Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 195: 195, Wedding 3

   Chapter 195, Wedding 3

   On the right side of the door is a three-layer wooden washbasin tripod, with an enamel basin on each layer, and a T-frame on top, with two brand new red towels on it.

On the other side of the    tripod is a dressing table with a mirror that can reflect the upper body, and there are some bottles and jars on the table.

  Good guy, it's all small porcelain vases of different colors, you can tell it's a good thing at a glance.

   The women at the scene felt sour when they saw this dresser. As a woman, who doesn't want to have a dresser of their own!

   Not to mention the dresser, as long as there is a cream to wipe the face, they will be satisfied.

   It's no wonder that Qi Han's daughter-in-law's face is so white and tender, all the good things that she dares to rub on her face.

   I'm really envious and can't be envious any more.

   Looking down the dressing table, it is the big bed lying on the innermost side.

  The big bed is covered with a rich and honorable quilt, and by the head of the bed is a pair of brightly-colored mandarin ducks playing in the water pillows, and on the bright red hilarious bed, eight new quilts are stacked.

   The beautiful tricks made the women on the scene red-eyed.

   There is a lacquered red stand at the end of the bed, and a small floral tablecloth is spread on the top of the stand. Two peony-patterned kettles are placed on the stand, and a sewing basket is placed beside it.

   Looking at this circle, the women in the house are not only envious but also envious, so that their hearts are a little numb with envy.

   There are not only "four one projects" in the marriage room, but also "36 legs", which even exceeds these two specifications.

   As a woman, having such a decent and generous dowry, this life is worth it.

   Everyone couldn't help but look at today's bride, with her bright and shy face, and her slender figure, just by virtue of her petite appearance, she would have such a pomp for this family.


   "Where is our groom?"

   Seeing that it was almost time, Qi Jiaxing didn't see Qi Han's figure, so he couldn't help looking around.

   Yan Ze replied, "Go back to the room to change clothes."

   At this time, the courtyard was full of people, the whole scene was full of people, and the villagers were chatting enthusiastically.

   Of course, everyone was talking about the Qi family or the couple today, and many people even followed the Qin family in the courtyard.

  No way, who made the Qin family look so outstanding, especially in the crowd.

  Long and good-looking people will naturally attract some attention.

   Everyone couldn't help but whisper, and they all guessed the origin of the Qin family.

   At this moment, Qi Han came out of the house, and the people in the courtyard couldn't help looking over.

   I don't know if it's because people are in good spirits at happy events. Today, Qi Han seems to look better. He wears a black tunic, which makes his figure more tall and sturdy.

  A short hair with hair oil to make a side-back hairstyle casually, mature and elegant, with a bit of retro, but it is very in line with the aesthetics of this era.

   After looking at the groom's face, everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at Qi Han's chest pocket.

  Because this position is pinning a red rose.

   After doing this, Qi Han instantly became a little more personable, like a good son who came out of the old kingdom.

   The atmosphere at the scene was quiet for a second, and then everyone started to praise and joke.

   "Hey~ today's groom is really handsome!"

   "I've lived this age, and I've never seen such a good-looking groom~"

   (end of this chapter)

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