He Yu came out of the chief's office and did not go home directly.

He held his briefcase and strode into the Cultural and Educational Bureau with his chest held high.

Then he went upstairs and prepared to go to his desk.

He happened to bump into Sun Huixi. As soon as

Sun Huixi saw He Yu, he was holding a briefcase and looked confident.

He asked He Yu:"You are so impressive!

Why haven't you gone to Shibalianshan yet?

Why are you showing off here with a black leather bag?""

"My chief!

I'm not showing off, I'm just here to pack things in my desk.

Prepare to go tomorrow"

"Are you going only tomorrow?

How many days has it been?

Aren't you afraid that I will expel you and your dear wife and go home together?"Sun Huixi threatened.

"How could I be afraid?

I can go tomorrow, right?"He Yu put the briefcase on the table and said proudly、

"Are you going only tomorrow?

Are you really not afraid? Sun Huixi asked with eyes wide open.

"I'm really not afraid!

I'm just waiting for you to fire me!

But let me tell you!

Tomorrow I will not go to Shibalian Mountain, but to Huangni River!"He Yu looked directly at Sun Huixi

"Who transferred you to Huangnihe?

Are you talking in your sleep?"

"I'm not talking in my sleep!

But tell the truth! speak English!

Not only will I go tomorrow, but I will also ride in a car and show off my briefcase."

"You are really crazy!

He is a madman who is not afraid of heaven or earth!"

"I'm a big lunatic now and I'm not afraid of you. Don’t be afraid of Wang Zhonglin either!"

"Come and take a look, I've only been out on business for a few days.

When I came back, he was pretending to be crazy with a briefcase under his arm!

No matter how much you pretend to be crazy!

Anyway, you have to go to Shibalian Mountain!

Otherwise, I will expel you and your wife and send you back to your hometown.

Until then, don't cry!

Kong Linfei came over and said,"Comrade Sun!"

Comrade He Yu is not pretending to be crazy!

He has gone to be the chief's secretary!"

"What did you say?

Be the chief's secretary?

Is it that chief?

Who transferred him?

Is there something wrong with my ears? I can’t hear clearly!

Can you say that again!"

"Could it be that there will still be several leaders in Fuyuan?

Do you and Wang Zhonglin need your and Wang Zhonglin’s approval to transfer me to be the chief’s secretary?

There's nothing wrong with your ears!

The ears don’t look like bunny ears! Does it look straight at you?

I heard everything clearly!

Ask your confidant Yang Da if this is the case?

But now, you are pretending to be crazy and act like a fool!"He Yu said with raised lips to Yang Da.

Yang Da sat on the stool with his head lowered and said nothing.

Sun Huixi was so angry that he slammed his butt on the stool!

He was like a drowned rat lying on the table.!

"never mind! Our drama is over!

I have to prepare well. I won’t go to Shibalianshan tomorrow. I have to accompany Comrade Xu to Huangnihe tomorrow!"

He Yu held his head high, waved to Sun Huixi, said Baibai!" and left.

Sun Huixi was so angry when she returned home that she fell on the bed and didn't get up!

He was thinking hard: 'Why did it happen so suddenly?

So fast?

I had only been to Huangnihe for a few days, and He Yu was transferred to be the secretary to the chief?

Who recommended him to go?

Could it be that the newly transferred chief didn't know that He Yu had been recorded a serious offense before?

Quarantine review?

How dare he use this kind of person?

It must be Zhang Hao who was saved by He Yu!

Out of gratitude, he boldly reused He Yu!

And tomorrow he will go to Huangnihe with the chief. If

Teacher Huang, who I announced to suspend teaching for one year, reports to He Yu and the chief, it will be difficult to handle if there is a big fuss!

He Yu took this opportunity to report to the chief what I had done in the past, and became even more angry! '

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became!

The more I think about it, the scarier it becomes!

The more I think about it, the more I tremble!

No matter how much Kong Linfei and others tried to persuade him, it was of no use!

It’s true: you usually act recklessly and show off your power, but suddenly you feel like a drowned rat. You should leave more escape routes when doing things for others, and don’t forget to use your power to bully others.

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