Teacher Xiao Zhang suggested that it was okay for him to stay, but Sun Huixi had to declare in public that it was a wrong decision to drive him away!

But Sun Huixi still hesitated to speak.

Teacher Xiao Zhang stood up and said,"You don't want to admit your mistake in public!

I won't embarrass you!

I don't have the shame to teach students anymore, so I'll leave!" This frightened the man named Sun.

In order to let Teacher Xiao Zhao stay, Sun Huixi admitted that he was wrong.

He promised to go to the student's parents face to face tomorrow morning to admit that he had done something wrong.

Teacher Xiao Zhang agreed not to work part-time after He Yu's persuasion.

In order to thank He Yu for saving his grandson, he also asked Sun Huixi to promise to send his grandson to a training class in the future, so the old man stayed with them at his house.

While sleeping, He Yu asked Sun Huixi:"Comrade Sun!

If the old man hadn't stayed with us, we probably wouldn't have known where to sleep tonight. We would have had to lie down in a haystack." At night, but you didn’t even say thank you,……"

Before He Yu could say the next thing, Sun Huixi quickly said:"I'm so angry!

I just think about how to face the students' parents tomorrow morning and how to explain to them.

If the explanation is not clear, they will hold on to me." Let it go. Teacher Xiao Zhang ran away if he was not satisfied. What should I do?

If I want to say thank you, I can only wait until tomorrow morning."

"It's great that you can think about how to explain to parents in advance!

If you find that only a dozen students come to class this morning, calm down and ask me why. It wouldn’t have caused such a big trouble, and it wouldn’t have led to starvation for a day!"

"You don't open any pot or pick up the pot, it's just because I'm impatient!

That's why I'm starving!"

I was thinking, in order to repay his family's warm hospitality, how much money should I give to his family?"

"How much money you are going to give to his family is your business, as for me!

I am his grandson's savior. If I give it to him, he will definitely not accept it!

You said that you are thinking about how to explain to the masses tomorrow, and you should really think about it carefully.

If you don't think about it well, just say a few words to cover it up. The masses will not accept it or forgive you, and

Teacher Xiao Zhao will not be dissatisfied, so he will just run away. Go to work in the county town.

What should we do if these students have no one to attend class?

Even if I come to temporarily take over for a day, this is not the norm.

By that time, I will be unable to open the cat after eating the glutinous rice cake!"He Yu said


I still want to hear your opinion. How should I say it so as not to lose my face and satisfy Xiao Zhang?"Sun Huixi asked He Yuqiu

"Comrade Sun! If you still care about the face of your lord chief.

There is nothing I can do to help you anymore!

You have been a leader for many years and have learned more than me!

Why are you asking me? This is inappropriate!"

"I have been a leader for many years, but I am still a layman when it comes to education!

I have never had any contact with teachers.

Not much contact with ordinary people.

You are better than me at this, I want to ask you for more advice!

If you can help me again so that I can pass the test smoothly tomorrow morning, I would really like to thank you very much!"Sun Huixi said

"Congratulations, Chief!

Since Director Sun is asking for advice!

Don't refuse!

You do have what it takes!

Not only are you a college graduate, but you also taught the son of the old chief at Zhong'an Primary School, you were promoted to be the principal of Longhai Agricultural Middle School, and now you are the section chief of the Bureau of Culture and Education.

You have learned a lot from experience!"The martial arts education office said

"Stop talking,

I’m just a person wearing a tall hat and carrying a big iron plate, and I was dragged to swim across the street."He Yu said with emotion.

It was true: not only was he well fed, but he was also allowed to stay overnight.

But he didn't expect that

Xiao Zhang would present a difficult problem again.

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