Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 122: 122, procurement team

   Chapter 122 122, Purchasing Squad

   In the end, everyone in the village reached a consensus!

   Wang Guihua, who had expressed doubts before, were directly pulled away by their family members after Qi Zhongkang spoke.

   Originally, both of them wanted to take this opportunity to make a fuss and try to get some compensation and subsidies for their family, and they did have some doubts in their hearts.

   As a result, who knew that the usually talkative captain suddenly became hard-hearted, and even said harsh words.

   Now the two families can't hold on anymore, they immediately grabbed someone and dragged them home.

Is    famine a joke?

   If they were really excluded from the entire production team, how could their family live in the village?

   Don't be afraid of ten thousand, but be afraid of what happens!

   After this incident, the team members, who were still somewhat doubtful, also completely believed in their attitude and actively joined the self-rescue operation.


   "What? You two also want to follow the squad into the city?"

   Shen Yuerong looked at Xiaohan and Huanhuan in surprise.

   "Yes, let's take this opportunity to bring back some of the large luggage from before."

   Qi Han looked calm, the idea of ​​purchasing grains was proposed by him, and such a suggestion naturally had his intentions.

   In the near future, private trading will be banned. Now the major shops in the county are still open for business. If you want to buy food, you must seize this last opportunity.

   And the reason why he and Huanhuan wanted to go with them had two purposes. The first was to see how the current situation in the city had changed. If they could, they would continue to purchase more supplies. After all, no one would think that there was too much food.

  Secondly, the two of them made preparations with both hands. Even if the purchasing team did not buy food, don't worry, because they are going to come out with a batch of wheat noodles!

   This is the decision Huanhuan communicated with him last night.

  Huanhuan has a plant-type ability, and she wants to use some of the seeds to produce seedlings, which is more convenient and beneficial than buying grain seeds.

   Therefore, they have to go with the team so that they can take corresponding actions. If they stay in the village and wait for the result before taking action, it will be a waste of time.

   Qi Yuanhua took his daughter-in-law's hand, "Let them both go."

   He knew that the future daughter-in-law brought back by Xiaohan was somewhat mysterious, and he also understood that there must be other reasons for them to do so.

   Up to now, neither of the husband and wife know where the objects at home, the precious wood in the warehouse, and even the food they bought with money are stored.

   But they are family and the only ones who can trust each other.

   "Then you two should pay attention to safety when you go out. The world outside is different now, Xiaohan, you can protect Huanhuan more, you know?"

   Shen Yuerong couldn't help but remind the two of their safety.

   "Don't worry, mother, I will take good care of Huanhuan." Qi Han replied in a single voice.


   The next morning, the purchasing team went out in a mighty way!

   It is about food, and everyone dare not delay.

   And the commune must have informed the surrounding production brigades, maybe the other brigades are already on their way to the city.

  Ping County is located in the southernmost part of Shu Province. This area is so large. Even if there is food reserves in the past two years, it will be limited. If everyone is rushing to buy food, the materials will be even more limited.

   So sooner rather than later, we must act as soon as possible.

   A total of 30 people went on this trip, and two people went to three county towns around Ping County and more than ten small towns below the county town.

   (end of this chapter)

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