Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 117: 117, announced

   Chapter 117 117, published


   Liu Caihua was so angry that she hated the most when someone called her **** flower.

   "Yo~ what's the matter? Both of you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are trying to bully me, right?"

  Qin Tianru tilted his head and suggested very kindly, "The little aunt, how about I help you call out your uncle and grandpa to help?"

  "." Liu Caihua stared in anger.

   This development is a bit wrong, how is it different from her previous experience?

   Such a soft conversation, how could Te Niang quarrel? It feels like a fist hitting cotton, it doesn't hurt or itch, but it's very aggrieved.

  It’s so uncomfortable!


   Liu Caihua didn't want to disturb the dead old man, so she could only hold her breath, glared at her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and then angrily took the broom and left.

   Seeing this, Qin Tianru and Shen Yuerong looked at each other and laughed instantly.


  After dinner, Qi Zhongkang rushed back in a chaotic manner.

   After hearing the movement, brothers Qi Han and Qi Jiaxing consciously followed into Qi Desheng's room.

In the suite on the right, Qi Zhongxiang had already been lying on the bed and slept soundly, but Liu Caihua noticed the movement in the yard, but turned around and saw that his man was snoring and was so angry that a pillow slammed on him. on the body.

   "I know sleep, sleep, even if it's good, it's not your share!"

   Liu Caihua was so angry that she couldn't sleep. She wanted to eavesdrop, but she had to avoid suspicion. Is it appropriate for her to run to her father's house at night as a woman?


   In the early morning of the next day, a gong sounded in the village, which was a signal for the village to gather for a meeting.

   So everyone consciously came to the empty dam in front of the village committee office. The villagers automatically stood in the queue of their respective teams, waiting for the captain to announce the matter.

  Qi Desheng was sitting on a low stool smoking a cigarette, and he helped suppress the scene along the way. At this moment, the cadres of the village were holding a small meeting in the house.

   After the team members arrived, several village cadres walked out with a dazed look, standing on the side in a daze, looking like they were wandering in the sky.

  Qi Zhongkang walked up to the stone platform and looked at the dark crowd under the stage, and suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was a little heavier.

   "Players, it's extremely important to call everyone here today, it's a matter of great importance to our lives."

   "Captain, just tell the point, we can't understand so much."

   Someone in the crowd interrupted Qi Zhongkang, and the rest nodded in agreement.

  The main reason is that they are all afraid of all kinds of meetings, and every time they talk about what is important to them, they are drowsy and confused at the end.

   Anyway, they don't understand any documents or policies. Isn't this a waste of everyone's time.

  Qi Zhongkang was not annoyed, he said solemnly again with a sullen face, "This time is different, I hope everyone will not be impatient or panic after listening to me."

   "Captain, what are you talking about? Why do you sound a little panicky?"

   "Hahaha~ That's not it."

  Qi Zhongkang originally wanted to prepare the team members psychologically, first to lay the groundwork for a buffer, but he was always interrupted, and he didn't want to do any psychological buffering now.

   "This year's grains are gone!"


   Everyone exclaimed, their faces were full of doubts, but before they could ask the reason, they were completely stunned by the second sentence thrown by the captain in the next second.

   "Comrades, the famine is coming!"

   Today's update is complete~!



   (end of this chapter)

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