Xiaoqian was a little unhappy when she heard that the person Honghong was looking for had parents from Dongmen farmers.

She had planned to go to her in-laws' mother's house when she left the house, in order to investigate and understand the situation of Yang Yunpeng's family, the person Honghong was looking for.

She hurriedly went to the east gate, found an acquaintance and inquired, saying that Yang Yunpeng's father fell from the scaffolding while helping others build a house last year.

After going to Kunming for treatment, he was paralyzed and bedridden.

His father is a reasonable and honest man.

But she is indeed a domineering and cunning shrew.

Yang Yunpeng has a sister who is married to an employee of a cigarette factory.

His sister has no job and relies entirely on his brother-in-law's salary to support her.

His little sister also had nothing to do. The eldest brother does odd jobs for others. Little brother has nothing to do.

Although the house has two rooms, its beams and walls are in ruins.

When Xiaoqian learned about these situations, she was so angry that her lungs almost exploded.

‘How to find a partner like this kind of family?

Is there something wrong with Honghong’s brain?

Or maybe he was fed some kind of ecstasy soup? '

It left her confused.

She went to Xiaoqiong's home and informed her mother-in-law of the situation.

Xiaoqiong's mother was also surprised.

She said to Xiaoqian:"All three of your family are teachers, and all of your children are promising.

Yanyan will graduate from college soon and will start working.

Bo Bo's academic performance is so good. He will graduate from Qujing No. 1 Middle School next year and will definitely be admitted to a prestigious university.

Yang Yunpeng's parents are farmers. Moreover, his father is paralyzed and bedridden.

Only one of the five children has a job.

Not to mention that they are from the same family. At least the children should have something to do.

After Honghong marries Yang Yunpeng, can she take care of his whole family with a few pennies a month?

You should consider Honghong and never let Honghong marry Yang Yunpeng. , otherwise you will suffer for a lifetime"

"you are right!

I think about it this way too.

I wonder how Honghong would find such a family?

It really makes me angry!

Wait for me to enlighten her properly!"Xiaoqian said


I am very satisfied and happy that my Xiaoqiong can find a family like yours, not to mention that they are from the same family. At least not much difference.

What a blessing from God!

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Honghong drank?

Or are you fascinated by something about Yang Yunpeng?

Only now is the time to fall in love and leave him decisively.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to get rid of it!"Xiaoqiong's mother said anxiously.

Their parents were angry as they talked!

Xiaoqian called Xiaoqiong's mother and came home together.

He Yu had already bought the vegetables.

While picking up the vegetables, Xiaoqian picked up Honghong Tell He Yu about it.

He Yu felt a little embarrassed after hearing this.

He said to Xiaoqian:"Honghong is usually a very stable girl. Why does she want to fall in love with Yang Yunpeng? She may have her own reasons.

Don't be impatient. Wait until I ask clearly.

Since Honghong wants to invite Yang Yunpeng to our house for dinner, she'd better let him come.

Honghong is already in her twenties. She can't just be with someone.

There must be some reason why she makes this choice.

As elders, we still respect the choices of our children"

"No matter how good Yang Yunpeng is to her!

We cannot accept this kind of family!

You have to think about Honghong's rest of her life and never marry her!"

"Don't be anxious!

It’s not like I already agreed or acquiesced!

Ask about the situation first."

After He Yu prepared the food and rice, he went to Honghong's school to find Honghong.

Honghong was already very angry.

When he saw He Yu arriving, he felt a glimmer of hope!

Because she Knowing that although He Yu was not his biological father, he cared about and loved her more than his biological father.

He told He Yu in detail why he wanted to get along with Yang Yunpeng.

It was really:

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into me, but I went to find him. Such a family can make her mother almost paralyzed.

The appearance of her father gives Honghong a glimmer of hope.

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