Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 168: 168, test

   Chapter 168 168, Test

   Hearing Brother Han's analysis, Qin Tianru suddenly realized, and continued to analyze according to his train of thought.

   "It's possible~ In the same time and space, it is impossible for two spiritual stones of the same value to exist, not to mention that the jade pendants of the previous life have already been recognized by you.

   Therefore, the core part should be the spiritual stone contained in your body, and the jade pendant I just absorbed can only be regarded as the shape of the outer shell, not the inner essence. "

   After saying this, Qin Tianru couldn't help but frown, "If that's the case, when will the spiritual stones in your body be absorbed?"

   Hearing this, Qi Han's eyes darkened slightly, "I have a guess."

   "What guess?" Qin Tianru approached him curiously.

   Qi Han hooked a charming smile, leaned over to her ear, and whispered softly.


  Qin Tianru's cheeks flushed immediately, and he beat Qi Han's chest twice in embarrassment.

   It’s still broad daylight, so I’m just talking nonsense, are you ashamed?

  Qi Han smiled meaningfully, "Am I wrong? Think about it according to the previous law of power upgrades. Is it related to our close contact? I think my guess is definitely correct."

   "Humph~ I won't tell you."

   Qin Tianru felt that her heartbeat was a little fast, and she couldn't help thinking about what he said in her ear, and even her brain was still using her imagination in that direction.

   is so shy!

   Her brother Han now speaks more recklessly, and is no longer ashamed.

  Although she has received the enlightened thoughts of later generations, her practical experience is still a little fresh.

   She just had the experience of kissing, and her brother Han just jumped to the last step.

   This rhythm, she can keep up with it~!

  I feel so shy when I think of that picture~(ω)

   Qi Han raised his eyes slightly, his smile contained a bit of ambiguity, "I won't know until that day, I'm looking forward to it!"

   "Brother Han! Why are you like this~"

  嘤~ His face turned even redder, Qin Tianru covered his face and turned to leave. It was really impossible to chat happily.

   Qin Tianru walked directly to the vegetable field, she couldn't look directly at him now, especially the smile, which made her heart beat like a deer, thumping non-stop.

   Qi Han walked over and knew that he couldn't tease her any more. Although she occasionally acted aggressively and boldly, her inner temper was still somewhat restrained and shy.

   However, he felt that Huanhuan's hilarious temperament was quite cute, which made him want to bully her even more.

   Qin Tianru squatted in front of the vegetable field, reached out and touched the vegetable seedlings one by one, wanting to test his abilities again.

   She always felt in her heart that even if the jade pendant in this time and space has no soul, at least the body should have some value. After she absorbed a whole piece of jade pendant, it was unreasonable that there would be no change at all.

  So, she was still a little reluctant, and wanted to try a few more times to see if she could find the key points or other breakthroughs.

   Now her ability has three abilities of spawning plants, healing trauma, and perceiving plant consciousness. If you don’t know if she is upgraded, what else is special about her ability?

  Before crossing, she really thought that her abilities were useless and not very useful, but she did not expect that after crossing, in just over a month, her abilities had been continuously upgraded.

   She never imagined that her ability would have such a powerful day, and if it were upgraded again, she would not dare to imagine it.

  Suddenly, she had a feeling that she was also awesome.

   (end of this chapter)

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