Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 190: 190, another wave of meeting ceremony

   Chapter 190 190, another wave of meeting ceremony

Shen Yuerong stood up instantly and declined politely, "You guys are so polite, Sister Mu and the others had given us a gift when they came the day before yesterday. We are very grateful that you can come to Xiaohan and Huanhuan's wedding. Let you spend so much money."

   She really didn't expect the Qin family to be so polite, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

   Qin Yiling said with a smile: "Aunt, you're out of line when you say that, because we're a family right now, so we want to bring good things to share with you.

  Huanhuan has always been the most well-behaved one in our family. Now she is about to get married. Those of us who are brothers and sisters also want to show our affection. In the future, our family Huanhuan will ask you to love her more. "

   Hearing this, Shen Yuerong immediately understood that it might be sincere to prepare a greeting for their family, but with this intention, she hopes that their family will treat Huanhuan well.

"Don't worry, since Huanhuan has entered the gate of our Qi's house, our husband and wife will treat her as their daughter and love her. What she was like in Qin's family before, and what she will be in our family in the future, we will not Constrain or ask her to change something."

   Seeing the eldest daughter's talk, Mu Yiren took advantage of the situation and said, "Sister Shen, we must believe in your character and behavior before we are willing to marry Huanhuan into your family.

   The main reason is that Huanhuan has never suffered any hardships since childhood, so sometimes it is inevitable that she is a little squeamish, and I hope you will take more care in the future. "

  Shen Yuerong smiled and said, "What's the matter? I'm a squeamish person sometimes. Besides, Huanhuan is much better than our mother and daughter. Xiaoqing and I can't even cook a meal well!"

   "Mother, you talk about yourself, why are you talking about me~"

   Qi Qing, who was trying her best to pretend to be a lady, suddenly became unhappy when she heard her mother expose her shortcomings in public.

   This is really a mother!

  Suddenly, there was cheers in the main room.

   Having said that, Shen Yuerong naturally couldn't push it down hypocritically, so she accepted the gift.

  Qin Yiling is good at making medicines and handmade skin care products. This time, he prepared some nutritional and health care products that are very beneficial to the body, plus a set of skin care products for each person.

  Yan Ze is more direct, it is directly a box of colorful gems, there is no way, he does not have magical powers like the Qin family, the most is money!

   And the gift that Qin Yixi gave was awesome. He gave the couple a pair of watches. Of course, this pair of watches is definitely not that simple.

   Qin Yixi is a scientific research genius, and he is best at developing various very advanced mechanical and electronic products.

   And the watch he gave to the couple, in addition to being able to see the time, also has a positioning function, and the most powerful point, this watch also has a call function.

   Special settings have been made between these two watches, and you can communicate freely without any network signal.

   The original appearance of the watch was very sci-fi, but considering the simplicity of this era, Qin Yixi temporarily modified the appearance of the watch and turned it into an ordinary silver mechanical watch.

   After listening to the introduction of the watch, the Qi family was shocked.

   They heard right?

   Is this still the watch they know?

  The watch can also have a conversation without fear of distance? What fairy watch is this?

   "Wow! Brother Qin, you are amazing."

  Qi Jun instantly transformed into Qin Yixi's fan brother, staring at the pair of watches with envy.

   (end of this chapter)

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