After the matter of Dian Zhifu's nephew was exposed by the teacher of Dahe Commune, Sun Huixi said that it was He Yu who secretly instructed him.

After being rebutted by He Yu.

Shamelessly, he asked He Yu again for help and relief.

He Yu said;

"Comrade Sun, this involves a major matter.

If I help you and involve me, I won’t be able to get away from it!

You can ask someone else to do it!

Besides, if I help you.

Just like you said just now, you already know why there are fewer students.

But I stood aside and said nothing.

Let you suffer so much?

I can't take the blame anymore!

It's like people say, thankless efforts lead to disaster!"

When Sun Huixi heard this, he felt that something was wrong.

In order to avoid falling into trouble, he had no choice but to shamelessly ask He Yu again:"I know that you have great magical powers, and you must solve it!

No matter what, you have to help this time!

I really have no choice!

Just please!

I know you are so familiar with the teachers in Dahe Commune and they listen to you.

You should come forward to persuade them and stop them from coming to the county town to trouble you about making a fortune for your nephew.

As long as this matter is settled, I will thank you sincerely and will never forget you."

"Director Sun!

Don't say that!

Although I have some acquaintance with them, how can you ask me to calm down such a thing?

Even if I have only three heads and six arms, it won't help.

Don’t they often say that to untie a bell, you must also tie the bell?

It’s better for you to figure out a solution for the things you do yourself."He Yu said

"If I can think of a way, I won't come to beg you!

For the sake of our time together, please try to help me!

Please use your brains to help me overcome this difficulty.

All I have to do is kneel down and beg you!"

"Director Sun!

Why do you say that?

In Shangmochong, in order to get relief, you once begged me and said this.

But later. But you completely forgot about it and instead said that you were fooled by me."

"Don't you want to hold a grudge?

It was the last time, and I will never say that again this time!"

"Do you really mean that?

However, let me tell you, I do have the solution. I wonder if you can do it?

But don't you go back on your word and turn your back on me?"He Yu said

"I'll listen to you!

You are about to be!

I'm willing to do anything as long as it can free me"

"That’s great!

I'm afraid you'll regret it!

One is:

Just like when the Martial Arts Office in Shangmochong asked you to write a note, you also write a note for me to pretend to be, so I can rest assured!

You must make it clear that I, He Yu, did not come up with this idea for you.

The second is:

You have to be willing to spend a lot of money, but I don’t want this kind of money.

I, He Yu, am not a greedy person!

But it’s not like going to an official to bribe someone.

Even if you beat me to death, I won't do this kind of thing.

Instead, he used the money to ask someone to find the home of a female student who had been raped by Dian Zhifu's nephew, and gave her the money to treat her illness and ask her to tell her about her girl. However, Dian Zhifu's nephew wanted to take action, but did not When he succeeded, he gave her money and asked her to write a note saying that it was because her husband died in a car accident and she was seriously ill and had no money for treatment.

That's why I came up with this idea, defrauding Dian's wealthy nephew to use his money to treat his illness.

Wait until she writes the note and gets it, then give her the money.

When you get this note back, you should keep this note well. If your superiors pursue you, just take out this note and your responsibility will be reduced.

Just to help you solve your problems.

Otherwise, I never did anything like this growing up."He Yu said

"I will definitely do it as you say. I wonder how much it will cost?"

"not much! Five hundred yuan"

"how! Want five hundred yuan?

Don't scare me!"

It's true:

He Yu has great magical powers.

In order to punish him again, he racked his brains to set up traps so that Sun would fall into the trap step by step.

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