I heard that at the end of the training, the trainees will be tested.

Teacher Zhang is very anxious!

He said to He Yu:"The teacher's lectures are very profound. I can't understand the drawer principle and abstract calculation rules at all." He Yu said;"Don't worry! Our school will start a training class soon. I have already I found some relevant books and studied them. You just need to take notes carefully. If you don’t understand something, we can study each other and discuss it together.


"I said you are just a stuffy rich man!

In our No. 1 Middle School, we have not even thought about setting up this kind of training class, and no one has studied this knowledge, and no one wants to start a training class.

I am usually too busy with teaching tasks, so I have time to study this knowledge.

Being a teacher in the Mathematics Olympiad is not something that ordinary people dare to do.

Without training, who would dare to give a lecture?"

"Don't make the Olympic Games a mystery.

There are elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools.

Of course, No. 1 Middle School only has high school.

Being a high school Mathematical Olympiad training teacher is no joke.

Every year our country selects some outstanding students from various places to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

I have won the first, second and third prizes many times!

If you can train one to participate in the national trials, it will be very difficult."He Yu said

"It turns out that you want to train a student to participate in the national selection competition.

Not to mention Fuyuan, even in Kunming, there are very few people trained to participate in the national selection competition.

Most of them select very outstanding students from Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang to participate in the national selection competition.

There are very few people from Yunnan who participate in the national selection competition, so don’t worry.

To put it bluntly, it means that your ambition is too big. To put it nicely, it means that your ambition is too big."Teacher Yang said

"You are right!

But training for the Mathematical Olympiad Trials is just to set a precedent in Fuyuan.

Of course it would be better if they could be trained to participate in national trials.

Even if you can train one to participate in the provincial trials, it's not bad.

Even if it is a student who has no training, it is better to have a higher level of mathematics.

In the future, it will also cultivate mathematical talents for the country."He Yu said

"It's great to have this idea, but it takes a lot of energy. But if the senior high school students you teach drop in the college entrance examination in order to train students for the Olympic competition, how do you explain it to the mathematics teachers in the county? You are the chairman of the Fuyuan Mathematics Council!"Teacher Zhang said

"Precisely because I am the chairman of the Mathematics Council, I should take the lead in opening this kind of training class in No. 5 Middle School, so that students with excellent academic performance who rarely have this opportunity to participate in training can open their eyes. Improving their math skills should be a good thing.

In the future, they will not blame our math teachers in Fuyuan for being too low-level and not even daring to open a Mathematical Olympiad training class.

As for whether the mathematics college entrance examination scores of the class I teach will decline, it is difficult to say.

I just use my time on Sunday and Saturday mornings. Training.

It should be said that it won't be a big delay."He Yu said

"You are so confident!

What if your college entrance examination score drops to the bottom five?"

"But I believe he is still young and energetic. It’s not like I’m already over fifty and I’m so powerless that I don’t even dare to think about it.

It is also a good thing that he can set this precedent in Fuyuan."Teacher Yang said

"Thank you, Teacher Yang, for your encouragement.

As you said, I am still young. I will set this precedent while I still have energy.

Don't let people say that for the title of Chairman, his college entrance examination scores are actually high.

But Fuyuan didn't even dare to open this kind of training class. They were in Qujing No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, and Xuanwei No. 5 Middle School.

All have been opened!

In this way, I will feel sorry for all the math teachers in the county!"

It's true;

I originally wanted to stand out, and I even said it was for Fuyuan.

If I really train a student to participate in the provincial selection competition, it will be even more famous.

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