When He Yu heard this, the leader said:"If the coal kiln equipment or the required safety measures are not in place, we will never let it go.

Opening a coal kiln is not a child's play. You can't just make money and ignore the required facilities.

We will never let it go." Don't let it go easily. If you don't impose a fine, just let it be closed.

You know, this is a matter of life and death.

Some coal mines either had gas explosions or coal tunnels collapsed, and many people died.

Some bosses are not serious at ordinary times. Management, when something goes wrong, you will either get mad or run away.

Because your son is a mining partner here, we should strictly inspect it.

If there is a small problem, we will not let it go easily."

He Yu was stunned when he heard this!

As he walked with the leader, he thought:"Lin Lin is too courageous. As the leader said, there is really a problem in this coal mine, and it is not a matter of losing money. He might go to jail."

But Lin Lin is only in his twenties!

I can't face Li Yuqin's spirit in heaven!

There will be no problems in the future, but now Lin Lin wants to let the leaders who came to inspect see the wooden tracks he laid, and actually wants to ask the leaders to allocate funds for them to lay the tracks.

If the leader exposes his conspiracy and fines them,

Li Dongsheng will bear the majority of the fine, but Lin Lin will also bear part of it.

Not only was I embarrassed, but where could I borrow money to pay his fine? '

The more he thought about it, the more wrong he became.

He quietly slipped through the woods and took a path straight to the coal mine.

Because he was running in a hurry, he accidentally tripped over a stone.

There was pain in one foot and he thought it was broken. He massaged slowly. No broken bones were found.

He got up and limped to the coal pit.

He Yu walked into the coal mine. I happened to see Lin Lin standing on the sunken mine cart, chopping down hard with his feet.

He Yu hurriedly pulled him down and said,"Are you crazy? The mine cart has sunk, and you are standing on top of it!

The leader who came to inspect is coming soon.

Instead of letting the workers drag the mine cart away, you stood on top of it and stomped on it!" Stomp on top.

You are stamping on the mine cart and it is getting deeper and deeper.

When the leaders see it, they will be furious.

Not only will they not give you funds, but they will teach you a lesson.

Lin Lin said,"I just want to make the mine cart sink deeper and let the mine cart sink deeper." As long as the workers can't push it!"

At this time, the village director and Li Dongsheng came to the coal mine with the leaders.

When they saw the track paved with pear trees, they were surprised.

One leader stamped it with his foot and felt that it was still solid.

He asked :"Whose bad idea is this?

What a curiosity! Principal Ou

's son-in-law said,"Only a little kid would do this. It's an anecdote in coal mine construction."

Put it in a museum. It’s okay to let people visit.

It won't work if it's used as a minecart track.

It shows that our coal mine construction conditions are too poor, so we came up with this doctrine. Li

Dongsheng hurriedly walked over and told the leader:"This is the idea that Comrade He Yu's son Lin Lin came up with."

Because we lack funds, some equipment is lacking! In order to transport more coal to sell, he came up with this idea.

At that time, I advised him not to do this. How could such a heavy mine cart be pushed on it?

But he didn't listen and insisted on laying it out.

He asked the workers to load some coal into the car and push the mine cart, and it really worked! Principal Ou

's son-in-law said:"This is called wanting to change when you are poor!"

There was no money to buy rails to lay.

It can be handled if the ground is firmer.

Not if the ground is wet and soft.

I have heard that when Comrade He Yu and my father-in-law were fighting drought here, the leaders and the masses said that he had great powers.

It turned out that a high-power water pump could be brought from Qujing without bringing a penny.

But his son, who was even more powerful than him, actually wanted to lay wooden tracks instead of railroad tracks.

Who among us here could have thought of this bad idea?

Listen to the music and watch the weather and clouds.

When He Yu heard the tone of Principal Ou's son-in-law's words, he felt that his worries and fears were unnecessary. They immediately disappeared and he was secretly happy!

Really; worried and worried,

I rushed to check the wooden track.

When I heard the leader say that poverty makes me want to change,

I suddenly felt sad and happy.

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