Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 123: 123, open room

   Chapter 123 123, Open House

   Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. If you can buy a little bit, you should try it out.

   As for further places, the team members did not dare to act rashly, and Qi Zhongkang did not allow it.

   This person is unfamiliar, and the journey is long. If something happens in the middle, how will he explain to the family members of the team members?

   And he couldn't take that responsibility either.

   So I can only walk around the area around Ping County. It’s best to buy as much as possible. If I don’t, I’ll go back to the village and think of other ways.

   Always ensure the safety of team members who go out.

   Qi Han and Qin Tianru were naturally grouped together, and the two took the initiative to choose a county seat with the farthest distance, which was also convenient for doing things.

  Because it was out of office, the production team wrote a letter of introduction to each group so that the hostel could receive it, otherwise everyone would not have a place to stay when they went out.

   At half past nine in the evening, Qi Han and Qin Tianru arrived in Hongjiang County.

   They set off before dawn in the morning. They hardly stopped along the way, and they arrived at the county town at night.

  It was too late, and the two of them didn't have the heart to look at the appearance of the county town, not to mention that there was nothing to see at this time, so the two went straight to the guest house.

   The front desk staff took the letter of introduction and looked at them, and then glanced at the two of them, as if to confirm something, but seeing the face of the man and woman in front of them was calm, their eyes were clear, and they didn't seem to be fake.

   Upon seeing this, the staff went through the check-in formalities and took out a key.

   "Room 202."


   Qi Han took the key with a calm expression, and pulled Huanhuan to the second floor.

   It's not that the front desk staff behaved strangely, but that a marriage law was promulgated after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

   Therefore, if the guest house accepts male and female tenants, they must confirm the relationship between the two before opening the room.

   But marriage certificates are not fashionable these days, especially in rural areas, they don’t pay much attention to this stuff. As long as they have held a banquet in public, it is a relationship between husband and wife.

  Qi Han and Qin Tianru haven't had a banquet yet, they are only fiancés in name, but when they go out, Qi Han doesn't want to live apart from Huanhuan, and he doesn't worry about her alone.

  However, they couldn't get a marriage certificate, so he could only ask Uncle Hall to indicate on the letter of introduction that the two of them were husband and wife.

   That's why the front desk staff looked at the two of them with those eyes.

   After entering the room, Qi Han first looked around the room, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said to the people around him.

   "You sit and rest, I'll get hot water."

   "Okay." Qin Tianru replied obediently.

   Qin Tianru didn't feel any awkwardness or embarrassment at all for Qi Han's behavior of only opening one room, and he even took it for granted.

  Because in her cognition, the moment she came to Qi Han through time and space, their marriage was already doomed.

   So, the two of them are husband and wife, even stronger than anyone's husband and wife relationship.

  Because of this attitude, the front desk staff have no doubts, it is too natural.

   While Qi Han went to fetch hot water, Qin Tianru took out a brand new bed sheet and quilt cover from the storage space and directly replaced the original one in the guest house.

   She is a bit of a clean-skinner when it comes to personal-use items, and is not accustomed to using what others have used. Even if it is cleaned, she cannot accept it.

   (end of this chapter)

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