Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 116: 116, coping

   Chapter 116 116, Coping

   "Okay, I'll go right away."

   Qi Zhongkang also felt that it was best to make a big noise about this matter and let more production teams know about it, so that the above could come forward to solve it.

   can't solve it, at least give an explanation.

   If their victorious production brigade skipped the commune, and their brigade secretly prepared, then in the end, their brigade would definitely become the target of public criticism.

   Maybe the surrounding Shili Baxiang will take their anger on the head of their brigade, and even put a hat on their brigade.

  Anyway, it’s always right to bow first and then soldiers. If there is really no way to solve it, then no matter what their brigade does, they can’t accuse them of anything.

  Qi Desheng said with a solemn expression, "Yuanhua, Xiaohan, thank you so much, I thank you on behalf of the whole village team, thanks to your reminder, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

  Qi Yuanhua quickly waved his hand, "Uncle, you are very polite. We are also part of the village, and we should do our best."

   Qi Han also said, "Grandpa, we also met this incident by chance, and we didn't do anything, just tell you what we know, and we can't help you with the rest."

   "No, I really have to thank you for this." Qi Desheng was very sincere.

   Qi Han didn't want to thank those who came and thanked him, so he immediately changed the subject, "What is the grandfather going to do next?"

   He had always known that Uncle Grandpa and Uncle Hall were very intelligent people, and from the conversation just now, he could see their outstanding views.

   In the previous life, the family of the uncle, the hall, could have had a better development, but it was completely dragged down by the Qi Zhongxiang family.

  Qi Desheng frowned and thought, "This matter has to be divided into three ways"

   Next, a few people discussed countermeasures in the room.

   Outside the main room, Qin Tianru and Shen Yuerong were chatting about the embarrassment of Qi Han when he was a child, when he saw Liu Caihua holding a broom and pretending to move towards the main room.

   Qin Tianru sneered secretly, is this Liu Caihua trying to eavesdrop?

  Humph, when I sit here with my aunt, it's a decoration, it's her Liu Caihua who is guarding against it!

   Before they make a decision, Liu Caihua must not know. With her virtue, she still doesn't know what will happen.

   I'm afraid that letting her know in advance will disrupt everyone's plans.

   Therefore, she and Brother Han deliberately separated Qi Zhongxiang and his wife.

   "Auntie, are you trying to eavesdrop?"

  Liu Caihua was stretching her neck to look at the main room, when she was suddenly called by name, she withdrew her gaze with a shy expression, and turned to look at the bright appearance of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sitting under the eaves, and her heart suddenly became angry.

   "What are you talking about, didn't you see me sweeping the floor?"

   Qin Tianru had a smile on his face, "Didn't Chunni already scan it in the afternoon, what are you still doing there?"

   was directly pierced by someone, and Liu Caihua glared at the other party angrily, "I want you to take care of it, I'm happy!"

   Qin Tianru said with a serious face, "My aunt is really diligent. I will definitely tell my uncle and grandpa how seriously my aunt fights outside the main room when my uncle and the others are talking."

   "Damn girl, you don't need to talk too much!"

   Liu Caihua scolded angrily, she felt that this dead girl was definitely out of her mind.

  Humph, do you really think she can't hear it? She was just mocking herself.

  Shen Yuerong was unhappy, "Who are you calling a dead girl? You are not a girl, my girl is a treasure, not a **** flower like you can scold."

   (end of this chapter)

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