He Yu and Teacher Yang walked toward the Xixiang Pond as they talked.

To go to the Elephant Pool, you have to go downhill all the time, and the slope is very steep, almost 70 or 80 degrees.

Down one slope, then down another slope, each slope steeper than the last.

Moreover, each slope had dozens of ridges, and it was almost five or six steep climbs before reaching the Xixiang Pond.

He Yu looked at his watch and saw that it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

But when I looked around, I didn't see a group of monkeys, not even a shadow of a monkey.

Several people carrying the slide said:"The monkeys have gone off work!

If you want to see it, you should come earlier.

You can only come and see it after ten o'clock tomorrow morning when the monkeys go to work!"

He Yu asked:"We are going to the West"I wonder how far we have to walk to Jiaotong University?" said a migrant worker,"We still need to go to XJiaotong University at this time?

Even when we get to Wanxiang Temple, it's already getting dark.

From Wanxiang Temple to Xijiao University, it's about thirty miles. It's a long way.

By the time you arrive at Xi'an Jiaotong University, it's almost midnight, and the magpies are already sleeping."

When He Yu heard what they said, he was almost stunned;

‘Everyone is exhausted now!

Even walking to Wanxiang Temple is a problem. The walk from Wanxiang Temple to Xi'an Jiaotong University is still more than thirty miles. Let alone walking, I couldn't even crawl."

Teacher Yang said:"Now my feet are weak and my hands are weak, I am weak,

I am hungry, and I can't walk anymore!"


Before waiting for Wanxiang Temple, he would collapse on the ground. never mind!

Or turn back to Leidongping and take the bus back."Teacher Zhang said

"Transfer back?

There are five or six steep climbs to climb.

Not to mention climbing five or six steep slopes, even climbing one or two steep slopes is still impossible to climb up.

Going downhill is okay, but how much effort does it take to go up such a steep slope for each step?"He Yu said

"If you don’t crawl back, what do you think we should do?"Teacher Yang asked

"never mind! Just sit down on our slide.

We are used to it.

I'll carry you to Xi'an Jiaotong University before the sun sets"Said a man carrying a sliding pole

"That's great!

But I wonder how much it costs to lift a person?"Teacher Yang asked

"not much!

Only two hundred yuan.

However, there are three of you, and we only have four people. We can only carry two people, but there are still two people below.

But I don’t know if the two of them are willing to pay two hundred yuan."


Two hundred to lift a person?

For the other two, I wonder if you are willing to pay two hundred yuan? never mind!

I only get a salary of seven to eight hundred yuan a month. A ride on the pole actually costs two hundred yuan.

We don't have that much money. Even if he wants to save his life, he has to walk back."Teacher Zhang said.

Considering that Teacher Yang was old, He Yu decided not to force him, so he said,"Mr. Yang!

You are old, should you sit alone and go back with me and Teacher Zhang?".

If the money is not enough, I will pay it to you."

"This won't work!

I am sitting on the sliding pole alone, but you two are walking.

I'm embarrassed to sit down. move!

Walking and stopping, as long as you persist, you can always reach XJiaotong University by nightfall."

Because it's downhill, it doesn't feel strenuous.

Teacher Yang said as he walked,"What's there to climb in Mount Emei?"

It’s just that there is a golden dome, and the golden dome is only a single seat.

There is only one temple for every mountain you climb, and the temple is very small.

It's only since I watched the movie"The Legend of the White Snake" that a white snake became a spirit from a cave in Mount Emei and flew out.

Therefore, Mount Emei has been full of mystery since then, making people all over the country feel mysterious about Mount Emei. Everyone wants to come and climb.

If you know a small bowl of noodles. And the clear soup with less water costs ten yuan.

Climb the Xishan Mountain in Kunming and get a big bowl of chicken rice noodles for only two yuan.

Moreover, although the climb to Xishan Mountain is more than 30 miles, it is almost a flat slope.

Like here, it is several miles of steep slope.

If you can't climb Xishan Mountain, you only need to pay five yuan to sit on stilts at the foot of the mountain to Nie Er's tomb, the highest point of Xishan Mountain."Teacher Yang said ,"

It's true:

I went to the Xixiang Pond and wanted to see the monkeys, but the monkeys had already got off work. It was very difficult to go back up and down the slope. It cost another 200 yuan to ride on the sliding pole!

Why is it so difficult to climb Mount Emei?

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