Since He Yu was quarantined and examined, Xiaoqian has been worried about He Yu day and night.

All the dolls are crying and asking for their father!

Honghong came back from school and saw that her father had not come back yet. Mom is in so much pain again.

I hugged my little mother and cried loudly!

When Yanyan saw her sister crying so sadly, she also hugged her mother and started crying.

Lin Lin must be quite young, and he is a big boy, very sensible and strong!

He was on the side, crying and wiping his tears!

And scolded:"You surnamed Sun, don't be so arrogant!

Now you are teasing my father!

When I grow up, how do you think I will punish you?

I will never let you go!"

Xiaoqian looked pitiful when she saw these The child, thinking about He Yu's situation again, hugged Honghong and Yanyan and burst into tears together!

She was thinking wildly: 'Can He Yu survive this or not?

What if he was forced to have a problem? When I gave birth to the baby, something went wrong again and I couldn't get through this.

What happened to these dolls?

Why is my life so miserable?

Suffered one difficulty after another?

Is my life just over?

Why is this so unfair? '

The more she thought about it, the scarier it became!

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became!

But when he saw these dolls were growing up one by one!

Everyone is smart and cute!

Especially Linlin has no parents. Although Honghong has me, she doesn’t have a father.

They are all equally pitiful!

Only Yanyan, both parents have her.

So you must be strong!

You must hold on!

I firmly believe that there is no perfect way!

Isn't it true that there will really be big problems when giving birth to a baby? '

Because Xiaoqian is very caring and loving to the students in her class.

So the student was very sympathetic to her situation and pain.

After school, they all come to help Xiaoqian with some housework, and even come to play with Yanyan.

Several female students will also meet up to help Xiaoqian wash the children's clothes, carry water, and wash vegetables.

Let Xiaoqian no longer be depressed and lonely!

When some parents heard that He Yu was being quarantined and examined, they all came to visit Xiaoqian.

Some even brought some things to comfort them.

There was a student who once went to school because his family was poor and did not come to school for several days.

Xiaoqian thought of getting him back. I also bought him some learning supplies and a pair of shoes, and also paid him tuition and fees.

His family was deeply moved.

The student's grandmother learned that Xiaoqian's husband was being quarantined and censored, so she came to visit and comfort Xiaoqian every night with a cane.

Tell Xiaoqian:"We all know that the child's father is a good man, and they will not do anything to him! You have to hold on and take good care of the three children!

You have to take good care of your health, and everything goes smoothly You are so lucky to give birth to Xiaosi!

You are the backbone of this family!

There must be no mistakes."

"Thank you, aunt!

I feel so sorry that you are so old and still come to visit and comfort me with a cane!"

"Don't say that. If you hadn't paid for the tuition and fees for my only grandson, he would have disappeared long ago!

Then I don’t want to talk anymore!"

Thanks to the enthusiastic visits and comfort from the students and their parents,

Xiaoqian felt less lonely and less distracted!

Sun Huixi's wife sometimes came secretly to comfort Xiaoqian after work.

She said to Xiaoqian:"As a man, I am not a human being!

I know that Chief He doesn't have any serious problems.

I persuaded him several times. He just didn't listen.

I even told him that Chief He had rescued you several times.

Did you just forget everything?

Now Teacher Zhao is about to give birth to a baby and is not in good health.

Don't you have any sympathy at all?

Can we let Teacher Zhao give birth to a baby and then let Chief He go back?

If something goes wrong when Teacher Zhao gives birth to a baby, I don’t think you, the one named Sun, can escape punishment!

But instead of listening, he lectured, beat and scolded me."

"thank you for your concern!

For an inhumane person named Sun, if you plead with him, it's like playing the piano to a donkey, don't say it in vain!"

It's true:

I have random thoughts day and night, and am in great sadness and pain.

There are still many kind-hearted people who comfort and visit me. It gives Xiaoqian another glimmer of hope in life.

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