He Yu was walking with the leader. The leader said,"You are our great benefactor!"

He Yu said,"Don't you know, what is the relationship between me and your father-in-law?

If he hadn't helped, I'm afraid my savior would still be there." Wrapped in a straw mat and buried on a barren mountain""I heard from my father-in-law that out of gratitude, you asked my father-in-law’s friends to buy wooden boards for you.

When it was dark, he quietly carried him to the mountain, nailed it into a coffin, dug out Principal Shen again, put it in the coffin, and buried it.

You will have peace of mind.

Not only did you do this, but you also asked my father-in-law to take you to my relatives who sell monuments.

Choose a high-quality monument stone and build a monument for Principal Shen.

You also personally wrote an inscription for Principal Shen.

After listening to it, I was very moved.

I'm glad that Principal Shen can make you a friend.

His spirit in heaven will definitely bless you with a bright future and a long life.!:‘’

"Thank you for your leadership!

If Principal Shen hadn't helped me solve the case, don't say that I would have a bright future and a long life.

I might still be in jail now. White-haired and skinny.

It is impossible to shake hands with you and meet you here."He Yu said

"Precisely because you have a bodhisattva heart, you will be rescued by experts when you are in trouble, and it is impossible for you to be locked up in a prison.

Didn’t you later become a great hero in Fuyuan?"

"How would you know?"

"I saw on TV that you were once demolished by explosives when you were building a reservoir in Damo Village.

In a village in Dahe, you were helping to transform a slope, and you were almost jumped into the sky by explosives."

"What a great hero. If I weren't a gymnast, I'd be rolling around.

Otherwise, explosives will really jump me into the sky."He Yu said with a smile

"dare you laugh?

It looks like my heart will be beating fast from now on. It’s not like you are good at water. During the flood fighting and rescue operation, you risked your life to rescue the director of the Fuyuan Government Office from the flood, and he died!

I won't promote you to Chief County Secretary.

When you were the secretary to the chief minister, you actually used a clever trick to ruin your enemy's reputation and cause him to die of a stroke.

After I heard about it, I applauded you!

You have been famous for a while.

Therefore, good people have their own destiny, and talents will not be buried!"The leader said

"Is your leader clairvoyant? Shun Feng Er, do you know everything about me?"

"Don't get amnesia, I am Principal Ou's son-in-law.

No move you make can escape the clairvoyance of my father-in-law. Omniscient.

He is always asking for news about you. He cares about you very much."

"Go back and thank him for me!

It makes me feel ashamed that he cares about me so much!"

"When he heard that I was coming to Fuyuan for an inspection, he repeatedly told me that I must find you. Thank you for him.

If he learns that your son is mining coal here with the coal boss, he has been working here with you for more than a month, and he knows the quality of the coal here clearly.

He might be so happy that he couldn't sleep for three days and three nights!"

"I came here for my son to jointly mine the coal with a coal boss.

It's driving me crazy. did you know. Many coal mines had accidents and not only lost all their capital.

I still owe a lot of debt to my butt and my back."He Yu said angrily

"You don’t have to worry, we will carry out the inspection carefully this time. If the coal kiln equipment or the required safety measures are not in place, we will never let it go.

Opening a coal mine is not a piece of cake. You should not just focus on making money and ignore the required safety facilities.

We will never let it go easily. Instead of fines, just shut it down.

You know, human life is at stake.

Some coal mines either had gas explosions or coal tunnels collapsed, killing many people.

Some bosses are either mad or running away.

Because your son is a partner in mining here, we should inspect it more strictly.

Even if there is a small problem, we will not let it go easily."

When He Yu heard this, he was shocked!

It's true; the feelings are so deep that they are unforgettable, and even the descendants are caring about him.

To care for his son, he must be strictly inspected.

Not only is he unhappy, but he is also anxious.

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