He Yu was separated by Sun Huixi for no apparent reason and was asked to write an inspection in the Cultural and Education Bureau.

He Yu asked Sun Huixi:"Who gave you the right to do this to me?

Which law did I break?

Which rule did I break?"

But Sun Huixi was talking nonsense. Said:"I have this right. Whoever you want to write for inspection must be allowed to write for inspection!

Do you still need me to tell you whether it is a violation or not?""

"You are not unreasonable. Do you think that just because you are the chief, you can do whatever you want?"

"Don't have any illusions!

Not honest. Explain thoroughly how you instructed Li Lin and others to write my exposé materials, otherwise, you will never come up with it!"

Sun Huixi left arrogantly before He Yu could answer him!

He Yu thought hard: 'I just don't understand why he did this to me?

Has the situation changed?

That's why he treated himself so arrogantly. Doing this?

Is it because of his backstage that he dares to do this?

This person named Sun is really cruel.

Even Xiaoqian is not allowed to come to see me!

Xiaoqian has a bad heart, and now she is pregnant with a baby and is about to give birth!

When it comes to giving birth to a baby, is there any danger?

I wonder how she survived? Are the three children obedient?

Are they sick

? Can they eat on time during the day?

Can they go to school smoothly?

Are there any students bullying them? No.

5 Middle School How did the teacher treat Xiaoqian?

When Lao Xiao knew that I was under guard, did he take care of Xiaoqian?

How will Li Lin and the others be dealt with?

Will the teachers of Dahe Commune be dealt with by Sun Huixi?

Now this When will this situation change?

I don’t know anything about the news from the outside.

I asked the two guards, but neither of them dared to tell!

All of this made He Yu worry about it day and night!

He was thinking hard all the time. I am puzzled!


And what about Xiaoqian?

I heard that He Yu was guarded by Sun Huixi from the Bureau of Culture and Education and was isolated to write an inspection.

This sudden blow left her really confused:

‘He Yu had never done anything to feel sorry for this person named Sun.

Have you ever done anything illegal or disciplinary? Why would someone named Sun do this to him?

The person named Sun seemed to have changed his appearance.

Why is your heart so cruel?

Why are my hands so hot?

Why did he suddenly treat He Yu like this?

He Yu had helped him a lot.

But he is ungrateful and unkind.

Why am I not even allowed to go and see it?

What exactly are they going to do to He Yu?

He Yu lives a clean life and works down to earth.

He has made a great contribution to Fuyuan’s education!

Why did the superior leaders allow Sun to do this?

Did Wang Zhonglin and Dian Zhifu secretly support him in doing this?

What exactly do they feed him throughout the day?

Does he have water to drink?

Is he distressed?

What on earth did this man named Sun want to force him to write?

He must hold on and not write randomly against his conscience.

All of this is really worrying! '

Especially every night, Yanyan just wouldn't sleep, crying and looking for her father, which made Xiaoqian's heart feel like a knife!

Cry too!

The more Xiaoqian thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out, the more she thought about it, the more heartache and chest tightness she felt.

She knew that her rheumatic heart disease was getting worse and worse since she was pregnant with the baby.

Chest tightness is a sign of a heart attack!

I heard from an old gynecologist that women with heart disease are in great danger of giving birth to babies!

She goes to bed every night after the doll falls asleep.

I shed tears while thinking about it!

Every night the pillow handkerchief was soaked with tears!

When Honghong comes back from school every day, she sees that her father has not come back yet. Mom is in so much pain again.

I hugged Xiaoqian and started crying!

Yanyan saw how sad her sister was crying, and she also hugged her mother and started crying.

It’s true:

I am quarantined for no reason.

The two of them worried about each other.

The three children cried and missed each other, which made Xiaoqian's chest feel tight and her heartache unbearable.

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