The old man's great-nephew Xiao Jin, in order to allow himself to re-enter the classroom with a clear conscience, said to Sun Huixi:"You have already announced in front of the students and their parents that I will be kicked out of the school and told to get out!"

Now, I am asked to walk into the classroom and teach them. I am not so shameless to teach them.

Can you tell me what should be done so that I can turn back?"

This stumped Sun Huixi!

Sun Huixi actually asked He Yu to explain and convince the students and parents for him.

He Yu said:"You announced the expulsion of Teacher Xiao Zhang, and asked me to explain to them his identity. They are all different.

Because you are the director and I am the chief of a small unit. Can everyone listen to me?

Isn’t this just rushing the ducks to the shelves? no! no!

Absolutely not!

Comrade Sun, please don't embarrass me!

I can help you with other things, but I really can't help you with this matter.

Since they ask you to come forward and explain things clearly to everyone, then go ahead!

Only in this way!

Only then can Teacher Xiao Zhang re-enter the classroom to teach them!

If you are still caring about face, Teacher Zhang will really drive into the county town tomorrow morning to work.

What if there is no teacher to go to class and parents make a fuss?

Then all my efforts to help you out will be in vain!

No matter how powerful I am, don't make this matter difficult for me!

It really won’t work if you don’t take action!"

"Chief He is right!

You are the director, and Chief He is just a staff member under you, and you drove my grandnephew away in public. We don’t want you to apologize, we just want to explain clearly to the public.

If you are still hesitating and undecided! so!

If my great-nephew really leaves!

If there is no one to teach these students, what will you do?

Stop caring about your face!"The old man said.

After hearing what He Yu and the old man said, Sun Huixi was frightened!

He was thinking:

‘If I still have to worry about face, if this young man leaves tomorrow morning, my parents will make a fuss, and they will hold on to me, and

I won’t be able to get away?

There is no way!

The trouble is your own fault!

If you want me to explain, then explain!

It's nothing more than going in front of the crowd, or at least saying sorry to this guy!’

"Director Sun!

Are you still unable to let go of your airs?

I just want you to revoke your order to drive me away in front of my parents!

Only then can I teach their children in an upright and justifiable way!

You can't even do this, forget it!

I won’t embarrass you anymore!

I'm leaving!"Xiao Jin walked out of the door as he said this!

This move!

This really frightened Mr. Sun!

He quickly stood up and shouted:"Teacher Xiao Zhang! you come back!

I didn't say that I wouldn't explain it to my parents face to face and admit that I made a mistake on impulse?

As long as you stay, I can say whatever you want!"

He Yu hurried out and said to Teacher Xiao Zhang:"Teacher Xiao Zhang!

Don't be impatient!

I have racked my brains and thought for your matter, and I am almost done.

But you pick up your feet and leave!

Don't you give me face?

Since our leader has said this, he will admit his mistake to you in front of the parents!

Don't you care about Comrade Sun and I?

This is rare!

He is not a leader who says such things easily!

You'd better stay!

If you don’t believe it?

I will take Comrade Sun with you tomorrow morning and let Comrade Sun say it in front of the parents!

If what he says dissatisfies you!

It doesn’t matter if you leave again!


Xiao Jin's cousin also walked out quickly and said,"Just listen to Chief He's advice and calm down.

Let's go together tomorrow morning!

Comrade Ruosun would do one thing to his face and another behind his back.

You can just carry your luggage and go into the county town, and we won't stop you."

Xiao Jin stopped, thought for a moment, and then said,"Here, Chief!

Since you came to our village, we all treat you as a relative, no matter what you say or do!

You care about me very much, especially your careful arrangements this time.

Moves me even more!

Since your Chief He said so!

I will listen to you! He

Yu quietly said to Xiao Jin:"This person named Sun is really outrageous!"

You control him in this way, make him stop talking freely, and make him be cautious in everything he says and does.

How rare!

I want to thank you!"


He was pressing hard every step of the way, making Sun unable to deal with it.

It was He Yu who came to the rescue, otherwise I don't know what the consequences would be.

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