He Yu told Sun Huixi that in order to save him, he asked him to spend a sum of money and give it to the student's mother for medical treatment.

The woman was then asked to write a note stating that her daughter had not been tainted by Dian Zhifu's nephew.

Only by taking it back and giving it to Sun Huixi can Sun Huixi be relieved of his responsibilities.

Sun Huixi asked how much it would cost, and He Yu said:"Not much! Five hundred yuan.""

"how! Want five hundred yuan?

Don't scare me!.

You don’t want the lion to open his mouth!

My half-year salary is not that much?

Can it be less? Sun Huixi said in surprise

"How can you tell me, don't let the lion open his mouth?

It's not like you're going to buy groceries on the street.

You can bargain, so don't get carried away in a hurry?

Let me tell you again, this is for the parents of that student.

I don’t want so much money from you!

Instead, use the money to save you from trouble.

How can you bargain with me?

Let me tell you, this is what this woman once said, and no trace of it should be left out.

It's the money you use to treat her illness, and it's also the money you use to save your life.

If you think it’s too much!

Still a cheapskate! sorry!

I can't help you with this!

You can ask someone else to do it!"He Yu said very seriously

"Then I have to find someone to borrow it and give it to you."

"That's pretty much it!

Unfortunately, Xiaoqian and I don't have much salary, and we have three children, so the burden is heavy.

I can’t take it out and lend it to you! sorry!

Then you will have to find someone else to borrow it!"

"You can't say that. It's good if you help me like this. How can I have the nerve to borrow it from you? good!

I went to find someone to borrow it.

You just said two, what about the third and fourth?"

"good! I said.

Third, I want you to hurry up and inform your nephew Dian Zhifu and go home with your luggage. and announced the cancellation of his training qualifications.

In this way, you can avoid people's sight, reduce some people, and make trouble"


"this……."Sun Huixi hesitated

"What is this?

Are you still feeling sorry for him?

Are you reluctant to let him go?

Do you want him to stay?

I really admire you!

You've already caused so much trouble because of him!

Are you still stubborn?"

You still want to let him go?


Everything I planned with you has come to nothing!"


"good! I'll listen to you!

But it’s impossible for me to notify him directly?

Yes or no……."

"Do you want me to notify you?"

"yes! yes!

That's what I mean!"

"You really can’t open this mouth!

Because you've sidelined me.

I can't be so shameless as to do such a mean thing again.

Just ask someone you trust to inform you!

Isn’t Kong Linfei in charge of personnel affairs?

Just let me know"

"Stop talking!

Because of the review of the training class students, I did not let him interfere, and I handled it all by myself.

So why is he still angry with me?"

"You don’t even trust the people you arranged to manage personnel affairs!

That's why you don't trust me even more!

Only now do I know that you are in the gutter, doing shameful things!

Are you afraid that he will find out about Dian Zhifu's nephew?

Your goal will not be achieved!

You don't want to think about it, it turned out that the matter of making a rich nephew for Dian caused a lot of commotion in Dahe Commune.

Now, because he was abusing female students, you let him enter the training class without considering the consequences.

How can you hide this?

To put it bluntly, are you obsessed with ghosts?

Did someone give you some ecstasy soup?

Is that why you do such stupid things?"

He Yu took this opportunity to boldly say what he had been immersed in his heart for a long time but had not dared to say.


Taking advantage of Sun's dilemma , he boldly vented his grievances. Isn't it good for He Yu to let Sun appreciate him ? Provoked.

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