Sun Huixi heard from He Yu that the day after the Zhaotong area tour group returned from visiting Laodongshan, a conference would be held for exchanges and speeches.

At the beginning of the conference, he should speak, and be sure to ask him to prepare a speech.

After hearing this, Sun Huixi was frightened!

Not only was I unclear about these situations, but all my speeches in the past were written by my secretary. I was just thinking about it.

And now he has to write the speech himself, wouldn't it cost his life?

Sun Huixi was embarrassed to say that she couldn't write articles.

He made an excuse and said:"I have only been here a few days. Not only am I not familiar with the situation, but I also don't know the data involved in all aspects.

Is it up to you to come forward and introduce it to everyone, because you are the best to introduce the situation in Laodongshan and the county?" It's clear.

The construction of hundreds of village primary school buildings was all started with great vigor by you mobilizing leaders and people.

You wrote the articles published in the newspaper. You know everything."

He Yu secretly thought: 'If It’s not that I suddenly removed my deputy director’s post or didn’t send him here.

When the conference started to speak, I should have gone as a matter of course, but now he asked me to go instead of him, which was not a bad idea!

However, I will be accused of taking his power!

I won't be fooled by him.

This guy named Sun is really insidious and cunning!

But he really doesn't know how to write a speech. If you ask him to speak with his mouth, he doesn't have Director Ai's ability.

If he makes a fool of himself in public, it will not be a disgrace to him, but to the Culture and Education Bureau.

He must have a low level of education and cannot write articles.

Why would superior leaders send such a person to the head of the Culture and Education Bureau?

Don’t you know that those on the cultural and educational front are all literati?

Who asked him to come?

Who is his backer?

He must have been sent here by the bastard Wang Zhonglin.

What is the relationship between them?

When he was sent here, the target was still aimed at me.

If this is the case, you really need to be wary of him at all times.

He Yu thought for a while and said:

"Director Sun can't say that. The visiting group included leaders of cultural education at the regional level.

I, a little clerk, will take your place to give a report at such a conference?

If it spreads, wouldn't it mean that I'm taking away your power?

This is absolutely impossible?

Please stop making things difficult for me!

You're still ready! Prepare! as well.

If you need any data, I will provide it to you."

This is so embarrassing for Sun Huixi!

He was thinking; 'This He Yu is not simple-minded, he can even see through my conspiracy. But

I have to give a speech at the conference, but not only do I not know the situation clearly, but I also don't know what's going on." He can write a speech, but it is impossible for me to speak it by mouth.

Unfortunately, Kong Linfei is also a person who cannot write articles...

There is no way, the visiting group is coming soon.

I can only ask him to write a speech for me.

But he can't Showing to be condescending to him. Or do you have to act like the head of the government and insist on letting him write. But you can't give him an order to let him write?'

After thinking about it again, Sun Huixi said to He Yu:"I just came here , and the cultural level is not as high as yours, but you are a well-known scholar in Fuyuan.

Articles published in newspapers, everyone is praising you.

I'd better ask you to do me a favor once and just go and write.

During the conference, I read it word for word.

If someone compliments me, I will say that I am not familiar with the situation. You helped write the speech."

When He Yu heard this, he felt that this guy surnamed Sun was really cunning.

He couldn't write, and he couldn't speak out well.

He used to use my provoking method to deal with me, not with a commanding tone, but with fluttering and praise. Inspire me. I really admire him! He is even more skilled than me!

Since he said that, I can only serve him once, so I will write it for him once, and also let him know that I, He Yu, am indeed a famous person in Fuyuan. If I dare to do it secretly in the future, He has to think carefully about it. I, He Yu, am not an ordinary person.

Only by relying on me can he lead the school work in the county.

Otherwise, he will be unable to move forward and the teachers will look down on him!

Really; he can’t even write a speech. Writing, actually came to be the director of culture and education?

Sun was forced to have no choice but to turn to He Yu for help.

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