He Yu visited the Golden Summit with Teacher Yang and Teacher Zhang, and then went to the Xixiang Pond to see the monkeys.

He Yu said,"There are many monkeys there and they are fun. They are very cunning and willing to play with people.

It is a major attraction when visiting Mount Emei.""

"have you been there?"Teacher Yang asked

"No! Just heard.

When tourists pass by there, the monkey will come and ask for something to eat.

If you don't give it, it will snatch away your bag or backpack.

If you give it something to eat, it will be intimate with you.

Therefore, many lesbians dare not come here. passed there"

"We didn’t bring anything to eat today. What if we go and are caught by monkeys?"Teacher Zhang said

"Don't worry, since I'm taking you to see the monkeys, I've already prepared.

I won't let monkeys invade you."He Yu said

"Have you been prepared?

Why don't you take it out for us to eat together in Leidongping?

But they asked us to pay ten yuan to buy a small bowl of noodles with clear soup and little water."Teacher Yang said


What kind of delicious food have you brought? Take it out and let us see!"Teacher Zhang said.

He Yu took out a handful of sunflower seeds, peanuts and a few small candies from his bag and said,"This is the food prepared for the monkeys.

Can we have a full stomach?"

"To say you are a genius is not wrong at all.

They even conducted research on what monkeys like to eat."Teacher Yang said

"This is a bit far-fetched. What kind of genius am I?

Everyone knows what monkeys like to eat."He Yu said

"I have never heard of anything monkeys like to eat, and I have never even seen monkeys.

How do you know what it likes to eat?"Teacher Zhang said

"It turns out that neither of you has ever seen a monkey. It’s not surprising.

When I was a child, I had seen monkeys a long time ago.

Some monkey charmers pull monkeys and play on the streets of Yiliang.

If the monkeys are obedient and asked to do somersaults, the monkeys will do some somersaults.

And bowed to the spectators. The monkey charmer will throw a peanut or a few melon seeds to the monkey as a reward.

Therefore, everything must be observed and studied.

This is what the monkey charmer is like, if the monkey does not follow his instructions. He raised his whip. Beat the monkey.

Get next to the monkey. His orders must not be disobeyed.

But monkeys, like people, also have rebellious psychology.

If the monkey is beaten too much, it will pounce on the monkey charmer and bite him.

Therefore, teachers should live in harmony with students and praise students with good academic performance.

However, they should also focus on encouraging students with poor academic performance and try not to criticize too much. Even punish them corporally.

Why do students stab teachers in some places?

Explain whether the teacher wants to impose corporal punishment on students, criticize too much, or handle conflicts between students fairly or favorably.

Some school leaders do not care about teachers, but manage them like bureaucrats and warlords.

When he was dissatisfied with him, he would come up with ideas and excuses to frame him, and then put the teacher to death.

Such leaders should not be punished by teachers looking for opportunities.

Or become a short-lived principal and step down immediately"

"The school leader you are talking about must be Li Zhenhe from No. 5 Middle School.

We have heard that he is dissatisfied with your promotion to a senior professional title.

The accounts of your lover, Teacher Zhao, have not been checked clearly. Since he said that Teacher Zhao embezzled public funds, he also held a meeting to criticize Teacher Zhao.

He even falsely accused Teacher Zhao to the Public Security Bureau and asked the police to arrest him. This was really crazy.

In the end

, he collapsed within a month and was sent away by some teachers like a god of plague," said Teacher Yang.

"Therefore, when you are a teacher or leader, you should not be like a monkey charmer. When doing things, you should be kind to others, don't be arrogant, and it is better to put some measures under control. Not only did Li Zhenhe step down, I think his boss behind the scenes did not have a good life either.

I have a hunch that the impact of Li Zhenhe's incident is too bad.

The news spread almost throughout Fuyuan County!

The reputation of the backstage boss has also been tarnished and he has to step aside.

If you don’t believe it, just wait and see!"

It's true; from the monkey charmer, there are floating thoughts.

As a human being, you still have to be kind to others.

Don't forget about it.

I advise you not to be like the monkey charmer.

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