At one o'clock in the afternoon, candidates entered the examination room one after another.

Summer 51st.

Wang Xiaobei No. 72.

Wang Boyi used Feng Fei's number plate No. 97.

Each contestant has a fixed number plate on his body, so that the examiner can use it for scoring, Wang Boyi did not participate in the competition, so he replaced Feng Fei's name, and if he achieved results in the competition, there was no Wang Boyi's name.

Summer was worried that Wang Boyi would mind, and asked.

"Do you want to talk to the organizer and change Feng Fei's name to yours."

After all...... The contest involves rankings and prize money.

Wang Boyi's handsome face was expressionless, and he replied coldly.

"No, you don't."

Bonuses, rankings or whatnot, brother doesn't care.

After waiting in line outside the door for thirty minutes, the three entered.

The team competition has a total of five questions.

In the examination room, five rooms are separated by curtains, arranged in order, and after completing the first question, quickly enter the second question.

Five questions, 90 minutes countdown.

As soon as the exam starts, the 90-minute countdown begins.

In the middle, there are three examiners who follow the whole process, each examiner focuses on one of the candidates, and each person has a full score of 100 points, and any small question will be deducted points.

For example, if you don't wear gloves, a mask, or throw away garbage, you will be deducted points for every small problem.

The specific number of points deducted will be determined by the examiner.

There was once an exam that made a big oolong.

A candidate swore that he did well in the exam.

As a result, the results came out.

-20 points!

100 points were deducted, and 20 more points were deducted.

Later, I learned that this candidate was full of mistakes and omissions in the details of the exam, and even made mistakes in saline and glucose, and the whole examination process was full of pride and confidence.

The examiner couldn't bear it anymore and directly scored a negative score.

The latter candidate, who has been a doctor for three years and had two medical accidents, was simply revoked of his doctor's qualification certificate and went to deliver takeaways.

Before entering the examination room, summer mental activities.

Will you still encounter Yan Bing?

It's a little bit of a surprise.


Oh, she's not there.

Three examiners, two of whom were teachers from the medical university, and one of them, surnamed Xu, had been teaching for five years.

As soon as you enter the door, you smile at Summer.

"Xiao Xia, meet again."

Wang Xiaobei greeted: "Teacher, teacher, and me."

Teacher Xu pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, glanced at Wang Xiaobei, and said coldly.

"Wang Xiaobei, you are also here."

Wang Xiaobei had a bitter face: "What do you mean you're here... Why does the teacher look disgusted? "

Smile at Brother Tian.

Look at me and disgusted?

We're different!!!

One of the examiners said, "Let's start the exam." "

Question 1: Catheterization.

Patient: Female, 26 years old, catheterized after cesarean section.

The exam questions are out.

The three of them quickly played the whole process of catheterization in their minds, and the three of them were not allowed to move until the examiner announced the start.

Teacher Xu pressed the timer.

And said to the three people: "By the No. 51 main knife, the exam begins." "

The 51st is summer.

Guided by him, Wang Xiaobei, Wang Boyi.

In any operation, it is necessary to distinguish the main knife, the first assistant, the second assistant, the main and secondary are clear, just like in a war, there must be a general and a staff officer.

Do your job!

Summer immediately entered the battle.

"Wear sterile gloves, masks, and close the curtain to avoid exposing the patient's privacy."

"Bo Yi, you go and communicate with the patient and put yourself in a good position."

"Xiaobei, spread disinfectant towels and prepare disposable sterile urinary catheters."

Wang Xiaobei and Wang Boyi, without the slightest hesitation, immediately entered their roles.

Catheterization position.

The patient is supine, (the patient in the examination is a medical prosthesis) the legs are bent and the knees are abducted, the buttocks are padded with a disinfectant cloth, the patient is a woman, and it needs to be cleaned before catheterization.

After cleaning, disinfect the urethral opening with 0.19% Xinjieer.

Wang Xiaobei disinfected and lubricated the catheter in summer.

After disinfection, cover with sterile drapes.

With the thumb and index finger of the left hand spread out to expose the urethral opening, the right hand slowly inserts the urinary catheter coated with sterile lubricating oil into the urethra, and the outer end of the catheter is clamped with a hemostat to sterilize the opening in the curved tray.

20-22 cm for males and 4-6 cm for females.

At 5cm, the hemostat was loosened in the summer.

After waiting for a second, the urine comes out.

Urine outflow indicates successful catheterization.

Summer said: "Bo Yi, fix the urinary catheter."

Wang Boyi was already ready, using a sterile syringe to inject 10ml of normal saline into the urethral catheter balloon to fix the catheter.

After it is over.

The three immediately took off their sterile gloves, masks, used syringes, bags, and threw all their garbage in the trash.

and squeeze two drops of hand sanitizer per person.

End of question 1.

Three examiners score three people.

No. 51: 20 points.

Number 72: 20 points.

Number 97: 20 points.

As an emergency doctor, catheterization is very common, and the three people already know it by heart, and generally no points will be deducted.

When the first question ends, immediately move on to the second question.

Question 2: Sudden death.

Patient: Male, 57 years old, no complications of other diseases, sudden chest pain, dyspnea, first aid.


Good guys, there was a sudden death straight away.

The mortality rate of sudden death is as high as 90%, and even the doctor in the emergency department will feel nervous when he hears the word sudden death.

The first question is a urinary catheter, with a difficulty of 1 star.

The second question is sudden death, which is directly upgraded to 8 stars on difficulty.

The three of them looked at each other.

Obviously, this question is more difficult, however, Summer is more experienced in sudden death, let him be the master, he can be confident to do it perfectly.

At this time, Mr. Xu spoke.

"Question 2, No. 72 main knife."

In an instant, Xia and Wang Boyi's eyes all fell on Wang Xiaobei.

Wang Boyi's eyes closed.

It's all over the calf!

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