He Yu told the chief, Comrade Xu:"I had a lot of dealings with the old chief, Comrade Xiao, and was even kept at home by him for dinner several times.

He treats me just like you!

He is very serious with his subordinates and is often stern. Despite his intimidating face

, the people who trust him are still very warm and polite, without any airs. We talk and laugh together.

The chief and his wife and I can get along with each other affectionately.

This is not only It’s because I am his son’s teacher and helps with homework.

And because I not only teach, but also educate people.

I want to repay their respect for me!

I often use my weekend breaks to take his son to Let Xiaodong experience the hard work of farmers and farmers in the fields.

In addition to being able to read, Xiaodong was also asked to participate in harvesting rice and experience the rice in the bowl in person. Every grain of rice is hard-earned, so that his son not only improves his academic performance, but more importantly, allows him to grow up healthily both physically and mentally!


"You have such good intentions!

It not only teaches knowledge, but also educates the mind!

Teachers like you are so rare!

It's a pity that I don't have children, otherwise I would be like Lao Xiao. I’m hiring you to tutor my children at my home."The chief said.

He Yu originally wanted to ask the chief why he didn't have any children, but since it was his first contact, it was best not to ask questions that shouldn't be asked, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

He continued:"My contact with the old chief During the conversation with me, I learned that he was a literature lover and he once praised my literary talent.

Not only was he envious of several articles I published in provincial newspapers, but he also read them carefully and talked with me about his views.

Makes me very embarrassed.

A senior leader actually praised a primary school teacher of mine like this. I was not only excited!

And there is a sense of happiness.

And I have a feeling of admiration for the old leader!

He retired and returned to his hometown, and even brought Xiaodong, who was already working, to visit me!

Moved me to tears!

I think the dedication to his son is very valuable!

He also toasted to me at my wedding banquet!

He also showed me the articles and poems he wrote.

And let me give my opinion!

Such leaders are so rare!

Let me remember it for the rest of my life!

I feel this way!

You have been influenced and influenced by Comrade Xiao, and you treat me the same as Comrade Xiao!

Although I have just been in contact with you not long ago, I feel that you are just like the old leader, you look more serious on the surface.

But he is approachable and free-spirited to me!"He Yu said.

When the chief heard what He Yu said, he felt strange; 'This He Yu is really not an ordinary person! It's not simple!

After the division of labor, he had close contact with the old chief, so that the old chief doted on him and valued him.

This shows that this He Yu , Not only is his education level high, he is also very capable!

Even he has climbed up to the top of the old chief, and he has also established a deep relationship.

But I wonder why no one promotes this kind of person?

What is the reason?

I will understand it slowly. , Inquire!'

The chief said to He Yu:"I have to go to an important meeting now.

You can go back and get ready and follow me to Huangnihe Commune tomorrow!"


Thank you, Chief, for having a free and honest talk with me.

I have benefited a lot and I feel that I can make great progress by following you!"

After He Yu walked out of the chief's office, he kept thinking: 'Why do the chiefs always have a serious face towards their subordinates?

Even Wang Zhonglin, Sun Huixi, and the deputy director of the Hosuo Commune Office followed suit. Do you do it?

Is this kind of practice contagious?’

But I also thought, ‘Why don’t Director Ai, Deputy Director Li Zhi of Dongshan Commune, Director Li of Dahe Commune, and Director of Housuo Commune not look like this?’ Although some of them have faces, Serious, but there is a difference between people who are close to you and those you trust!

Is this an art of being a leader?


What a coincidence and fate, now I meet the new leader, but he is the same as the old leader.

Together freely, let He Yu felt it was a blessing.

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