Zhao Qianqian said to He Yu;"Your certificate is just a piece of paper. What I am talking about is a real good thing.

If I say it, you will jump with joy."

He Yu asked Xiaoqian;"Speak quickly!

What is it? What a great thing?"

"Principal Yin just told me that Cao Ruiming has been transferred to the No. 2 Middle School as the vice principal, and you have been appointed as the vice principal of the No. 5 Middle School.

You have been reinstated and are on the same level as Cao Ruiming.

This is not many times more advanced than your certificate!

In this way, he will have no control over you.

You can confidently and boldly assist Principal Yin, manage the Fifth Middle School, and regain your former vitality."Xiao Qian said.

He Yu said excitedly;"This is indeed a good thing!

I can feel proud again!

It is not under Cao Ruiming's jurisdiction and is on an equal footing with him.

He is several times better than him in all aspects of teaching and even more famous!

But with this certificate, I can start a Mathematical Olympiad training class in No. 5 Middle School.

This is a great thing that has never happened before in the world.

Make Cao Ruiming drool!

Blow his lungs out.

Xiaoqian said,"In this way, you will be happy!"

Not only was he reinstated, but he also received a second-level coach certificate issued by the Olympic Committee of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

The first Mathematical Olympiad training class was held in Fuyuan.

How about buying some fish and meat tonight and inviting Principal Yin and Liu Yuanfang over to celebrate?"

"If there are too few people, it won’t be lively. It’s better to use Lao Xiao and Xiao Song. Teacher Xiao Chen and the two teachers who helped you go to the hospital to give birth to Bobo also called out.

One is to thank them for their kindness to us over the years, and the other is to celebrate that the fifth middle school Mathematical Olympiad training class is about to start!"He Yu said

"Want it!

You ride your bike to buy groceries, and I’ll get ready with Honghong at home."


I'll go now. He Yu said as he happily rode his bicycle to the street to buy groceries.

Honghong asked Xiaoqian:"Are you going to invite those people to dinner tonight?""

Xiaoqian told Honghong who she wanted to invite.

Honghong said,"Why don't you invite my brother's mother-in-law?"

"I'm so confused!

How come you forgot Xiaoqiong’s mother?

I will go and tell her now that you are waiting at home to cook together when your father comes back."

"good! but……"

"but what?

You say it!"Xiaoqian asked Honghong

"Can I ask my boyfriend to join in the fun?"Honghong asked shyly.

"Do you already have a boyfriend?

I really underestimated you.

How long have you been looking for?

What's his name?

What does he look like?

What does he do?

What do her parents do?"

"My mom is too, don’t get excited!

So many questions are asked at once, how should I answer them?"Honghong said

"Am I happy!

So I want to know everything.

Just tell me one by one"


Let me tell you, his name is Yang Yunpeng, and he went to Qujing Vocational College with me.

I teach in the same school.

The talent is average, his parents are farmers, and his family lives in the east gate."


Are both his parents farmers?"Xiaoqian asked in an exclamation tone

"When my mother asked me this tone, did she dislike his family being farmers?"

"I do not care!

What you are looking for is that you want to spend the rest of your life with him."

After Xiaoqian finished speaking, she walked out of the door unhappy.

Xiaoqian's departure left Honghong at a loss.

She was thinking: 'It seems that my mother is very dissatisfied with the person I am looking for!

Because his parents They are all farmers who have strong opinions and are not very happy. '

It's true;

Sanxi came to invite guests, and

I heard that my daughter's partner was a farmer.

She was not happy when she picked up her feet and left.

This made my daughter sad and puzzled.

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