When Yang Yunpeng's father heard that He Yu said that if he still persisted in his intentions, he would have no choice but to divorce his daughter from Yang Yunpeng, he hurriedly said:"You don't need to say anything. If my dead wife still treats your daughter like this, I will Drive her away and don't let her step through this door. If she doesn't leave, I won't give her a penny and see how she lives.

I will let my second daughter serve me."

He Yu thought about it after hearing this. , I felt; 'Now that Yang Yunpeng's father has expressed his attitude, the purpose of intimidation has been achieved. '

He said:"You can say that,

I asked Honghong and her mother not to mention the divorce for the time being.

This baby must be named Yang, and you are her grandfather, so just give her a name.""

"You want me to name her, I have already thought of it, let her be called Yang Jie!

I don’t know if you think it’s good or not.

He Yu thought for a while and said,"It's okay!" Let her call her Yang Jie!"

After He Yu finished speaking, he left Yang Yunpeng's father.

Yang Yunpeng's little sister walked in, and

Yang Yunpeng's father asked her to find her sister.

Yang Yunpeng's sister walked in, and the old man asked:"Honghong gave birth to a baby. Three days later, who put a nail in the little baby's pillow?"

Yang Yunpeng's sister felt strange; 'How did the old man know this? I wonder who told the old man?

If I tell him, the old man will definitely not let my mother go.'

She said:"I don't know! Who told you?

The old man picked up the stick and said angrily:"Are you going to say it or not?"

If you don't tell me, I'll beat you to death!

Sister Yang Yunpeng was so frightened that she said,"I don't know. Who told you?" Call him to come and testify!

The old man raised his stick and asked,"You still don't want to say it?"

If you don't want to say it, I'll make your head bloom!"

Yang Yunpeng's sister knew that the old man was telling the truth, 'If he really swings the stick over, my head will bleed.

Even if it is hit elsewhere on the body, it will hurt.'

She said: 'This iron nail was told by an acquaintance. My mother said that if the baby could be stabbed and leave scars on the neck and become disabled, the baby's head would be crooked. You can get a certificate and give birth to one.

So my mother discussed with me to go there together."

"Could it be that because your mother is ignorant, you are also ignorant and stupid, so that you, the little baby, are considered disabled?

Can I get a certificate and give birth to one?

People from the Family Planning Commission are not fools!

Besides, why are you and your mother so evil-hearted? The little baby is your mother's granddaughter and your niece.

You two actually had the heart to do this."

The old man was only paralyzed from the lower body. But he could move the upper body, and his hands were not strong enough. After finishing speaking, he became so angry that he raised the stick and hit his daughter hard on the back, beating her until she ran and screamed!

The old man again Ask the second daughter to call her mother.

But when the second daughter went to call her, the old lady didn't want to come.

The old lady said,"Go and tell him that he has to take care of everything while sleeping in the bed." It's really annoying to have to command this and teach that. I don't want to go.

The second daughter turned around and relayed the exact words her mother said to the old man, word for word.

When the old man heard this, he was furious and said,"Go and tell her, if she doesn't come, don't even think about taking a penny from me in the future." The second daughter truthfully told the old woman what the old man said.

At first, the old woman was quite stubborn and said,"If you don't want to take it, don't take it!

What's so great, besides him, I can also give it to several children."

But then she thought about it;"Except for the old man, these children not only have no money to give her, but Ask yourself.

Although Yang Yunpeng is already working, he rarely gives him money.

I'm such a tough guy!

If you don’t have money, it’s really hard to move forward! After thinking for a while, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow her second daughter.

It's true; just because he has money in his hands and can speak truth, even though he is bedridden, he still has the power to command and everyone in the family has to listen.

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