Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 210: 210, wrist

   Chapter 210 210, Wrist

   It was half an hour after the couple walked out of the new house again.

   Qin Tianru's little face was puffed up with powder, like a layer of blush on his cheeks, charming and shy.

   On the other hand, looking at Qi Han who was walking behind him, he had a smile on his brows and a handsome and complacent look.

   Qi Yuanhua snorted inwardly when he saw his eldest son like this, what else could he not understand from the same man.

   But he can also understand, after all, it is a newly married, and the young couple is like glue.

   Seeing that the couple had packed up, Qi Yuanhua got up and signaled everyone to go out.

   "Let's go."

   Today the village is going to transplant the batch of wheat seedlings. The whole team attaches great importance to this matter, so everyone wants to participate in person.

   They don't want to be too maverick, so they are also ready to go to the crowd to join in the fun, and if they need help, they can help.

   Before Shen Yuerong stepped out, she glared at her eldest son secretly, this wooden fish head is a man who doesn't listen to persuasion.

  Qi Qing's eyes couldn't help but stay on Qin Tianru's lips, why did she feel that her sister-in-law's lips were a little swollen?

   She thought about it, isn't today's breakfast spicy? Could it be that the sister-in-law ate something heavy after returning to the room?

  Qi Qing shook her head secretly and withdrew her gaze.

   Qi Jun, who was unaware of the whole process, was completely unaware of the subtle atmosphere among the family members, and happily rushed out to join in the fun.

   It's less than nine o'clock now, but almost all the people in the brigade have gathered at the wheat seedlings in the village.

   At this time, there was a lot of noise at the scene. It seemed that everyone was vying for the place to transplant the wheat seedlings. The appearance and posture were as if others would damage the wheat seedlings.

   Qi Zhongkang was holding a gong in his hand. Seeing the noisy scene, he hurriedly knocked on the gong.

   "Okay, I have my own choice for the wheat planter, but before planting, while everyone is here, I'll put some ugly words up front.

Everyone knows how important this batch of wheat seedlings is, so I won’t emphasize it too much. If anyone talks nonsense outside and makes other production teams make trouble with me, anyway, I will only be concerned about it. to be convicted.

   As long as it is related to our brigade, I will put the crime on your head. After receiving the food, this family is not eligible to participate in the distribution of food.

   So, for the sake of your own food rations, it's best for you to keep your mouth shut and restrain your family members in recent months. You shouldn't say don't spread it everywhere, everyone understands what I mean? "


   "Don't worry, Captain."

   "We understand in our hearts."

   "If anyone in my family dares to beep, I'll break her legs."

   "It's only a fool to say it, this little food is not enough for us to eat."

   "That's right, if anyone dares to say it, it's really immoral."

  The Qi family came a little later, so they stood behind the crowd and kept a low profile. They were quite relieved about Qi Zhongkang's management methods.

   Afterwards, Qi Zhongkang selected more than a dozen quick-handed and careful team members to be responsible for transplanting wheat seedlings, while the rest of the team members were unwilling to leave and stood on the field ridge to watch.

  A thousand wheat seedlings are divided into one pit, one by one, and they are evenly arranged in rows.

   In less than an hour, all the wheat seedlings were properly transplanted into the wheat field. Looking at the rows of green wheat, the villagers couldn't help but raise their mouths.

   That's great!

  Alive, there is always a chance.

   Qi Han: Aggrieved ~ I need to make amends!

   Qin Tianru pouted his red and swollen mouth: Not enough?



   (end of this chapter)

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