Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 169: 169, with package

   Chapter 169 169, there are packages

   After Qin Tianru touched all the vegetable seedlings, he still tried to no avail.

   Qi Han has been standing quietly behind Huanhuan, seeing that she cares so much, he helps her analyze and think.

   "Huanhuan, could it be that our thinking is wrong?"

   Hearing this, Qin Tianru stood up and looked at him earnestly.

   Qi Han said with a straight face, "You think, the abilities of your abilities are different each time you level up, healing, perception of plant consciousness, these are all different characteristics.

   If you can really upgrade this time, then the ability will definitely be different. No matter how you perceive these flowers and plants, it is estimated that there will be no other discoveries. "

   Hearing these words, Qin Tianru suddenly felt a sense of empowerment.

   "Yeah, why didn't I think of it? Since it's an upgrade, the function must be different. I'm really stupid to even perceive the consciousness of plants."

   Qin Tianru had a bitter face, a little worried, "Then how should I test it?"

   Qi Han comforted, "If there is an upgrade, then we don't need to worry, the new skills are probably already in your hands, as long as the opportunity comes, you will naturally feel it.

  Like last time, didn’t you accidentally touch a flower branch and discover new skills? So we don't have to worry too much now. "

   "Well, you're right, I was wrong." Qin Tianru smiled relievedly, ready to stop worrying about this issue.

   As Brother Han said, as long as new skills are in her hands, there is always a chance to practice them.

   Qi Han turned and asked, "It's still early, do you want to go for a walk in the village?"

   "Okay." Qin Tianru readily agreed.

   It’s only around two o’clock, so it’s too early to make dinner. There’s nothing to do at home anyway, so why don’t you go out for a walk.

   Who knew that just after leaving the courtyard, Qi Han was about to lock it when he saw Qi Jun running back in a hurry.

   "Brother, I have your package, go to the village committee office. The postman is waiting for you, saying that you need your signature to claim it."

   Qi Jun quickly explained things while panting.

   "Package?" Qi Han raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

   Now their family only keeps in touch with his uncle and Uncle Liu, not to mention, he has only received letters from his uncle and Uncle Liu.

  Qin Tianru, "Let's go over and have a look first."

  Qi Han nodded, it's useless for him to guess here, just look at the sender and find out.


There are two flat brick houses in the middle of the    Shengli Production Brigade, which are specially used for office and village affairs. The village cadres of the brigade usually discuss and work in this place.

  There is a specially leveled ground in front of the village committee office. When there is a meeting or policy that needs to be communicated in the brigade, the team members will be called to this courtyard.

   Before reaching the village committee office, Qin Tianru saw a lot of people surrounded by the village committee's courtyard from a distance.

   "What happened, so many people."

  Qi Jun replied immediately, "I know, they are making trouble with my uncle, saying that the food in the village is not enough, so I asked my uncle to find a way, anyway, the whole scene was noisy.

   I was just watching the fun over there, when suddenly a postman came, looking for someone by your name, and my parents asked me to call you. "

   "That's it, but the town can't buy food everywhere. What's the use of them looking for an uncle, and he can't get any food."

   Qin Tianru muttered, unable to understand what was so troublesome about this matter, and could not solve the problem at all.

   If you have this time, you might as well go to the mountain to find a way to see how you can dig more mountain goods back.

   (end of this chapter)

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