Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 191: 191, and music

   Chapter 191 191, Harmony

  Qin Yixi was very calm, "It doesn't take much effort, you can do it casually! This time I'm in a hurry, so I made two watches first, and I'll make one for you after a while."

   "Really? Thank you Brother Qin!"

  Qi Jun suddenly became excited, the light in his eyes was brighter than the light bulb.

   Qi Yuanhua and his wife and Qi Qing couldn't help but get excited when they heard this. Who wouldn't want such a powerful watch?

   When it was Qin Tianyi's turn to give gifts, he had already prepared in his heart, so before he came, he gave up struggling and prepared a gift for the younger sister and brother of the Qi family.

  Because of his diligence, he is not as good as the love card gift made by the eldest sister, and he is not as arrogant as the eldest brother-in-law's family.

   The arrogant eldest brother is even more incomparable, that is completely beyond his ability.

   So, he gave Qi Jun a Transformers toy and Qi Qing a set of Barbie dolls.

   "Wow wow~"

   After Qi Jun received the Transformers toy, he shouted excitedly and even danced, not to mention how happy he was.

   Just now, he looked like a fanboy who admired Qin Yixi incomparably. After receiving such a cool gift, he immediately became friends with Qin Tianyi.

   "Thank you Lele!"

From the introduction just now, Qi Qing already knew the nicknames of her sister-in-law's brothers and sisters. She was only two months younger than her sister-in-law, so she was naturally the same age as Qin Tianyi, so she followed Aunt Qin's request and called Xiao Xiao directly. name.

   This gift was delivered to her heart. She liked it very much. She thought it was countless times more beautiful than the dolls sold at the overseas Chinese counters in the provincial capital.

  Although she has a bright and carefree temperament, there are times when she has a girly heart.

   Seeing that the Qi brothers and sisters liked the gifts they prepared very much, Qin Tianyi was instantly satisfied.

   After receiving all kinds of gifts, everyone in the Qi family was very happy. In the subsequent chat, they learned that there are four people in the Qin family doing scientific research in different fields, and they couldn't help but be amazed.

   This awesome guy can go to heaven!

   The admiring couple did not plan to hide everything. After all, they will always be noticed in the future. Lies cannot stand the scrutiny of time.

   So they selectively disclosed a part, such as their general work, family situation, and living environment.

  After this chat, the relationship between the two families has become much closer.

   And in the afternoon, everyone started to do some preparations for tomorrow's wedding banquet.

   Arrange the wedding room, set up the earth stove, paste the happy words and hang the red silk, and organize the ingredients.

   Naturally, the help of Qi Desheng's family is indispensable. Everyone divides the labor and cooperates, and everything is in an orderly and step-by-step manner.

   Even Qi Zhongxiang and Liu Caihua, who had always been cheating and cheating, brought their three children to help for the first time in history. Everyone was well aware of their husband and wife's careful thinking, but no one refused.

   After all, there is happiness in the family. Tomorrow is the day of the wedding banquet. The most important thing in this kind of day is harmony and festivity. No one wants to make unpleasant things at this stall.

  Since they are willing to do things, let them do it. Shouldn’t the free labor force be used hard and be wasted?


  April 9th, good luck, suitable for marriage.

   Today's Qi's courtyard is red and bright, very festive.

  There are two big double happiness characters on the door of the courtyard, and a red hydrangea is hung on the door frame, and the red silk at both ends hangs naturally on both sides of the door frame.

   (end of this chapter)

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