The second daughter truthfully told her mother what her father said.

The old woman was quite stubborn at first and said,"I don't want to go."

But she thought,"Except for the old man, these children not only have no money to give her, but they want it from themselves."

Although Yang Yunpeng is already working, he rarely gives him money.

I'm such a tough guy!

If you don’t have money, you won’t be able to move forward! After thinking for a while, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow her second daughter.

When the old man saw her coming, he said,"Don't you want to come?

Why are you here again?

Do you want to be angry with me?

Your bones are still a little tender, so you still have to obey me.

I won't give you money. , you will become the polished commander.

Now I won’t beat you. Sit down and I will reason with you.

Tell me why you and your eldest daughter listened to others’ instigation and actually put nails next to your granddaughter’s pillow. ?"

"An old acquaintance told me that as long as the baby has a disability, it can prove that it can have a second child.

So I discussed it with my eldest daughter and just did it."The old lady said

"You are almost sixty years old, how can you be so simple-minded?

Don’t you think that even if Yang Jie’s neck is punctured, the Family Planning Commission can let Hong Hong have a second child?

People in the Family Planning Commission are not fools.

Besides, if Honghong can give birth to a second child, what will you do if she gives birth to another baby girl?"


"Say it!

Why are not you talking.

You are extremely stupid.

If you do this, why don't you consider the consequences?

First, you stabbed Yang Jie with iron nails when she was only three days old. What if she was infected?

Second, what will happen if Honghong’s parents find out?

Have you thought about it?"

"Just a small puncture, red mom and dad. It won't do anything to us!

Our family is his daughter’s savior."

"Don't think too simply. If your second daughter marries someone else in the future, and they do the same thing as you, what would you think?"

"If he dares to do this, I will ask the second woman to divorce his family immediately."The old lady bit the monkey's lip and said

"Now Honghong's father has already proposed that Honghong and Yang Yunpeng divorce. What do you think we should do?"

The old man squinted at the old woman and said

"Does he dare to file for divorce?"The old woman asked in surprise.

"Why don't people dare?

Are people afraid of you?

You don’t think about what kind of family we are and what kind of family other people are!

Do you think that since we saved Honghong, we can do whatever we want?

Being able to marry Honghong to your son is the greatest reward.

You don't cherish it, and you do such a heartless thing.

If you let the neighbors know, you have no face to see others!

After divorce, do you have the ability to find a daughter-in-law as good as Honghong?"The old man asked


After thinking for a while, the old lady said,"Since my son is a middle school teacher, I don't believe that he can't find a daughter-in-law like Honghong!"

"As soon as people found out about our family situation, your conduct and the stupid things you did with your second daughter this time, they were scared away. Who dares to marry us as their daughter-in-law?

Unless you are deaf and blind. Only girls with lame legs and missing hands will be married into our family as daughters-in-law."

As soon as the old lady heard what the old man said, she fell silent.

"Don't worry about your old face. You still need to tie the bell to untie it.

Just take your eldest daughter and go to Honghong and her parents to admit your mistake and apologize.

They are a reasonable family.

They will forgive you and the divorce will never be mentioned again."

That's true. Only in this way can the old woman change after being beaten and reasoned with. Otherwise, if the marriage is divorced, your son will become a bachelor.

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