Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 194: 194, wedding 2

   Chapter 194, Wedding 2

   So everyone sat directly outside the courtyard and ate sweets.

   "The Qi family's wedding banquet was really well organized."

   "Somehow they came back from the city. As the old saying goes, a dead camel is bigger than a horse."

   "Did you see it? The yard is also decorated with a lot of flowers. People in this city are really careful."

   "I heard that there are sixteen dishes for today's banquet. We can open our stomachs to eat later."

   "Real or fake? How much does sixteen dishes cost?"

   "Then Qi's family is afraid that this banquet today has paid off."

   "Hey, you don't know, right? I heard that all the ingredients were shipped from the woman's family from other places."

   "Isn't it? I heard that the woman's family sent a lot of things, even the ingredients for the banquet?"

   "It's true. Yesterday I saw it with my own eyes. Both bullock carts were filled with packages of various sizes."

   "Is this posture still marrying a daughter-in-law? It's more respectable than marrying a daughter-in-law in the countryside."

   "Look at this in-law's family, my in-law's family is like a sky and an underground."

   "Just your daughter-in-law can compare with Qi Han's daughter-in-law~"



   At 10:30 in the morning, the Qi family courtyard was full of crowds and crowds.

   There were still many people standing outside the courtyard gate at this time. Because there were not enough tables and stools, they could only wait for the second round of banquets.

   Originally, there were only six tables at the entrance of the courtyard, but the people who came to drink exceeded the Qi family's prediction, so Qi Zhongkang asked someone to move five large round tables.

   Even so, it’s still not enough to sit.

   Not every household in the village is willing to spend money to buy a big round table, so almost all the tables and stools that can be borrowed have been brought in, and the villagers who have no seats can only find a place to wait for the second round.

   Many women who have a good relationship with Yang Hongying's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can't help but curiously enter the wedding room to see the bride.

  Because there were too many villagers coming to the feast today, people with bad relationships or ordinary people were too embarrassed to squeeze in to join in the fun.

   Of course, the bride is real, but everyone wants to see the dowry in the wedding room.

  Everyone has heard that the wife's house is a long way from their side. Unlike their locality, there is a link to send a dowry, so the woman's dowry is placed directly in the wedding room.

   These days, poorer families don't pay attention to dowry, and they are completely in line with the old saying: the water that is poured out by a married daughter.

   Secondly, people who pay a little attention to face will prepare quilts, pillows, socks and insoles for their married daughters.

   In Ping County, the more fashionable dowry is the "Four One Projects", that is, the bed, the washbasin, the spittoon, and the kettle.

   This is a decent dowry size in the countryside.

   Of course, if someone gave a dowry with '36 legs', it would definitely be called a beautiful marriage, and it was quite a row.

   And these '36 legs' contain a wardrobe, a cabinet, a table, four chairs, and a bed.

   Today's women in the Victory Brigade have opened their eyes to what a real dowry is.

   In the wedding room at this time, there is a desk on the left hand by the window, a vase with flowers on the table, and a pair of enamel teacups on the other side.

   On the other side of the desk stood a two-door lacquered red wardrobe with the word Double Happiness on the door.

   (end of this chapter)

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