrooms, the most common is the tea tree mushroom roast chicken, or the tea tree mushroom fried meat.

   But Qin Tianru's favorite method is vegetarian stir-frying, because the tea tree mushroom itself is already very delicious, and vegetarian stir-frying is the cooking method that can best bring out its original taste.

  If it is mixed with other ingredients, it will inevitably hide the deliciousness of the tea tree mushroom itself.

The method of vegetarian frying is even simpler. Cut the washed tea tree mushrooms into small cubes and drain the water. After the oil in the pot is hot, add garlic slices and shredded green peppers and fry until fragrant. Then add the tea tree mushrooms and stir-fry until cooked. Lastly, add the onion and salt.

   Next, you should cook meat dishes. Only meat and vegetarian food are balanced.

   But there is no fresh meat, and Qin Tianru has no excuse to take it out of the storage space. After all, they have never been out of the village today. Where did the fresh meat come from?

   Besides, it’s not easy to buy meat in this day and age. There is a ration. If you want to go to the town or commune to buy meat, you usually have to go early, and you can’t buy it directly after the time is a little bit late.

   As for the countryside, there are no stalls selling meat at all. Because of the current policy, there is no such thing as private raising of piglets. They can only be raised in the name of brigade, and then distributed collectively.

   And the brigade was supposed to go to the commune to pick up piglets in March, but because of the delay in the availability of grains, the brigade did not rush to get them, so the village has not raised pigs until now.

  Although it is not possible to raise pigs, other poultry can, but the number is also limited. Each household can only raise two poultry, whether it is chickens, ducks or geese, only two in total.

   But even so, not every household in the village has the conditions to raise poultry, because raising poultry will inevitably consume some food. Nowadays, everyone’s life is not very good, and there is no extra condition to raise poultry.

   (end of this chapter)

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