In order to communicate and speak at the visiting group meeting, Sun Huixi was stumped.

In the past, his speeches were written by his secretary. He had only been in the Bureau of Culture and Education for a few days when he encountered something like this, which surprised Sun Huixi.

He Yu saw his worried look and knew that he was not capable of writing a speech.

If you don’t have a speech script, you can’t speak by mouth!

If it were an ordinary meeting, you could get by with just a few words, but this was a visiting group organized by the Zhaotong District Culture and Education Bureau.

And the leader leads the team again!

This is no ordinary scene, just a joke.

Director Sun had no choice but to turn to He Yu for help.

He Yu thought, since he wants me to work for him, I can only help him.

Also let him know that although he is the director, he still can't do without me, He Yu.

You will still have to rely on me for whatever you do in the future, if you want to prank me in secret.

He has to think about it, I, He Yu, am not easy to mess with!

Only by relying on me can he lead the school leaders and teachers in the county well.

Otherwise, he will be unable to move even an inch and the teachers will look down upon him!

He will have to get out soon!

He Yu worked hard day and night. He wrote a speech that made Sun Huixi very satisfied.

After Sun Huixi finished reading his speech at the conference, people who came to visit and did not know anything praised him, saying that he had only been in the Bureau of Culture and Education for a few days and he was so familiar with the situation.

Hundreds of dilapidated school buildings in Laodongshan and Fuyuan were used to mobilize the masses with little money from the government. After hard work and overcoming many difficulties, we built a very beautiful story. It was explained clearly and introduced in such detail and wonderfully.

Let the leaders and teachers who came to visit the group clap their hands many times.

Sun Huixi felt complacent after seeing it.

The Fuyuan staff who came to serve the conference knew that only He Yu could write such a speech.

Except for He Yu, no one has written such a wonderful speech.!

Lao Xiao told He Yu,"When I was in contact with the visiting group, they asked me, I heard that this director had only been transferred for a few days, so how could he know so much about Laodongshan and the school conditions in the county?

When he spoke, he was not only eloquent, but Absolutely, and also used many vivid and beautiful words.

After listening to them, they were full of praise!

Praising this new director, he is not only proficient in education, but also has a high level of education.

I know that no one except you has such a speech. Anyone can write it.

But I can’t tell them, otherwise Sun will definitely not be able to spare me."

"You did the right thing!

Any good deeds done by the two of us cannot be publicized.

He has no ability and cannot tell anyone.

Try to maintain his authority.

Only in this way can we both stand firm in the Bureau of Culture and Education.

Consolidate the achievements made by Director Ai through hard work in the past.

Let him know how important we both are.

If the Bureau of Culture and Education leaves us both. He accomplishes nothing.

If he wants to find someone else to replace us, he's making a mistake."


Xiaoqian learned that the cultural level of Sun was so low that he could not even write a speech, so she had to turn to He Yu for help.

She said to He Yu:"The visit of the Zhaotong area tour group this time is really a rare opportunity!

Let him know that being the director of culture and education is not easy!

He has to rely on you and Lao Xiao for everything. In the future, you and Lao Xiao can Get a foothold in the Bureau of Culture and Education.

There will be many things he will turn to you for help in the future!

However, you must be careful not to show that you are ruthless in front of it.

Try to help him and meet his needs. Cater to his tastes.. Let him admire you from the bottom of his heart.

If he really needs to rely on you and has no problem with you, then you can help him in a down-to-earth manner. The more he relies on you, the more it means he doesn’t have much ability.

If he wants to secretly If you want to punish you, you will respond tit for tat, but you can only promote his incompetence in secret. He will show his true colors.

This will make the school leaders and teachers look down on him.

The county government leaders will not trust him, and he will have to get out sooner or later."

"Madam, this is so kind!

It can be regarded as my top ginseng!

People say that if you are not in your position, you will not be in charge.

You are not in your position, but you can manage your affairs.

As the head of the education section, half of me is in charge of you!

How rare!

I will definitely listen to you and I will adapt accordingly.

Do not worry!"

It's true: the wife should be a high counselor to her husband, and she will pursue political affairs even if she is not in her position. If we deal with the person named Sun together, we will not be afraid of the ever-changing situation.

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