He Yu took the train to Kunming with Teacher Yang from No. 1 Middle School and Teacher Zhang from No. 2 Middle School.

Then we got on the train bound for Chengdu.

He Yu was very excited!

He was thinking: 'It is really rare to be able to participate in the National Middle School Teachers Mathematical Olympiad Coach Training this time.

After the training is over and I return, I will try to select some top students with outstanding achievements from each class for good training.

Let them participate in the Olympiad Mathematics Competition in Qujing District and Yunnan Province.

If I get the ranking, not only me, but also the fifth middle school will be famous.

The location of this training is Southwest Jiaotong University at the foot of Mount Emei.

The scenery must be beautiful and it must be very close to Baoguo Temple.

Baoguo Temple is a place I really want to go to.

It is a famous Buddhist holy place not only in the country but also in the world. It is more famous than Jizu Mountain in Dali.

Whenever I get a chance, I can burn incense and worship Buddha’

"Teacher He! what's on your mind?

Are you thinking about where to go after training?

I have never traveled far.

You know a lot and have a wide range of knowledge. We only know that Mount Emei is very famous. I don’t know about anything else.

You must take Teacher Yang and me to cheat!"

"I was thinking, where can I go to play tricks during training and during breaks?

There are many places of interest around Chengdu.

What I usually want to go to is Mount Emei, so I can climb it once.

There are also Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Wuhou Temple, and Leshan Giant Buddha.

There is also Dujiangyan.

Dujiangyan is a famous water control project in the country and the world built by Li Bing and his son in ancient times.

These attractions are world-famous"

"Then, during the training break, you take us to have a good lie.

It’s not easy to have the opportunity to come to Chengdu"


It’s really a rare occasion, so we went together to have a good time," He Yu said.

After arriving in Chengdu, they took the shuttle bus to Emei County.

Then they took the bus to Southwest Jiaotong University.

After signing up, they found accommodation. Location.

Because it was already evening, the canteen was closed.

They went outside the school to buy food.

Seeing Chaos, Teacher Zhang told the boss:"Cook three bowls of Chaos for us."

The boss said: 'We only sell Chaoshou, not Chaos.'

He Yu quickly said;"The Chaos we call in Yunnan are the Chaoshou you sell in Sichuan."

Teacher Zhang said;"Why is chaos called copying hands?"

"When I came to Sichuan, there were many things that were called differently from those in Yunnan. Slowly you get used to it."

The three of them finished eating and then went back to school.

After a short rest, they went to wash their faces and feet. Because they were a little tired, they went to sleep.

The next morning, after eating breakfast, they went to find the classroom they were assigned to.

Come for training. There are more than 300 people in the class, divided into six classes.

I heard that the teachers who give lectures are teachers transferred from Beijing Normal University and Peking University.

These teachers are very high-level. They talk non-stop and are very serious when giving lectures. What is the drawer principle? , abstract calculation rules, but after class, they chatted and laughed with the students freely and freely.

Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yang felt that the lecturer taught very profound things.

Teacher Zhang asked He Yu:"What drawer principle and abstract calculation rules did the teacher talk about?

Can you understand?

He Yu replied;"I can still understand it.""

"I was very anxious because

I had to pass an exam at the end of the training.

I don’t know how to pass this level?

Your school does not offer Olympic training classes, and you have not participated in provincial-level training.

How can you understand this?"Teacher Zhang asked、

"don’t worry!

As long as you take notes carefully, if you don’t understand something, we can study each other and discuss it together.

Our school will start a training class soon. I had already researched some relevant books in advance, so I already knew a lot."

It's true;

I just wanted to have fun and couldn't even understand the lecture content.

By the end of the training,

I didn't know how to pass the exam.

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