At 11 o'clock, the exam ended, and the candidates came out one after another, some were elated, and some were depressed.

Wang Xiaobei wiped his sweat and ran out.

When I see summer, I vomit bitterness.

"Brother Tian, you came out so early."

"Damn, it's too hard to compete individually."

"The questions are not difficult, but the timer in the examiner's hand is really driving me crazy, and I keep staring at his timer, which makes me so nervous."

Others are coming out one after another.

Xu Ya came out, unlike Wang Xiaobei, who was sweating profusely, she had a confident smile on her face and walked slowly.

Sister is the queen, confident and shining.

As soon as he came to a few people, he spoke.

"The individual competition is too easy, isn't it?"

"How many points did you score in the summer?"

"Ninety points." Summer answered truthfully.

After the exam, Yan Bing told the score to the summer, and at the end of the general assessment, the examiners will give one or two pointers, and the examiners are all doctors from major hospitals, attending the above level.

When Xu Ya heard this, her eyes widened instantly.

Extremely excited.

"In the summer, I only scored 90 points?"

"I got a 91."

It's finally over summer!!!

Xu Ya was about to jump up excitedly.

Eight years of college.

Xu Ya has always regarded summer as her goal, and every time she takes an exam, when she reads at night, the figure of summer will appear in her mind.

Surpass him!

Surpass him!

But alas... Eight years have passed, and Summer is still far ahead, never once has she been surpassed.

This time, she finally surpassed the summer.

Although it was only one point over, the mood that had been suppressed for eight years made Xu Ya's nose sour.

Tears were in the circles of his eyes, and when they were about to fall, Wang Xiaobei came to say.

"Brother Tian didn't take the first question."

"He took 9 questions, so he scored 90 points, and all 9 questions were full marks."


"Where's Brother Yi? You talk, I'll find Brother Yi.

Xu Ya turned around and ran.

Looking at her back, Wang Xiaobei snickered.

"Squad Leader Xu is going to cry again."

Summer: "I want to cry too!" "


Wang Xiaobei was stunned, looked Xia up and down, and asked in shock: "Brother Tian, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you crying about?"

"See for yourself." Summer handed the phone to Wang Xiaobei.

A minute later, Wang Xiaobei burst out laughing.

"Emma, this Jin Qiaoqiao is made of titanium, right? It's so hard, I laugh to death. "


Summer let out a long sigh and said faintly: "It's too difficult to fall in love, maybe I'm not suitable for her..."

"It's okay, I'll talk to her in a moment."

Give the phone back to Summer, Wang Xiaobei said with a smile.

"Didn't the fat man say that? Jin Qiaoqiao is too straight, she doesn't know how to fall in love, she hasn't even been ambiguous, she is beautiful and has a good family background, where to find such a wife.

"First love is bumpy, don't give up!"

Jin Qiaoqiao's conditions in all aspects are indeed very suitable, and I want to try to get in touch with it in the summer.


This girl is so hardcore that it makes him a little discouraged.

Lao Tzu is a systematic man, but he has always been single!

Distressed hug the chubby one!

"Let's get in touch again."

"Let's go, let's eat, there will be a team competition in the afternoon."

Individual competition in the morning, team competition in the afternoon.

The team competition is completed by a team of three people.

Before the game, Xia made an appointment with Wang Xiaobei and Feng Fei, and the three of them teamed up.

While eating, Xia made a phone call to Feng Fei.

It was Xu Yuan who answered the phone.

"Hey, Brother Tian, Feng Fei is awake, we have already returned to the hotel."

"It's okay."

Generally, the symptoms of alcohol poisoning will be relieved after hanging up the water.

Summer asked: "I want to ask, he had a team match with us in the afternoon, can he still come to the game?"

Xu Yuan said in an embarrassed voice: "I guess not."

"He just fell asleep after eating."

"Okay, you take good care of him, I'm looking for someone else."

Hung up the phone and sent a message in the group of classmates in the summer.

"In the afternoon, the team three-person competition, missing one, are there any classmates to help?"

The students jumped out one after another.

"Why is there a lack of someone? What about your people? "

Oh, Feng Fei gave up the exam today, I heard that he was poisoned by the alcohol."

"There are just three of us, no one else."

"Oops, I didn't go to the exam, Brother Tian waited for me, I arrived in four hours, I'll help you."

Those who came to take the exam have already booked a trio.

Those who didn't take the exam are basically at work, and it's not realistic to come over temporarily to help form a team in the summer.

The competition stipulates that three people must participate.

You can't compete without one person.

", no, I knew that I didn't have to compare in the morning, so I quit the game directly."

Wang Xiaobei complained.

"If you can't, you can only retire."

Summer said lightly.


A pair of figures appeared in front of him.

Wang Boyi and Xu Ya walked over hand in hand.

Summer looked at the two and asked, "Didn't Boyi participate in the competition?"

Xu Ya said: "No, he didn't sign up."

"He said there was no point in this kind of competition, and he came here to accompany me."

After speaking, his head rested on Wang Boyi's shoulder, with a sweet face.

Eyes light up in summer.

Said to Xu Ya.

"Can I borrow your boyfriend?"


Xu Ya was stunned, and glanced at Xia Xia with a hostile expression.

Said vigilantly: "What are you going to do?"

"Why are you borrowing my boyfriend?"

Crushed me on the exam and robbed my boyfriend.

Is there any reason left???

Xia explained with a smile: "Feng Fei can't come, there is one less person in the team competition, let Boyi help us." "

Oh, that's it..."

Xu Ya glanced at Wang Boyi and said lightly: "Then this, I have to ask Brother Yi."

"Brother Yi, do you want to go to the competition with them?"

"I remember you saying you hated this type of game."

Wang Boyi glanced at Xia with a faint gaze, and said with some disgust.

"I really don't like this type of useless game."

"So, I..." Before the

words fell, Summer hurriedly answered.

"It's a match between you and me!"

Wang Boyi's face was straight, and an unconvincing flame ignited in his eyes.


"I'll be with you in the afternoon team competition."


Author's fungus:

141 and 142, the content of the last two chapters posted yesterday has been adjusted.

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